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I should actually be king of this centre. I raised something earlier that I knew was an error and basically three people (all in relatively high positions) said "Oh it could be this or this" and I thought to myself "Well its not" but said "Oh right okay, cool"


Anyway an email just went round saying about said error and that they are investigating it. Feel pretty smug.

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My family are useless.. They all think that its my birthday today... and its not til Friday. Oh well at least this means I get peace on the actual day.


My own bloody father asked my sister if it was today. Gah. I think forgetfulness runs in my family.


My parents always forgot how old I was. Not just on my birthday either, all the time. When I was in year 11 my mum didn't even know it. It came up one time;


"You're not in year 11 you're in year 10."

"No I'm in year 11"

"What you're in your last year of school?"

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pretty fucking AWESOME day!! :yay:


so here's the story;

a month and a half ago i moved in with jamba (yay!) which meant moving out of my current place. at the old place, i paid my rent from the 8th of the month...i gave my 1 month's notice on the 15th - meaning that i would owe the landlord 6 day's rent (£74.50~) which i told her she could take from my deposit (£150) which she would owe me in a month.


a month and a half later and after a LOT of her messing me around (she'd spent my money on her phone bill..?!) we finally met up in town today for her to give me my money.


maths geniuses will note that this should be around £75.



she gave me £235.


i have absolutely no clue how she got to this figure. in fact i had the receipt that i'd made HER write when i gave her my £150 deposit because i had a feeling she'd try and make out like i'd only given her £100 deposit (because that's what she's asking for in the new advert for my old room.) i DEFINITELY gave her just £150 deposit.


now.... since she'd been quite the bitch to me over the past few weeks and made me wait 2 weeks when i'd explained how much i desperately needed the money i was owed..... and since i'm still broke - i didnt say anything...


should i have done??

what would brian boitano do?? ::shrug:


also!! i sent off my CV to 4 teaching assistant positions last night - 3 have replied! 1 agency i have an interview with on friday, 1 i'm currently working out when they have time to see me, and the 3rd called me while i was in town, asking if i could interview tomorrow - i couldnt cause my mummy's coming... :grin: so he was like "OK! you're in ealing right? can you meet me in starbucks in half an hour?" ARGH! ok?! "oh, and write a paragraph about yourself and why you want to get in to teaching, ok?"



so i've had my first teaching interview!!

it went really well. it's for an extra curricular school type thing - the guy was talking about me going for the managerial role O.O


it sounds too good to be true :o


tl;dr summary:


1) my landlord finally gave me back my deposit - but gave me £160 too much by mistake. but i dont care because she's stupid :grin:


2) did well at teaching job interview. am happies.

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Today was boring, was going to go into town to get some clothes but my mate bailed on me.

Know how this feels, but I've experienced it before so I wasn't arsed today when it happened.

Today was a pretty awesome day until I had to go home. Went to town, traded in a few games and got Virtua Tennis 09. Then after a long while went into a new restaurant called Wasabi. Had nice bowl of ramen and some other things, it was pretty damn good for seven pound ninety five. Shame the coke cost one pounds twenty.

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anouther utterly pointless day at the job course. i realsied a guy i sit with looks like kevin webster from coronation street. mostly i say around, nothing going on. had a little 1 on 1 with 3 people who would try and get me a placement. i said id work any were. there was a long silence. they asked if id rather work in a hospital offering patient advice as it was closer to psychology then shop work. i explained my psychology degree wasnt really medical at all, but id do that job. more blank stares. you employ 3 people to talk to one, there shouldent be long silences.


i drank a 1L bottle of pineapple juice. i felt dizzy.


lightining threw out the power midway through an awful interview technique dvd, ending the patronising. any one who needs to be told to be on time and dressed smart to an interview isnt going to get a job that requires an interview.


walked home in torrental rain


driving lesson was ok, i tried reversing and it wasnt too bad. just wish i could of gone to my mates bbq cos im a bit down.

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My family are useless.. They all think that its my birthday today... and its not til Friday. Oh well at least this means I get peace on the actual day.


My own bloody father asked my sister if it was today. Gah. I think forgetfulness runs in my family.


Aw that sucks, some people are just useless at remembering birthdays though. Haven't you been hinting!


pretty fucking AWESOME day!! :yay:


so here's the story...happiness


Congrats gettting 3 replies the day after applying for jobs is great in the current climate! Good luck with the interviews.




This course they've got you doing sounds like a load of crap. Why do you have to do it? The job centre seem to waste a lot of time on programs that help no one.


My day was great, it's my brother's birthday so we went into Manchester for lunch, then an afternoon of 2 for 1 cocktails and then dinner.


On my 20th birthday he got me humiliated at a comedy club (because it was my bday) and so today was pay back time. After seeing someone else do it I got the waiters to sing happy birthday to him, it was a lot of fun secretly doing it (I'm usually too shy but cocktails helped) however he did catch me and the waiter signally to each other when I was reminding him, but that was really funny too.

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This course they've got you doing sounds like a load of crap. Why do you have to do it? The job centre seem to waste a lot of time on programs that help no one.


cos ive been n the dole for about 10 months now. i dont mind the idea of the placement part, but right now, no placement has been given.


also, on fridays every one has to go in and do job search in a room together, taking the day off your unpaid job. the room was packed today and yesterday, and the numbers only going to get bigger, it'l be far to many people to the number of available computers, and i have a computer any way, why make me waste 4 hours?

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So my sister hit a tree yesterday in our shared car and wrote it off. Neither she nor her friend in the passenger seat were injured thankfully, but the car has been scrapped. Just going round a relatively sharp turn, the back stepped out and she lost it, went onto the grass and eventually down a ditch and head on into a tree. Same thing happened to me about a week ago in the rain in the same car, going round a roundabout, but I managed to hold it. Wondering if there was something the matter with the car that it was losing grip so easily. Tyres were fine, but I dunno if it could have been something else maybe. Its annoying, since I'm due to take my test in like 6 weeks and now if I pass I have no car to use. Hopefully will get a new one sorted out quite quickly though. The one we had was a 7 year old Fiesta, with no ABS or power steering or anything, so hopefully the new one will be a bit better. Though if I'm asked to contribute any of the money towards it I will not be pleased. Not my fault my sister can't catch a slide.


Off on holiday in about 3 hours. Its weird - the build up to this holiday feels strange. This is the first holiday my sister isn't coming along on, so it might be something to do with that, but I dunno. Just not very hyped up for it, though I'm sure it will be great. Got 3 excellent books to read and a couple new games for my handhelds so lazing in the sun for a week shouldn't be too boring.

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cos ive been n the dole for about 10 months now. i dont mind the idea of the placement part, but right now, no placement has been given.


also, on fridays every one has to go in and do job search in a room together, taking the day off your unpaid job. the room was packed today and yesterday, and the numbers only going to get bigger, it'l be far to many people to the number of available computers, and i have a computer any way, why make me waste 4 hours?


I know exactly what you are going through, also being someone who has been through what you are going through now. It is shocking how the J/C can put you on a pointless course to do some Job Search that can easily be done in the comfort of your own home.


Did you go on the 2 week course before this 13 week one?. The 2 week course i did was the most pointless course i've ever been on. A "Help you back to Work by improving what you are weak on" course. The only thing i was missing/weak on was work experience, and that course couldn't give me that. I even told the advisors that they were wasting their time with me as i didn't need this course, but it was required the same as the 13 week Job Search course to get your benefit payment.

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