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Got up early (ish) to go into town and get another session of my tattoo done. Went up to the place, door is locked but people are in. Wait around a bit and someone comes out. Apparently the guy isn't in today due to bereavement. Selfish bastard.


Plus the spangly new inner tube I got doesn't fit. Serves me right for trying to see if the self healing tyre thing would fit when it was a bit too thin.


On the plus side, I got my portfolio done for my interview tomorrow. Just got to go back into town to get a tie, shoes and an inner tube. The inner tube isn't for the interview.


Plus the weather is awesome, so I can cruise with the roof down and look totally rad. If I can get my coursework for my photography class done and repair the bike in time, I might head for a whimsical meander along some b roads.

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Do I get a capital I in "girls" because you love me?


Cheeky lecturer sprang a surprise test on us - he even kept the papers in a bag so we didn't know until halfway through! With this module ("sustainability") people normally leave before it starts if there's no test in sight. Looks like he cottoned onto it... :blank:


Still, it was a piss-easy test, yet talking to people afterwards, it seems I'm the only one who got the following question right:


Which of the following sources of energy is not a result of solar energy?

a.) Wave power

b.) Tidal power

c.) Coal

d.) Wind power


Even my own mother could get this one. Probably.

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I feel ashamed that I'm inside the house typing a message on here when the weather outside is gorgeous. Sun is shining brightly, mild temp with a nice little breeze. :nono: Really should be outside although to be fair I have just come in from being outside for like 3 hours and got to enjoy the weather then so it's sort of ok. Will probably just go out later on and sit and enjoy the weather as it's Scotland so god knows what the weather will be like tomorrow.


Anyways, haven't done much today other than being outside and walking for 3 hours straight. Feet are killing me and while some may say 'why didn't you get the bus?' I just enjoy the whole walking thing. No matter if it's pouring with rain or sunny as hell, I'll always walk instead of getting the bus. Going to have a rest before I make a start on my english essay preparation.

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Today sucks! Was on my way to school, on my bicycle (which I rarely use because I don't like cycling), when suddenly one of the spokes on the wheel in the back snapped, and sorta spun itself around the axle or whatever it's called (the middle part of the wheel). I could still use my bicycle but it made a realllllly loud noise. >.<;


Almost arrived late in school because of this... though in the end I'm not sure it would've mattered, as I was only in there for 12 minutes, hooray. Went out, tried to fix my bicycle but failed, though I managed to turn the taktaktak sound into a whhhhheeeeeggggggwhhheeeeeggggg sound (yeah that doesn't make sense!).


On my way home, I cycled past two small boys; one of them held a paper bag (candy bag?) out in front of him and asked me for change. I said I didn't have any and just kept going. And then they yelled at me and called me a tramp. Hate kids. Grah!


*annoyed at today*

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I feel ashamed that I'm inside the house typing a message on here when the weather outside is gorgeous. Sun is shining brightly, mild temp with a nice little breeze.


Dude, total word. Was chatting to Molly outside and we were loving it, catchin' some sick rays yo. I'll be a lucky fuck if its like this tomorrow. Literally will be top 5 best days of my life.



No seriously, 100% truth. I hope Loggers Leap opens though. :(

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@ Rez - yeh the weather has really been great up here over the last few days/week or so and hope this bodes well for the summer. But, yeh, wish I was outside enjoying it although I get the sun streaming in through my window at this time of day so I'm sitting in the sun right now :D And you're off to ride the Saw ride tomorrow aren't you? God, you'll be as giddy as a school girl this evening. Bet you'll be up all night thinking about it.


Also, got down to deciding what my english essay is on. I've chosen to write about the use of myth in poems by Carol Ann Duffy and Margaret Atwood, although this time it means I'll have to do some research on greek mythology but it's fine. I already know the stories of the Siren's Song and Medusa and those are the poems we have by them to discuss so it should be easy enough.

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@ Rez - yeh the weather has really been great up here over the last few days/week or so and hope this bodes well for the summer. But, yeh, wish I was outside enjoying it although I get the sun streaming in through my window at this time of day so I'm sitting in the sun right now :D And you're off to ride the Saw ride tomorrow aren't you? God, you'll be as giddy as a school girl this evening. Bet you'll be up all night thinking about it.




Yeah hopefully riding SAW (It had problems Sat and Sun, but has been up all day the past three days)


But dude, hahaha, I've been excited the past two days. The same thing happened yesterday, and the day before....I always play my DS and listen to music before bed, so anyway I did so Mon/Tue and I got tired, took music off and turned DS off. Literally after 30 seconds I became not tired and had to play it/listen again due to excitement.






I started Ninjatown last night. Amazing. Fucking amazing. Funny as shit (OVER 9000! and one of the ninjas are ranged, and they have Wasabi pea shooters! Lol mental) and its awesome. Actually no excuse not to own cos its like £8 ish from Gameplay.co.uk.

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Props to Ashely: found me a site looking for comic book reviews on freelance. 1.2 million unique hits a month and very possibly a bunch of free comics every month.




Gonna review Invincible and Ultimate X-Men for my submission I think.

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Gonna review Invincible and Ultimate X-Men for my submission I think.


Not sure how much impact it would have....but....possibly not X-Men, as its just been cancelled, but I guess if its just a submission it won't matter.


But yeah good luck dude. You seem a talented writer. Handsome tooWHAT.



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HAHA! Essay. Die. handing all 1,000 words in now. FuCK TAEYR! Poor taeyr.


Then; bbq and, I'm guessing, copious amounts of gin. Hatehatehatehate.


Ha Domjcg and Jayseven you love it!


I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo incredibly tired, but I'm off to play football with little kids at a school now. Its called volunteer work :)


Take me, take me back to your bed. I love you so much that it hurts my head.

BUT! Dilemma; kinda agreed to meet my ex on friday. I AM A FEWL. I will try to stay in the friend-zone.

I don't think you should say that to any of the kids.


Do I get a capital I in "girls" because you love me?

Yes! Insert something else about I'm into all your girls, or something :P


Also; slightly sad because I think I'm going to miss page 1000 of this thread. My life is laaame.

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Yeah I should get on those. I'm not sure if the site would fund my monetary tresspasses in Forbidden Planet. They might even send me stuff in the post. I hope they don't want me to review my own stuff, because I've...never bought a new graphic novel....ever...


wrong thread much? I'll shush.

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On my way home, I cycled past two small boys; one of them held a paper bag (candy bag?) out in front of him and asked me for change. I said I didn't have any and just kept going. And then they yelled at me and called me a tramp. Hate kids. Grah!


*annoyed at today*

you the tramp?? he was the one begging!! :nono:

stoopid kids.


...there's been a hearse parked across the street for a few hours now.... its making me feel kinda jittery :red:


EDITS! the scary corpse car gone now :grin:

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