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It's getting good!


Thanks, that viagra has begun to kick in.


Oh wait Dexter? Yes that too.


So, I met this girl, who was on a work experience day with me at PwC. SO WEIRD. Never thought I would see her again. I forgot everything about her and she remembered everything about me. My friends approved and I definitely did.


We ended up just kissing because I said I would talk to her tomorrow since I want to take this slow and actually try and last with her rather than a one night stand.


This has cheered me up, I'm not as repugnant as my own mind led me to believe :)


Not sure when to text her (she gave me her phone number) or when to add her on facebook. Any ideas?


Also, cheers for the once again uplifting facebook message Ash ;) Always expected....


You're welcome skunkman!


In the wise words of Christopher Columbus I say you explore that foreign land, kill anything that may be living within it already and plant your flag.




Emailed my line manager end of last week saying if she needs me to cover a lecture Thursday night I can, she replied today "great so you can do tomorrow afternoon here's the details"....umm no. Not what I said. Sorted it. Strange woman.


Had an environmental science lecture. Booooo. Boring, and a hell of a lot of notes. Last hour or so I wasn't needed but found out about ions in water and stuff...yay.


Then my night lecture finished early. Well, went to the lecture part and then my two students are in two different seminar groups (one after another). The first was gonna scive because he's repeating the year and all they're doing is basic 'how to use online journals' stuff and I spoke to the second and explained the tasks and he said he'll be fine without me as its group work anyway. So home early. Yaaaaay!


Day off tomorrow :D Although need to type up the beast of a science lesson. 7 sides of hand written material!

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Ahh man, today was all statistics (I hate maths); a required part of our course. 9AM-5PM! The only thing making it great was that I was sitting next to someone wonderful, who would occasionally wake me up by holding my hand or innocently placing a hand on the leg. Awesome. :p


She had a 3 hour German class afterwards too (smartypants)...she must have been knackered at the end of it all. She rang me for nearly an hour earlier and was full of wonderful things to say about me...so lovely. Her bill must have been huge though at the end of that, haha. Get to see her tomorrow again and endure another day of statistics! There's the bad and the great. :)

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Guest Stefkov

This morning a lecture was cancelled which might be moved to Friday which is bullshit. I want my 3 day weekend and we have like a max of 3 hours of proper learning a day, shove it on one of those days. Then the other lesson was bullshit.

Trying to make a 3D rose was infuriating. Trying to find a tutorial for the rose was heinous.

Then I get my Xbox plugged in and have to update the console to see my avatar even though, as far as I know, I made an avatar so I should have the update. So I updated and had to recover my gamertag. In doing so I lost a crap load of achievements. I don't care, but the time I spent playing the games could have been time on other things and so that time is essentially wasted.

And now I now I really don't like my course. The talks begin on Thursday.

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This morning a lecture was cancelled which might be moved to Friday which is bullshit. I want my 3 day weekend and we have like a max of 3 hours of proper learning a day, shove it on one of those days. Then the other lesson was bullshit.

Trying to make a 3D rose was infuriating. Trying to find a tutorial for the rose was heinous.

Then I get my Xbox plugged in and have to update the console to see my avatar even though, as far as I know, I made an avatar so I should have the update. So I updated and had to recover my gamertag. In doing so I lost a crap load of achievements. I don't care, but the time I spent playing the games could have been time on other things and so that time is essentially wasted.

And now I now I really don't like my course. The talks begin on Thursday.


Lay down your demands as, "I HATE YOU!".


My day, first lesson was cancelled, and might be moved to Friday, which is fine. Then the other lesson was awesome.


That was all true, but I wasn't going to mention it until your post, Stef. Just to try and annoy you. I'm an annoying person.

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How come you need hearing aids Jay, what did you do!?





Yep, my hands would hurt if I didn't wear my gloves, my head feels fine. Plus, I sometimes spike my hair, we don't all have the head hugging hair of Moogle.


The moment I sit on a wall without a bike helmet I'll let you know :)




HOWEVER! Here is the illustrations showing what I am tortured with when this chap comes into my work:




Thats awesome!


