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Pretty good day at work.


Finally sorted out having new years definitely off! Bring on the party woop woop!


Also I'm going to be on mtv. Some girl came into shop and said can we film your store?? We was like erm.... wtf. She was like for jodie marsh's new reality diary program thing (apparently the original crappy series deserved a sequel?!?!?!) and I wa the only one who didn't chicken out of serving her. Was pretty scary especially with the crowd that followed her into shop.


I wanted to tell her her tits were falling out but didn't have the guts =[

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Noo!:( My MSN is back to it's old tricks and won't let me sign in again :(


Sorry Coolness!


That's ok Haggis! :)


Anway, "gentlemen you are dealing with someone who has absoluetely no life" :heh:


As of today i have:


:bouncy::yay:WATCHED EVERY SIMPSONS EPISODE! :yay::bouncy: So far...


I watched the final episode i hadn't seen this morning. :awesome:


The rest of my day consists of me in my Pyjamas until about 4 and general relaxation. :D apart from doing more of my English Coursework...

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Guest Stefkov

I've had a boring day. Woke up at 9 ish to feel no right arm. Spent five minutes lying there just trying to move my fingers.

Gently feeling the...feeling rush through it, starting from the fingers to the whole hand then the arm. Fell back asleep and woke up again at 12. Had breakfast, and saw a package from Maplins.

Got my watch and tried to put in the newly bought battery. I should have left the watch unopened until I got the batter. I don't remember which way the battery goes.

After that I watched Prince of Tennis, got annoyed playing FIFA, played some Pangya ( =D ) and had melon.

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Business coursework....ALL DAY. Not even washed my face, or got out of the house. Been sitting at the PC all day, just doing my coursework.


Its kinda my fault...I left it to the last minute and only showed a draft of it to my teacher on Thursday.....she immediately said it was awful. Deep down, I knew it was too.


Ever since then, I've got back in gear and have been doing it practically all the time, and feel that its actually getting good now, ya know?


I think I might take a break to watch Match of the Day though.....

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Laid back day. Played some Tetris with Sister, tried to look at my Christmas presents (they were wrapped but I found out which bundle was mine) and watched some HunterXHunter.


Also i'm sitting here with a window open and because of the rain earlier, it's dropping from the gutter outside a window and sounds like a man is doing something to himself a bit on the hard side...

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Woo, passed my theory test today with flying colours, however got very much soaked in the process. Also this morning was like I was in my own little community. I saw the same traffic warden twice on the way to the test centre, when I asked for directions, and back again (on the way back she congratulated me on passing my test) and I also got accosted by a bloke who commented on how wet I was on the way to the test centre. On the way back I took shelter from the rain and ended up standing next to him as he sold the Big Issue. I shared a packet of scotch eggs with him and chatted a while. I love Birmingham sometimes.

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Business coursework....ALL DAY. Not even washed my face, or got out of the house. Been sitting at the PC all day, just doing my coursework.


Its kinda my fault...I left it to the last minute and only showed a draft of it to my teacher on Thursday.....she immediately said it was awful. Deep down, I knew it was too.


Ever since then, I've got back in gear and have been doing it practically all the time, and feel that its actually getting good now, ya know?


I think I might take a break to watch Match of the Day though.....


Hope you don't fret too much about it. I've seen a few mates leave their coursework 'til the last minute, and i've seen mixed results. So long as you know where you need to fix things, it'll be fine. Take your time, you have a lot of hours!


I also got accosted by a bloke who commented on how wet I was on the way to the test centre. On the way back I took shelter from the rain and ended up standing next to him as he sold the Big Issue. I shared a packet of scotch eggs with him and chatted a while. I love Birmingham sometimes.


That's also why I loved Brighton :) I've spent many a fine time talking with big issue sellers. They're not idiots and they've had a good experience of how the world really works. Plus they actually nearly always forget who you are if you ever see them again :P

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Congrats on the test.


I kind of enjoyed tonight. Drove around for a little while from 7 until 8ish listening to some of Richard Hammonds book in audio form. Stopped off at Asda bought myself something to eat and drink and looked at all the dvds and games. Bought myself Snatch and Layer Cake, and decided to get Zelda on DS. Also bought xmas presents, My Sims for my sister and the latest Kylie and Britney CDs for my mom.


From then on drove most of the way to Sheffield from Tamworth where I live and then just turned back round. I've wanted a really long drive since I passed so quite enjoyed it. That was until I noticed my tyre was flat and I had a nightmare trying to find an open petrol station to get it pumped up. Unfortunately looks like I'll be using my christmas bonus from work on a new tyre and sorting out my dodgy headlight adjuster. Damn cars...

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That's ok Haggis! :)


Anway, "gentlemen you are dealing with someone who has absoluetely no life" :heh:


As of today i have:


:bouncy::yay:WATCHED EVERY SIMPSONS EPISODE! :yay::bouncy: So far...


I watched the final episode i hadn't seen this morning. :awesome:


The rest of my day consists of me in my Pyjamas until about 4 and general relaxation. :D apart from doing more of my English Coursework...


I did that over summer :D

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Guest Stefkov

I've woken up and had a shower. I'm quite happy that my watch is now working again, I just replaced the battery, but it's broke.

It's one of those Casio tv remote ones, and it just resets itself when I do certain things on it. It's made me sad but I hardly use that function because you kinda do nothing with normal tv remotes anymore. It's all with the Virgin remotes etc.

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have to go to bloody work today from 12.30-6.00


worked friday night, yesterday for 6 hours, last sunday, all day uni monday,tuesday,wendesday, half day thursday 1 hour on friday


this week sucked :( except for the fact greg came over to stay as previously mentioned


but generally ive never been so tired :(


EDIT: got a new sig and avatar - lol!

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Had a pretty good night last night.


Drove into Stirling to pick my mum up from the station in absolutely horrendous conditions. Complete white-out, snow covered the roads, didn't go above 30 the whole way in. The way back there was very little snow in comparison, managed to average about 40 I think.


Then went over to Becca's where we watched High School Musical and Hairspray and then some shit on TV until about half 1 in the morning. Her sister and friend were with us for the whole time though so nothing happened unfortunately. We were getting pretty close at one point, but then her dad walked into the room to say he was back. Her dad's a bastard according to her (I've never actually properly met him).

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Went out for my girlfriends 21st last night to a really cool bar called south london pacific. We got there at 7 and stayed till 3am O_O That was 8 hours of drinking. Lovely cocktails tho, such a cool bar had a wicked night.


http://www.southlondonpacific.com <----- check it


We didnt get home till about 5:30am and I have only been up for around an hour or so :)

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Went out for my girlfriends 21st last night to a really cool bar called south london pacific. We got there at 7 and stayed till 3am O_O That was 8 hours of drinking. Lovely cocktails tho, such a cool bar had a wicked night.


www.southlondonpacific.com <----- check it


We didnt get home till about 5:30am and I have only been up for around an hour or so :)

How's the football club? :D

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Wheeee, just got back from a concert, which was great! It's a small little place, so it's really nice to go to and perfect for the type of music. Too bad I'm so small though, cause I pretty much couldn't see a thing. But oh well, I guess I'm getting used to it. Music was great though; one song even brought tears to my eyes, even though it isn't my favourite of his. =O


*will listen to the cd some more now while eating tuna sandwiches and working for school*



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Just got home after watching Kings Of Leon.

Got soaken wet from the drinks that were thown in the air but i have enjoyed myself.


I can see why DomJCg wanted photos of the "Charmer" song now. :p


Topless naked tattoo girl dancing around a pole in the background video.


Time for bed now.

Goodnight everyone.

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