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As the appropriate boards are currently down; does anyone here have C&C: Red Alert 3 who would like to go through the game on co-op with me? I've got pretty much today to play it while shorty is away (he's rented the game :P)!


jayseven NE, if anyone does...

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^ but it wasn't though. Did you not see the end? The cake was real. And we didn't get anyway :(


Anyway, now I'm swamped in press stuff from the E3 conferences. Got stuff from games Nintendo didn't show to look through and some other stuff. Haven't spent as much time on games recently as I have today.

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I figured out the cake was a lie today, never been so upset in my life.



Great game though.


Yeah it's definitely a great game.


I have the "Still Alive" song on my phone as my ringtone. (Although my phone is always on silent so it doesn't matter.)


^ but it wasn't though. Did you not see the end? The cake was real. And we didn't get anyway :(


It's so delicious and moist.

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I managed to get part of my Playstation back from my Dad's house... But all I have is the console, memory card, one controller... I need to obtain some cables that connect to the TV. Assuming the console still works.


And all my games have gone. I was doing so well on Final Fantasy VIII too [shits on VII]... It wasn't even mine. Crash Bandicoot... Ridge Racer Revolution... Good times.

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I feel really ill... I have a huge headache, my chest hurts, my heartbeat is too fast, my jaw aches and the joints on my hips hurt. Am I dying?


*awaits a yes response*


It sounds to me like you've got flu - probably not of the swine variety - I felt like that when I had it a good few years back, it was horrible :/ I was in bed mostly for about a week just resting up, couldn't do anything and felt awful.


My advice to you if it is flu would be to get some medication to help ease the symptoms, get plenty of rest where you can and eat stuff like chicken soup or something, that stuff is supposed to be pretty good if you're really ill plus it's good for you anyway.


It might not be flu but if you suspect it is and feel like you really can't do anything much because of it then I would take a few days off work if you can... working while suffering from flu isn't a good idea and will make things worse.

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Agh... I wouldn't mind having flu but when I get ill my Crohn's Disease goes crazy, that's the most annoying part. I guess it's a good job I've finished uni for the summer and have no job... *rolls in bed and to die*

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Currently drinking...




and eating...




Life = good atm


Anyone else tried those Pringles? I think they are WIN personally :) I bought them today after finding out that those pre-prepared Jalapeno Peppers that I thought my workplace sold was actually Jalapeno Homous :/ so kinda dissapointed I went in search of some spicy noms and those fitted the bill perfectly.

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