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So, thunderer took 5 punches to the head for me in the club the other day.


Aside from that it was a fucking epic time in Portsmouth! Obviously musical geniusueusiueiusius, thunderer and I rocked out on the GH World Tour music creator after a spliff and made something we christened "Elephant Falling Down The Stairs". We have yet to listen back to it yet but we have no doubt it'll either


a. Blow our minds

b. Hugely disappoint us as we realise that things are nowhere near as funny when not stoned


My heart is saying a, my mind is saying b. :D

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So today I didn't do much except hang out with the homies at university. Strange to know that within 3 weeks I shall not see them all at teh same place for a long time. Spent almost everyday together for most of a year.


Also annoyed at my friend because she broke her computer and was the only one I could tell my problems with girls to. I just advice as to how to tell girls that I like them without ruining it if I'm rejected and its awkward. Also seems the girls I like would all cause controversy. I'm all up for meeting a girl elsewhere (club etc) but even then I have no idea how to go about it or even start it.


AH WELL. Time for a major long workout with some weights and a floor in my little uni room to make me feel better about meself.


hoping my managers will tell me they would both like me to become a supervisor tomorrow at work. One said it would be great, the other should to!

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I just love getting my crops together and my animals. What I find kinda-annoying is that after sorting all that out, there's not much of the day left to do the other things.

I think the quickness of days makes the game more exciting.

I bought the DS version, Island of Happiness a while ago and only started playing it recently. I hate the game relying entirely on touch controls, plus the rucksack system has totally be messed up. Because of these the days go by even quicker because you're spending too much time trying to line up to cut some weed, without accidentally pressing on it to pick it up even though you wanted to just inch towards it. I will be selling it sadly. I think I'll stick restart Friends of Mineral Town. That was by far the best in the series I've played. (I really want to play the N64 version...)

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My weekend has been pretty good, basically played Super Mario Galaxy since Friday and between then and now I got the last few stars I needed to complete my first file and then I decided to complete the game again, so I got all 121 stars in one weekend, 'twas fun. ^^

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I think the quickness of days makes the game more exciting.

I bought the DS version, Island of Happiness a while ago and only started playing it recently. I hate the game relying entirely on touch controls, plus the rucksack system has totally be messed up. Because of these the days go by even quicker because you're spending too much time trying to line up to cut some weed, without accidentally pressing on it to pick it up even though you wanted to just inch towards it. I will be selling it sadly. I think I'll stick restart Friends of Mineral Town. That was by far the best in the series I've played. (I really want to play the N64 version...)

I agree about the days, I must be giving myself too much to do.


The one on the SNES is the best in the series for me. My only disappointments were the shittiness of the upgraded tools and the fact it only lasted about 3 years... I was doing so well and it just stopped on me. Gutted.

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The first HM game I played was HM2 on the GBC. I was late into the HM world but that was an extremely good game. I can't really remember much of it, I think it was one of those 3 year jobs. I don't remember finishing it.

Friends of Mineral town though, I remember having such an awesome farm on that. Having a wife, a kid and all of the Sprites doing my work. I had tonnes of money aswell.

I need an upgraded HM game like FoMT on the DS. I read there are 2 more DS games coming out, but they carry on the 'story' from IoH... and I don't like it. If they change the controls then I'm all for it.

A Wonderful Life on the GC I couldn't finish. It was almost too slow and felt way too compact, plus when I read it had an ending (before it even came out) I didn't like the sound of it, but I still bought it.

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The first HM game I played was HM2 on the GBC.

A Wonderful Life on the GC I couldn't finish. It was almost too slow and felt way too compact, plus when I read it had an ending (before it even came out) I didn't like the sound of it, but I still bought it.

I think I have Harvest Moon 2, mainly because I bought the GBA/Cube thing from someone here and provided it with.


Wonderful Life... sadly way too small, and too much hard work, and once you had banana trees and that plant which made hybrids which sold for shitloads I had more money to spend on fuck all. I do prefer the graphical layout to Magical Melody though.


