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I have been invited to wander round the local fair tomorrow (yay Pikeys!) and for a big gathering round my friends house on Saturday. I don't want to go to either. Mainly because I haven't spoken to any of them since my car was stolen and I don't want to go through the whole "Oh dear, that's terrible" routine that I've had to endure over and over again. I know it's terrible, the car was my fucking pride and joy and it was stolen from within 30 foot of where I sleep. The last thing I want is people reminding me how miserable I should be.


It's especially worse when it's people who I'm not that fond of anyway. All they do is squabble and talk about each other behind their backs. I also have very little in common with them.



So in short, I need to think of an excuse not to go to either without making it seem like I'm avoiding them (I haven't seen them for 2 weeks as it is). Oh woe is me, what is a gentleman to do?

OR! ... Don't bring up the car :P Anyway; that whole feeling you have about repeatingaconversationoverandover is pretty much how i felt when Jacko died. It turned out alright.

Someone's been watching A Fish Called Wanda too many times.



pr0 film.

Good film - only seen it once :P guess it embedded itself into my miiind

Went out for friends birthday. Saw smedleys and the gang, remember slightly drunk man with small nipples.


Tired, eating chicken dinner, yummy! Hmm..

Was that my mate who showed you his nipples or some other randomer?


Yeah, housemate's birthday yesterday. Two litres of cider and a pint of mead before going out... never clever! Girl at the pub seemed quite into me, and whenever I looked over at my mates they were making faces and noises that suggested I was 'in there' -- but I didn't pursue. She's a nice person though, so Would Talk To Again.


Then headed for Plug but the queue was uber long, so went to Leadmill and waltzed straight in. 60p drinks, and stupid queues for drinks, so I ordered 10 strongbows. I think I drank about 5 of them. Most drinks I've ordered in one go before.


The mead made most of the night a strange, timeless blur. It's a weirdly slow drink to get into the system, acting like a drip to keep you drunk for way longer than you want.


Then this morning I was woken up at 10am by housemates playing my ipod through the speakers in the lound ridiculoud. I wanted to sleep past x11 and now I'm nail-biting for the next hour. Got flashforward and supernatural ready to watch though! Work 4-9 today, 1.45-4.45 tomorrrow. Poo poo.

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I can sum it up with one word: shit.


Last night was a shit night and because of it I didn't sleep well and woke up this morning feeling horrible. Still got a headache, still have back pains, and on top of that I also felt nauseous. Couldn't eat properly because of it.


Cycled to school but of course it rained, and of course today I decided to wear a dress so the entire trip was uncomfortable. Presentation in school went shit. Felt miserable when I left.


Feel really shit and lost and like I'm losing track of what's happening in my life.

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Good film - only seen it once :P guess it embedded itself into my miiind


Was that my mate who showed you his nipples or some other randomer?




I think it was!


It was nice to see douggie! Not seen him in an age, I was worried when somebody just yanked on my arm though.


Bit ticked off this morning, blergh at housemates. I might be able to get a flat with another friend next year, seems she doesn't want to do a placement.


Hmm we shall seee.


Otherwise, recording a podcast and possibly finally getting to the gym.


My leg hurts, I think I fell over at some point last night - OW!

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Don't you hate it when somebody you like gets with somebody?


Yes and no... depends if they knew that you 'liked' them before or not, if they did know then not really because it's like saying 'if they won't be with me then they shouldn't be with anyone else' which is selfish :heh: but if they didn't know then yeah I'd hate it but it'd be more hatred of myself for not telling them than actual hatred of their recently found 'love'.

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Yes and no... depends if they knew that you 'liked' them before or not, if they did know then not really because it's like saying 'if they won't be with me then they shouldn't be with anyone else' which is selfish :heh: but if they didn't know then yeah I'd hate it but it'd be more hatred of myself for not telling them than actual hatred of their recently found 'love'.


The latter.


depends. usualy it sucks, but sometimes, if they get with enough of a prick it stops you wanting them.


Trouble is he seems like a nice guy.



