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Just got back from school, where I did my Semiotics exam. I'm pretty sure I passed, just don't know if I barely passed or passed with a good grade. =P


But man I've been tired all day. And I'm even more tired now. My next exam (Art Philosophy) is on Wednesday morning and I still have to revise a ton for it an do a proof writing of an essay I have to write on my exam (don't even know my subject yet). Urgh. D:



But right now I'm going for some cold pizza and a bit of a game to relax first! ='D

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Guest Stefkov

Had an exam. Went well.

Forgot what Spooling was but I think I might have managed to put the right words in.

I got confirmation, in like an hour, that the Open day at Huddersfield Uni is still on Wednesday. Another trip to Huddersfield we go..

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My geography exam went....horribly.


Human was mostly easy, which was great. But Physical..eurgh. Everything that I had revised the least came up, it was terrible. I made up answers and filled in every space, but it was all crap.


I'm definitely going to have to retake it, but seeing a bad mark for your first AS and having to retake it isn't hugely bad...is it?

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My geography exam went....horribly.


Human was mostly easy, which was great. But Physical..eurgh. Everything that I had revised the least came up, it was terrible. I made up answers and filled in every space, but it was all crap.


I thought the human stuff was a great paper, not too hard, but not easy enough to make you feel like you've missed something out...


A mate of mine retook the physical paper today, and said it was a bitch too.

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Had an exam. Went well.

Forgot what Spooling was but I think I might have managed to put the right words in.

I got confirmation, in like an hour, that the Open day at Huddersfield Uni is still on Wednesday. Another trip to Huddersfield we go..



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Was up at 5am for work but came out of shower and laid on the bed and fell back to sleep, woke up at 6:20. Meant to get a train at 6:07, so I quickly got dressed and got the bus to the station and luckily got a train.


Was only half hour late for work :)


Been a busy day and im knackered, think im gonna go for a lay down.

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Finally run out of tobacco in the house and have to go cold turkey, not going too bad so far, six and a half hours without anything to smoke at all, and not going mad.


Are you cutting out weed usage too Rokhed?

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Yesterday: Got up at the very very annoying time of 5pm. :nono:


Watched Bolton Vs. Blackburn on telly, then had teh Sunday Roast.


Had no access to a computer for the whole night, so just played WWE SvR08 and Guitar Hero III. Went to bed at 5:30am


Today: Got up at the more reasonable time of 1:15pm. :smile:


Bought some nice stuff from the shop. Then ate/drank it all while watching Howl's Moving Castle on DVD.


I also brought my famous Pat Sharp avatar out of retirement. :grin:

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You've got to be shitting me. There's a few good movies on tonight all at around the same time. Open Water, Bring it on and Hollowman 2. Ok, by good I mean movies I haven't seen and Bring it on.


Hmm, go for the one I know is funny, or go for one I have no idea about. Then again Eliza Dushku in a cheerleader outfit is too hard to miss. Bring it on it is.




My day has been awesome, other than the geog exams. I am enjoying 2008 so far!

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Had a fairly decent day. Was shopping earlier and finally picked up the second brain training game, good fun. Then I gave blood this evening, I went with my Dad and my brother but my Dad couldn't give blood because his iron levels were too low. I think it's so funny how they treat you afterwards, making you sit down for ages and forcing the free food and drink on you, I wasn't complaining though!


Now my goal for tonight is to get to sleep at a reasonable hour, and then get outta bed tomorrow before noon. I'm back in college next Monday so I gotta start readjusting my body clock to normal hours.

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I'm ill.


Snap... and I'm supposed to be taking 3 exams today. I did the first, and answered maybe 5% of the paper, even though I could tell that I should be able to do the questions. So yeah, they let me go back to my room instead.


Wow, I'm totally zoning out, I can't concentrate on anything...

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