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God, I hate men that use their looks as a sole reason to annoy others. This (albeit fit, as Razz would be aware) guy made a great friend of mine cry half the night tonight. He basically made her feel worthless because he's constantly like "Hey. I'm hot...and you're there so lets get together". She realised how used he's made her, and just burst into tears. Then, just as we were leaving he says to her "Don't hate me, I like you".




Anyway! Otherwise, great night. :)

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Call it Fuckmuppet.


Was it really necessary tracking his question down like that and commenting with an answer you knew he wouldn't like, you are doing uber at xpert and have a job man you have better things to do!


Had a good day at school and a good day out with mates now I am dead tired!

Edited by Haden
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God, I hate men that use their looks as a sole reason to annoy others. This (albeit fit, as Razz would be aware) guy made a great friend of mine cry half the night tonight. He basically made her feel worthless because he's constantly like "Hey. I'm hot...and you're there so lets get together". She realised how used he's made her, and just burst into tears. Then, just as we were leaving he says to her "Don't hate me, I like you".




Agreed, there is a fine line between confidence and plain arrogance and he's clearly taken a running jump clean over it... hopefully he'll land flat on his 'perfect' face one day and realise that he's not all that. :heh:

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picked charlie, my new car, up from the dealer today, had a brief drive, round a car park to get the feel, then about 4 miles home. all went well, steering is good but the brakes are a little harsh. did need then due to some dozy sod not indicating, meaning i got an emergancy stop.


had a nightmare reversing onto the drive. stalled a lot. felt like a twat. in my defence, the drive is a big slope.

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God, I hate men that use their looks as a sole reason to annoy others. This (albeit fit, as Razz would be aware) guy made a great friend of mine cry half the night tonight. He basically made her feel worthless because he's constantly like "Hey. I'm hot...and you're there so lets get together". She realised how used he's made her, and just burst into tears. Then, just as we were leaving he says to her "Don't hate me, I like you".


Whilst I agree that those people are total cunts, the women are just as much to blame if not more. The amount of times girls will complain about how all men are dick heads or whatever, yet they only seem to go for the attractive men and the "bad boy" image.

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I feel


So so terrible. I was meant to meet a friend today at 11.30, my phone ran out of battery in the night, so no alarm, which means Phoebe goes and wakes up at 12.30 :cry:

I don't know his number, and nobody else seems to know his number. Argh

But other people were also meeting up so he won't be left alone. I hope so anyway.

I would go and meet them, but we were meeting at the train station and then going elsewhere, we were going to decide once we were all there.

I am a terrible person. Oh dear.

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I swear there is the occurrence of me only getting phone-calls from a certain female when she wants something i.e. a favour. I'm getting sick of these calls all the time, yesterdays call was to ask me to lend her some money so she could go out. Typical.


Anywho, it's been pretty average today. Had a Vega's online battle 3 on 3, and my mate kept killing me off. I wouldn't have minded too much if he wasn't on my team. I also played a demo of Arkham Asylum today, and i am making this a purchase next time i am in town.

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Had a pretty cack day. Went shopping with mum and trawled around with her for a while, tried taking a dress back that I bought from dorothy perkins, looked nothing like the picture, wasn't supposed to be lycra but what a shock - it is.


Left my card at home so I have to take it back tomorrow, pain. Mum tried buying me the coat I wanted from topshop but it wasn't there, I'm starting to get incredibly peed off with major shop retailors not stocking their own stuff! What is it with womens fashion right now anyway? Crappy batwing tops (yes because I want to look like I'm a size 30..) and crazy 80's blazers, no thankyou!


So I bought the coat (Goodbye £85 I shall miss thee.) and I've spent pretty much the rest of the time doing bugger all. I want my xbox back boo.

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Have had a great day. Been awhile :p. Went into Edinburgh and used today as the sort of unofficial ending to my summer holidays, even though I have until Wednesday but I've got things to sort out before then. Didn't start off well though. For some reason, when getting hold of train times I managed to misinterpret them to the point that I was an hour later in getting to Edinburgh than I wanted to be as I intended to have a wander around the stores for an hour then proceed to the cinema for 1.30. Didn't realise until I was at the train station at half 12 that that wasn't going to happen. Luckily though, the train still got there in time for me to get to the cinema and see 500 Days of Summer, which I really enjoyed.


So after that, I had the difficult task of walking from the East end of town to the West end which, during the Fringe, was a nightmare. No point trying to walk Princes Street so I took Rose Street to cut through the crowds but that was just as bad. Anyway, after much aggrevation and annoyance, I made it to where I needed to go and then that was me. Might not sound like a great day but it was for me because it just allowed me to forget about everything around me for the day.


Back home now, obviously, and I'm tired, listening to some music. Leg was getting a little sore though. Haven't gone to the doctors yet as I can't at the weekends as I don't believe it's open unless you have an appointment. Will be going on monday to hopefully get it sorted. There's some anti inflammatory stuff in the house though so I'll put some of that on it to ease the soreness a little.

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Saw District 9/13 last night, I was left a bit shell shocked but it was actually rather good. Today has also been good so far. Had a consultation for laser hair removal, quite exciting. Then to the hairdressers, got 6 inches cut off and my hair's still long; obviously a hippy before the cut. After that I bought a new outfit for an interview on Tuesday. The job is still at the bank *blurgh* but hopefully better, in that it's more money and not in the call centre. I'd be in a different building to ReZ, which is a shame. Blessed be the day the whole place closes forcing me to get a job I actually want, not that I haven't tried, but still. Anyhoo, came home and tried Wii Fit for the first time, I don't like how annoyingly nice and ''motivational'' they are, but it was fun.

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Was it really necessary tracking his question down like that and commenting with an answer you knew he wouldn't like, you are doing uber at xpert and have a job man you have better things to do!


Had a good day at school and a good day out with mates now I am dead tired!


Actually I think Fuckmuppet is a genuinely good name once you get past the shock value of the swear word in there. I'd have suggested it to anyone.

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