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Scone rhymes with gone.




Anyways, ooooo, rain and lots of it, thunder too!


Work was boring as usual today, forgot my phone which meant I couldn't check Facebook 20 times like I usually do :heh:. Although I did actually complete a sudoku for the first time effort, actually got quite into it!

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New call centre get! Its like trying to work the tardis with the new phones we have. Awesomesauce.


But its huge, airy, the right temp, and the sounds of people around me dont distract like they used to in the old cramped office.


I'm very happy to finally be in a legit call centre. And as part of the rent money the NHS pays for this private place, we get free tea/coffee/milk/sugar/hot water/bread/butter/jam. Toast for breakfast. Hell yes. <3


I'm now 10x happier working there (even though we are still shortstaffed at the mo) :D


Now I feel that work has settled I feel that my diet has improved. I'm not stress-eating. Yay.

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New call centre get! Its like trying to work the tardis with the new phones we have. Awesomesauce.


But its huge, airy, the right temp, and the sounds of people around me dont distract like they used to in the old cramped office.


I'm very happy to finally be in a legit call centre. And as part of the rent money the NHS pays for this private place, we get free tea/coffee/milk/sugar/hot water/bread/butter/jam. Toast for breakfast. Hell yes. <3


I'm now 10x happier working there (even though we are still shortstaffed at the mo) :D


Now I feel that work has settled I feel that my diet has improved. I'm not stress-eating. Yay.


Thats great to hear :) Karma for working so much last week and missing the meet? :)

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Got trapped out in the rain (granted I ducked into an indoor market area kind of thing but still...). Unsure what to do about my future. Enquired with the uni I currently have a position at about simply changing course (whether I have to completely re-apply) and still have that other course I found yesterday but I have no fucking clue what I want to be/do when I'm older. But then, I don't want to get trapped in a mediocre life if I don't ever try and do anything. Friend just text me saying she found a 2 bed place for £210/week furnished which isn't too bad, but still need a job. Urgh.


Spent most of the day looking at Disneyland stuff. Logically I should probably wait to see if I'll be living in London and all that. Also need to speak to mother's work and see if she can get the time off without her knowing...which could be tricky as she is admin and does the rota.



*deep sigh* ahhh, thats better now :)


My brother has swine flu. First case in the family...it feels as if that is some kind of achievement. Everyone else is doing it.

Edited by Ashley
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urgh, havent got my shifts yet, loads of problems getting it sorted, apparently they will phone me with them. if they don't, i'm screwed.



dont know how i'll get home from late shifts, no carpool in effect, not sure whos working when.


my life is in a mess. hopefully i can sort out a carpool at work, they really should have a board for it when it ends at such hours as 11 or 12.



also, i drove like a twat, got so fruistrated and just got worse. today hasnt gone well.


still, watchmen and the dark knight returns arvied, as a gental introduction to graphic novles.

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Its been alright today, ok the minor hic-up being the application form out of the way. Signed on earlier, got myself a hair-cut and chilled out this afternoon playing ALTTP.


I did watch Rambo II at lunch, and got shocked when the window cleaner we have climbed over the main gate to clean the back windows. (we have always wondered how he gets into the garden, considering both the side-gate and the main gate are locked/bolted).


Edit: And i've had enough of these women adverts on TV. Where are the male adverts. I want to see adverts for male products more often, not 1/4 of the time.

Edited by Jimbob
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I signed on and indeed off today! My last sign on as I start work on the 3rd. Hurraaaaah!


Unfortunately, it was a bad day too as I have had to send back my Lovefilm rentals so I don't have to pay at the end of my trial. Just as I was getting in to Resident Evil 5 as well :(

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top draw, chap. Enjoy!


yeah, it'l be nice to have a distraction from the fact im bassicly being screwed with by work, and ive been there a single day. how can such a large orinisation, on such a large campaign, be so badly organised?


i swear, if this dosent get resolved, i'm selling my story to the papers.

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I signed on and indeed off today! My last sign on as I start work on the 3rd. Hurraaaaah!


Unfortunately, it was a bad day too as I have had to send back my Lovefilm rentals so I don't have to pay at the end of my trial. Just as I was getting in to Resident Evil 5 as well :(


Congrats on the signing off! :) kinda sucks that you had to send back Resi 5 though, last night was epic! :D maybe keep a look out for a good deal on it? well worth buying to keep if you can get it on the cheap.

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Good day today, i ended up winning £20's worth of Play.com vouchers by playing the MSN game "Messenger Madness" competition (Yaaaay free things). Apart from that, i've done nothing other than sit at the PC today, how very sad.

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Got back from Ibiza this afternoon, and have spent the evening travelling home. It's been an utterly up and down week, but I've loved it so much nonetheless. The entire island is swimming in what the hospital says is swine flu, it's insane. I spent 2 and a half days of the 9 days in bed wanting to die, I felt so abysmal. But, as soon as a started to improve, we went out again. I love that they don't keep anyone in quarantine becauseso many people have it there.


The island was so much nicer than I assumed it would be, and so were most the people. It was so easy to just sit there and within seconds be having a really nice conversation with someone. Some of the clubs were amazing, and some were less so. The second night spent in Eden has to be one of the best experiences I've ever had, it was just so perfect. Leaving a club at 7am in the morning and not feeling at all tired due to being so utterly hyped is an incredibly odd feeling.


We met this lovely woman who had a job there over the summer, who we dubbed Katy Perry, because she looked SO much like her. We got so many pictures with her, and convinced ourselves it was actually Perry. I'm just sad it's the end of all the drunken abysmally slutty times.

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I have set myself a weekly budget until i can get myself a new job. With JSA and what i have in my bank, i can last about a year before i run out of money, if not longer. I've set it at £120 a week. And what i have left of that goes into a tin.

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