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I'm still thinking how my work managed to get hold of a link of websites i've visted on my mobile phone, gain access to my Facebook page and have a log of texts and calls i've made on MY own mobile, which is in no way linked to work


I'd understand if i was using works computer, phone and internet but i was using my own phone and my own internet of which i pay for.


Anyone know if this is illegal

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Today have been at work. Had my induction yesterday and I worked 2-6 today. I was getting ready nice and early when I couldn't find my tie. So by the time I'd found it I had eaten up all my earliness and had not contingency time left. But then on the way it appears the road is closed, so I had to take a detour through lots of traffic. Meaning I was a little bit late. Not too bad though. hopefully won't be a problem.


Also I'm sat in my boxers right now in case anybody wanted to know.

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Yea I agree, sometimes they're funny but others are a bit obvious. The audience kept clapping jokes that didn't really deserve it as well. My favourite bit was when he was allowing questions from the audience...


Guy: What do I get my wife for our first anniversary?


*Some random jokes I forgot*


Jimmy: A weekend away? that's always a good one.


Man: Thank you


Jimmy: No problem. I'd love to chat more but I'm at work right now.




Maybe you had to be there? It was just so genuine it was funny.

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Along the lines of MoogleViper (and Haggis in ways) I spent a great deal of time sunbathing in my boxers today. However if, like Haggis, the neighbour saw ah well, the crazy old bat would have loved it :p


Going to watch BGT (and watch the judges brownnose Boyle) and then a film and red wine :D

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Along the lines of MoogleViper (and Haggis in ways) I spent a great deal of time sunbathing in my boxers today. However if, like Haggis, the neighbour saw ah well, the crazy old bat would have loved it :p


Going to watch BGT (and watch the judges brownnose Boyle) and then a film and red wine :D


A man after my own heart. I salute you!

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bbq was pretty good, great weather and all that. was forced to go home to pick up buzz for every one to play, then after hours of that, we hit a night out in town. long story short, it was a nightmare. every were was rammed, i was pretty sober, the girls out were fucking ugly as fuck, and one of my mates was nightmare, got himself into 2 fights with lasses for no reason, had to try and calm the girls. he randomly called one girl a fat cunt, no reason at all. i told them he had torrets (lie) to try and calm them down and minmuse offence. i ended up arguing with a girl over how he shouldent say it, she was an idiot and didnt know what torrets was. still, it got kinda funny, we ended up jumping into a club, only for her to be stopped by the bouncer. phew!

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This is annoying me now.

Im trying my hardest to find a job.

I look online, in the paper, and even do things for small ammounts of money.

Ive handed CV's out, posted letters to businesses, phoned them, sent emails, and in some cases even gone to their shops just to keep me going.

I feel like im begging for money with the dole, and i have to accept bits of money from my family which i hate.

Its annoying, theres nothing for people with little or no expeience.

I hate not having money, it depresses me. Im starting to see that money can buy happiness, or the lack of it cause sadness =[


Whine over.

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^^^ I've been there, was unemployed for... longer than I care to remember - seemed a lot longer at the time as well - but the key pieceof advice that you are likely to keep hearing is this...


'Don't give up'


I realise you're most likely sick of hearing it by now - I was sick of hearing it when I was doing everything I can - but the only way is to stick at it, apply for everything that the job centre gives you or that you find yourself and try not to get too down about it.


At least if you keep applying then you are doing you're best, no-one can ask any more then that of you. :)

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^^^ I've been there, was unemployed for... longer than I care to remember - seemed a lot longer at the time as well - but the key pieceof advice that you are likely to keep hearing is this...


'Don't give up'


I realise you're most likely sick of hearing it by now - I was sick of hearing it when I was doing everything I can - but the only way is to stick at it, apply for everything that the job centre gives you or that you find yourself and try not to get too down about it.


At least if you keep applying then you are doing you're best, no-one can ask any more then that of you. :)

Thnks =]

Im glad you understand wht i mean.

Its horrible having no money. Its worse than anyone could think really, you need money to anything these days.


And to think I'm complaning about having to go back to work next week.




Lol, yea i hear people comoplaining about it all the time.

Ill swap ya? :p

I think id do nything now, might even try Mc Donalds =[


Its weird, i started getting annoyed because i wanted to play Halo, which i dont have.

Its weird.

Edited by Kirkatronics
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