Right there's this cartoon where the heroes used to go something like "FORM OF... " and then they'd change into that thing. Anyone know what it was?


FUCK! You instantly reminded me of it, but now I can't place it at all.


I want to say Mummies Alive! but I don't think that's right at all.



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Well that was a load of shit. Spent an hour doing basic maths (negative numbers, brackets and other primary school shit). I mean sure it's a business course not a maths course, but it's an elective module. Why would somebody choose to do a maths module if they can't do the most basic of maths?

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Well that was a load of shit. Spent an hour doing basic maths (negative numbers, brackets and other primary school shit). I mean sure it's a business course not a maths course, but it's an elective module. Why would somebody choose to do a maths module if they can't do the most basic of maths?


I was 'learning' what "to the power of 2" meant the other day.


To be honest I'm not sure about my course at all. I'm on the same course as someone who got EEC in their A levels, Universities shouldn't be that lenient. That kind of makes me feel a bit crap knowing that as i worked pretty hard to get BBB. 280 points to get in my arse.

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I'm lying in bed trying to type up an essay yet I don't know what the question is. :p Good start. I know the basics of what it's about and so I guess I'll just babble on for a thousand words or so until I've got most of it covered. Don't know the word limit either as all relevant information to the essay has been taken down from my psychology module's blackboard page. Oh well, I didn't expect anything above a D anyway for it so I'll just see what I can do. Kind of want to go out though so my mind is already wandering. Must stop and get this done as it's due tomorrow morning.

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I was 'learning' what "to the power of 2" meant the other day.


To be honest I'm not sure about my course at all. I'm on the same course as someone who got EEC in their A levels, Universities shouldn't be that lenient. That kind of makes me feel a bit crap knowing that as i worked pretty hard to get BBB. 280 points to get in my arse.


The funny (well maybe not) thing is that the guy sat to my left was just as bored as I was, yet the guy on my right was taking down notes intently.

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Guest Stefkov
Lay down your demands as, "I HATE YOU!".


My day, first lesson was cancelled, and might be moved to Friday, which is fine. Then the other lesson was awesome.


That was all true, but I wasn't going to mention it until your post, Stef. Just to try and annoy you. I'm an annoying person.



Today we programmed x, y, and z lines in 3D space. How cool are we. Then I killed Wesley, took him up to Victoria Tower and buried him there.


Don't tell anyone.

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Ganepark; err... Isn't there a coursemate or course leader you can email and find out the question?!


We're not actually allowed to email/get in contact with a course leader in regards to a piece of work less than 24 hours before a deadline. Some new policy they have in that they won't answer any emails they receive in regards to the work, even if it is to ask what the question for the essay is. Doesn't matter anyway as I've finished it. Like I said, I knew the basics of what it was about so I think I've done a decent enough attempt at highlighting various forms of visual agnosias and giving patient data for each.

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i've been super busy!

i got a month-long teaching assistant position at a local high school - which was cut short because the head of department decided to fire me rather than discuss a few problems she had with me. *sigh!* LONG story - but if you're interested in the whole ridiculous story you can read below (i've told the story sooo many times >__>) basically - i was on a month-long contract, but i applied for the long-term position with the school and didn't even get shortlisted for an interview...


Becky says: (17:52:11)


James says: (17:52:16)

hi :)

James says: (17:52:29)

how's it going?

James says: (17:52:36)

still doing that job you don't think you'll get?

Becky says: (17:52:51)

hah..... BAD subject to bring up.... :(

James says: (17:52:57)

sorry :s

Becky says: (17:52:57)

i basically got fired today.

James says: (17:53:02)

oh dear

Becky says: (17:53:13)

lemme see if i can cut a long story really short...... :?

James says: (17:53:23)


Becky says: (17:53:26)


James says: (17:53:31)

I don't mind long stories though :)

Becky says: (17:54:11)

OK! today - i went to the head's PA to ask who exactly i should go to for some feedback regarding my not being shortlisted - ie: someone who could tell me why exactly my application wasnt good enough..