But my day has been eventfulish, missus picked me up after work and we drove around whilst I drank beer. Then back to mine where we got jiggy with it, but didn't have the Molly Intercourse because I'd exhausted my supply of rubber balloons. I taught her to play the Pokémon TCG and I let her beat me using my pr0 Psychic deck I used when I was a Gym Leader.


Ordered the pizza meal and watched Snatch, and since 12 have been unable to sleep, also after reading some comics.

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In limbo.


Trying to rest my feet so I can treck to the observatory tonight. Getting lost in shibuya's back streets earlier didn't help them, although I found cheap mountain dew.


Need to pack for kyoto. looking at the hostel's site it seems better than here, just shared rooms. Plus I'm hoping there will be other English speaking tourists. I've not had a conversation in a while :p


Had another encounter with over eager deskman. He scares me. And bumped into some guy who thought I was lost the other day (wasn't, was just trying to decide where to go) when I was lost today. Is he following me?


Hmm where to go for food. Have a strict 1000ish yen budget (£7ish) and I don't seem to get hungry anymore so maybe some packed sushi and a nice quiet park somewhere.

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Hmm where to go for food. Have a strict 1000ish yen budget (£7ish) and I don't seem to get hungry anymore so maybe some packed sushi and a nice quiet park somewhere.

I'm not fucking surprised you wouldn't feel hungry as much if it cost that much.


Did it even come with anything?

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Irratating weekend.


Luckily everythings being sorted with the funeral directors today so I'll know what day I need to keep my ass here to get to another funeral. I'm getting sick of funerals now, hah.


Packing for download, the one very exciting thing this month, still not got anything I need mind you, only clothes and a sleeping bag. Not very helpful, but I've got stuff to get tomorrow and mum (thank god for her!) is buying all my toiletries so I don't have to go into my spending money.


Had a strange dream last night about some guy following me around my high school, except he kept getting hurt by something and having to go to a neutral doctor, I think partly its to do with world of warcraft and half to do with me going stir crazy..


ce la vive!

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Tired. Very tired. Another sleepless night. Just couldn't stay asleep for longer than 30 mins/1 hour tops. Not nice. Got a delivery of games this morning, most of which are god awful but the package also contained a copy of de Blob which is awesome because I was going to buy it again but now I don't have to. Yay me.


Have just spent the last 2 hours playing and finishing Night at the Museum 2 on the Wii. Having a break now and then I'll get down to writing the review. Surprisingly, it wasn't all that bad, some humorous moments, but I don't know whether it follows the movie or not because I haven't and won't be seeing the film. As a result of this, I haven't had time to do much else.


edit: Oh yeah. Got a letter from the Uni stating that I've been given an unconditional for 2nd year MA English so it's now properly official. :yay: Also means I've passed my English exam, although I knew that anyway.

Edited by Ganepark32
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I'm not fucking surprised you wouldn't feel hungry as much if it cost that much.


Did it even come with anything?


read what I said again...the sushi in the park plan is the under 1000Â¥ option, and the one I took. Ate it in Yoyogi park which was plesant.


Also went to Shinegawa and took some photos from the riverside. Lovely little district. Then to Shinjuku again and followed the underground path from the station to the government building which I'm sure was a mile long. The observatory had loads of bright lights on though which reflected on the glass and ruined things :(

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Whoooo exam over! Actually have no idea how it went, heh. Wrote down whatever I knew (found we were given very little space to write though, my handwriting is a bit big) but sometimes felt like it wasn't enough. Oh well, should pass normally. =)


Had lunch in school with friends; free! School were giving out free food to students this week (one meal per student) so I had a big spaghetti (tried the vegetarian one for the first time, which wasn't as nice as the normal one) and a chocolate mousse. ^___^


Came home and went to bed, slept for about 3 hours I think, needed it so much! Still feel tired now. X3


Now just need to finish a paper due Wednesday and defend it on Monday. Might go to a theme park with three friends this Thursday. =D

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What do you recommend as the quickest, most painless way of ending a relationship? I've been having this fling with a girl from my uni for a while (you could practically say we're dating by now) and it was only in the past couple of days that I realized things aren't going the way they should for either of us. She's really into me, apparently, but she's the sort of person who has serious issues when it comes to letting go. What should I tell her? I know there's no way to get around hurting her.

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