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I started watching Apocalypse Now: Redux, forgetting how long it is I turned to snacks and various beverages. Albeit I forgot to check the ingredients on one of the packets of chips I was eating and as I have Iritable Bowel Syndrome, I reacted to it bad and got really really bloated.


Such an awesome experience. Hopefully tomorrow brings better luck.

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So I found out that my girlfriend who broke up with me a couple of weeks ago 'because I was going to uni' is now going out with some other guy, and most likely has been involved with since before we split up. FUCK how could I not have seen that! Bitch. And all of that. At least everything makes sense now. Good old facebook for letting me know aswell.


If she lived in Harpenden, I'm here for a few days, so I'll happily firebomb here house if you wish. :smile:

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I went to bed at 3am after searching for an hour to see if the Onechanara achievements could be unlocked in co-op. My search failed.

Then I'm woken at 10 to 9 by a phonecall. My dad was coming round with my stuff that'd been delivered to the house. Got all my things. Applied for a job in Farm Foods. Gonna apply for Toymaster sometime aswell. It'd be badass working in Toymaster.

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Today is going ok so far. I'm busy filling in another application, this time for a school in Rhondda! The valleeeeeeeys. The trouble is, this form will probably need to be handwritten. But, I'm wondering for the supporting statement part if it would be ok for me to just...print it off and staple it on or attach it or something. I mean, there's hardly any space anyway, and my handwriting is messy. So far, I've filled out most of the form and just tweaking my personal statement. The closing date is Friday, so I'm going to need to send it by recorded delivery by tomorrow.


Also, my parents got Sky HD installed today. We recently got a new telly, so they thought they'd go the full works and get Sky HD along with it. It looks pretty nice. So, I've got ESPN classic on in the background, and watching the best goals of the Premier League in 2002 whilst doing this form. :)

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On my way walking back from town yesterday mr Flinky, I saw a sign saying there was lots of supply teaching jobs for primary school going around and they needed people urgently! Made me think of you :)


Unfortunately this won't help you seeing as you live too far away but thought you might like to know I have you on my mind ;)

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On my way walking back from town yesterday mr Flinky, I saw a sign saying there was lots of supply teaching jobs for primary school going around and they needed people urgently! Made me think of you :)


Unfortunately this won't help you seeing as you live too far away but thought you might like to know I have you on my mind ;)


You were alwaaaaaays on my miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!


You were always on my miiind.

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this time for a school in Rhondda!





Good luck with the app form :)


My day has been pretty easy going. Still feeling groggy so lounged around watching all the new TV stuff. And some general houseworkey things. I want to bake...but seeing as I'm ill probably not for the best.


Sent off my task thingy. Just gotta sit around waiting to find out now. It won't be til Thursday/Friday. I'm hoping if I do get it I'll get the phone call on Friday while signing on, that would be nicely timed :heh: Dunno what I'll do if I don't get this job though...

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Ahhhh first day of school, so exciting and scary at the same time haha. I think we were only in there for about an hour, getting some information and filling in papers.


The rest of my afternoon was spent catching up with my friends, who I hadn't seen since... June or something. We had a drink in the school cafeteria while chatting, then three of us decided to walk over the fair that's in town (biiiig fair) and we ended up eating junk food haha. Then we sat down for another drink. Didn't get home until 6:30.


And for the first time in about half a year or something, I used the bicycle again! I did feel it a bit in my leg, but overall it was okay. Though I'm really not used to the exercise anymore haha. Need to practise. =P


And tomorrow is already a fulllllll day of lectures, from 8:30 until 5:30, ouch. X3

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I started watching Apocalypse Now: Redux, forgetting how long it is I turned to snacks and various beverages. Albeit I forgot to check the ingredients on one of the packets of chips I was eating and as I have Iritable Bowel Syndrome, I reacted to it bad and got really really bloated.


What ingredient was it?

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Hectic day in work, missed my train, the next one never arrived and the one after that was late. And ODST didn't arrive.


Still, I'm kind of glad that trivial things like these count as problems now, as it makes me realise that I'm doing much, much better than a year ago.

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People at work are going to try and get me and Hot Girl together. It's going to be awful, I can tell already. She's in tomorrow and I've got a day off, and she's off on thurs when I'm back in again. Shiiit...


Good day at work in general - getting more respect from colleagues, and got three 3-2-1's correct and earned my name on the lottery board, which I am actually gleeful about thus showing my corruption at being employed.


Shorty's knocking on my front door - he's lifting me to his to watch the new HOUSE. BOOYAAAAAAAAAA



Have had an incredibly busy few days what with moving into Sheffield and whatnot. Han and Chan came for a bit, with Chan staying for one night and Han staying for two. Just had a teary send off at the station, so sad. Managed to finally meet Razz last night, which was so much fun. Getting stuck in Embrace for 20 minutes because of everyone trying to leave was less fun, more painful.




I think you probably hate me -- but dare you meet the rest of the sheff crew at some point?

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People at work are going to try and get me and Hot Girl together. It's going to be awful, I can tell already. She's in tomorrow and I've got a day off, and she's off on thurs when I'm back in again. Shiiit...


Good day at work in general - getting more respect from colleagues, and got three 3-2-1's correct and earned my name on the lottery board, which I am actually gleeful about thus showing my corruption at being employed.


Shorty's knocking on my front door - he's lifting me to his to watch the new HOUSE. BOOYAAAAAAAAAA





I think you probably hate me -- but dare you meet the rest of the sheff crew at some point?


Whys it gonna be awful? You're a nice guy too James! Give yourself a bit of credit!


Slaggis, you should meet up with the Sheffield crew, they are indeed awesome.

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Have had an incredibly busy few days what with moving into Sheffield and whatnot. Han and Chan came for a bit, with Chan staying for one night and Han staying for two. Just had a teary send off at the station, so sad. Managed to finally meet Razz last night, which was so much fun. Getting stuck in Embrace for 20 minutes because of everyone trying to leave was less fun, more painful.




Yay Haggis your in Sheffield! Come out for drinkies with us! :D Totally should, jay's not too mean in person :wink:


Rest of my day has been nice, went to the doctors at uni and Dr. Mackie was really funny and nice, got some tips on how to stop me being in agonising pain after driving for more than an hour which is good!


Lots of conversations about the two housemates boyfriends today, I'm so happy for them, they do deserve ncie people to be with, but I can't help feeling slightly jealous! Heh. :D

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