Becky says: (17:54:26)

i found out who that was, and went to arrange to meet with them tomorrow.

Becky says: (17:55:00)

also during today i spoke with the english teacher who i most regularly work with to ask if she'd give me a reference (since she was the person i worked with most...)

Becky says: (17:55:45)


Becky says: (17:56:00)

after school i checked my phone to see that i had a message from the agency asking for me to call them

Becky says: (17:56:17)

i do so, while at the bus stop...

Becky says: (17:57:14)

and nigel (the guy who deals with me) tells me that shazia (my head of department) has called him to tell him she doesnt want me to come in anymore... because i've been "getting teacherS to email her asking why i havent been shortlisted" :|

Becky says: (17:57:50)

i called bullshit, of course - and nigel told me that (after i'd calmed down a bit...) i should go back into the school and talk with her about it. which i bloody well did!!

Becky says: (17:58:26)

she looked like a deer in the headlights when she saw me coming down the corridor towards her ^___^

Becky says: (17:59:34)

she basically told me that she didnt like the fact i'd been going behind her back to ask other people why i hadnt gotten an interview, and that she was angry that i'd ask another teacher to email her asking to interview me.

James says: (18:00:03)

but you didn't do that?

Becky says: (18:00:24)

i told her what had ACTUALLY happened, and that if she'd have just come to ME about it straight away we wouldnt be in this awfully awkward situation that was now making it practically impossible for me to continue working under her.

Becky says: (18:02:45)

nd that if the english teacher was angry that i wasnt being employed then that was entirely her opinion and i wasn't accountable for it - and i'd NEVER put her up to that kind of thing because - and i used these exact words - i'm not a twelve year old.

Becky says: (18:03:09)

*fumes* :|

James says: (18:03:32)

oh dear

Becky says: (18:04:16)

yeah.... so.... hmpf.

James says: (18:04:29)

got anything else lined up?

Becky says: (18:04:42)

but nigel is totally on my side about it and says that he'll try his darndest to get me something decent after this ...

James says: (18:04:53)

that's cool :)

Becky says: (18:04:56)

and yeah i have an interview lined up with SEGA tomorrow, and with another agency on weds.

James says: (18:05:35)

good luck (y)

Becky says: (18:05:43)





so yeah... as i said in the msn convo: had my interview with SEGA yesterday :grin: so i might be working with will' and jamba soon ^___^ i think it went pretty well! just a testing position... but still, good-ish money!! and would be nice to work in jeans again!! haha.


and today i'm off to another teaching agency to apply with them as well - the consultant was quite keen to have me in for an interview... and the agency has quite a few teaching positions in ealing... and thankfully, since i'm hoping for a job with SEGA i can be more picky as to which positions i take from the teaching agency..... so i'm hoping for a primary school position, and not a SEN position (special ed - which i what i was going at the high school..)


....so.......... what have i missed?? :heh:

Edited by bluey
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Sounds like you've had a crazy month or so Bluey, not a good situation at that school but probably a blessing in disguise as who wants to work with morons like that?


I'm sure you'll be successful with the SEGA app, I trust Pat referred you and will be getting a nice bonus for it? My girlfriend and new housemate are both still looking for work so it wouldn't surprise me if they ended up there too - one big happy SEGA family.

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Bluey; sounds like a lot of cunfusion is involved in that, to be honest. Hopefully it all works out alright, neh?

We're not actually allowed to email/get in contact with a course leader in regards to a piece of work less than 24 hours before a deadline. Some new policy they have in that they won't answer any emails they receive in regards to the work, even if it is to ask what the question for the essay is. Doesn't matter anyway as I've finished it. Like I said, I knew the basics of what it was about so I think I've done a decent enough attempt at highlighting various forms of visual agnosias and giving patient data for each.

That's... a ridiculous policy :P does that mean you can't email other tutors, either? Mind you, I suppose the real question is why have you left it 24 hours before a deadline before you've realised you don't know the q? :P

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