I don't know why it's bothering me that much. I haven't even known her for that long.

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I can sum it up with one word: shit.


Last night was a shit night and because of it I didn't sleep well and woke up this morning feeling horrible. Still got a headache, still have back pains, and on top of that I also felt nauseous. Couldn't eat properly because of it.


Cycled to school but of course it rained, and of course today I decided to wear a dress so the entire trip was uncomfortable. Presentation in school went shit. Felt miserable when I left.


Feel really shit and lost and like I'm losing track of what's happening in my life.


Awww that sucks! I also slept really badly and as such my two lectures were awful. So much I missed and now don't understand.


I had a nap though and I'm feeling a bit better. Just trying to get through this mountain of work.

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Sorry to hear Eenuh :( But would this help?



My day was okay. Like no sleep last night so bleary eyed at times but made it through. Was a right, as my nan would say, mucking fuddle with my student. She didn't turn up so I still get paid 2 hours, but thats 2:15 hours I've lost out on today, which makes about 15 down this week due to student absences. But alas. Came home, bathed and watched 30 Rock :)


Razz taught me some more Italian profanities today which is always nice. We've also been trying to come up with ideas for a costume beginning with 'S' (although not santa as that is lame and unoriginal) for a friend's birthday.


Serial Killer (aka Dexter)

Sex Offender (aka sibling :p)





Sully...although I'd need to grow a lot of hair.

Sheriff Woody...although I'd need cowboy get up.


Edited by Ashley
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Guest Stefkov

On my way to Sheffield on Sunday for Hallam's open day.

Just got to book my train tickets and I'm set.


Now. Chinese and a film.

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Sorry to hear Eenuh :( But would this help?



I normally love this, but even this song can't cheer me up right now. Just been hurt too much and been feeling too shitty. I think only chocolate would cheer me up but I have no chocolate. =(

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I can sum it up with one word: shit.


Last night was a shit night and because of it I didn't sleep well and woke up this morning feeling horrible. Still got a headache, still have back pains, and on top of that I also felt nauseous. Couldn't eat properly because of it.


Cycled to school but of course it rained, and of course today I decided to wear a dress so the entire trip was uncomfortable. Presentation in school went shit. Felt miserable when I left.


Feel really shit and lost and like I'm losing track of what's happening in my life.




It'll be good again, soon. Try to relax this evening. :)


I've got a banging headache and a sore throat. Also, feeling pretty tired. Got a call from my agency this morning asking me if I wanted to go in and do some work, but only as a teaching assistant. They said they were extremely under-staffed, so I went. Got there pretty quickly, but found that they ended up wanting me to teach all day. It was an easy day and I like teaching there, so it went ok. But, I was still feeling a bit ill and crappy from the day before, so now I just feeeeel doubly tired.


I was looking forward to my lie-in this morning. Sucksss.

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It'll be good again, soon. Try to relax this evening. :)


Honestly doesn't feel like things will be good again soon.




I'm gonna make myself a huge cup of hot chocolate and watch Desperate Housewives later. Should be the highlight of my day/week.

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Honestly doesn't feel like things will be good again soon.




I'm gonna make myself a huge cup of hot chocolate and watch Desperate Housewives later. Should be the highlight of my day/week.


They will be. Today was a bad day and maybe it hasn't been an amazing week. But, things will change.


That cuppa and desperate housewives sounds good. Do thaaat naaaw.

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I've been in my job for over 4 years and this is the first proper time that i've felt the itch to move on. I would ideally like to move up in the medical career (in actual medicine rather than in the "Planning and Performance" Directorate that i'm in), seeing as i've got internal knowledge and a bit of medical background. My medical problems are always going to be a thorn in my backside - no-one would employ me, and I don't know if I even have the ability tbh.


I'm not really sure what to doooooo.


we are getting a bit kitchen upgrade in work, and they've moved us into one of the doctors surgeries as a temporarily kitchen. I absentmindedly opened a drawer (as i would to get a spoon to make a cuppa) and realised that it was full of needles and things! A drawer that obviously should be locked.. o_O

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