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emotions running rather high today as its the 'final show'

Ive been doing art at college for 2 years and so now we have the public come in and view our work, theres a cat walk and all that jazz.

But it also means its the last time we will all be together so nostalgia is sure to kick in.

I cant wait for it though, it shall be rather epic :)


Did...did ReZ just use correct grammar while ctg didn't...?


Woke up at 7am. Hardcore. Went to get t-shirt from post office holding place. Tescos. Now bored. Trying to decide what to do with my future. Umm any suggestions?

Did...did ReZ just use correct grammar while ctg didn't...?


Woke up at 7am. Hardcore. Went to get t-shirt from post office holding place. Tescos. Now bored. Trying to decide what to do with my future. Umm any suggestions?


An N-E tour! Starting all the way up in Alaska with that marsh dude and working down to Jim in Australia. One night at each person's home and they provide a meal that typifies the locality.

Did...did ReZ just use correct grammar while ctg didn't...?


Woke up at 7am. Hardcore. Went to get t-shirt from post office holding place. Tescos. Now bored. Trying to decide what to do with my future. Umm any suggestions?


You want to be a Pixar person right? You could try sending a script to them every single day for a month, or a design concept or whatever. Every day for a month. It would keep you occupied and you might get contacted by them.


It would be a fun little project to run. Record it all and whack it on YouTube, boom amazing etc. With proof etc of you having done it, it is one of those things you can look back on and be proud of. To feel that sense of acheivement is one of lifes few uberly good feelings. :)


An N-E tour! Starting all the way up in Alaska with that marsh dude and working down to Jim in Australia. One night at each person's home and they provide a meal that typifies the locality.


Aylesbury duck!

An N-E tour! Starting all the way up in Alaska with that marsh dude and working down to Jim in Australia. One night at each person's home and they provide a meal that typifies the locality.


Each day a new place? Sounds more like travelling than fun.



You want to be a Pixar person right? You could try sending a script to them every single day for a month, or a design concept or whatever. Every day for a month. It would keep you occupied and you might get contacted by them.


It would be a fun little project to run. Record it all and whack it on YouTube, boom amazing etc. With proof etc of you having done it, it is one of those things you can look back on and be proud of. To feel that sense of acheivement is one of lifes few uberly good feelings. :)


Hmm I do which is why I'm thinking "okay animation course". Obviously undergrad is out of the question. But then theres an fDA in Animation, but thats less than an undergrad (although still considerable as its specific) but then its too late to apply for that. There's not many postgrads, and they're mostly for people with experience. So then I considered summer/evening classes but then would people look at that and go "its nice you kept yourself busy but...was there a point?"


Although my uni does do a postgrad in creative digital. Part of me thinks I should email the guy and chat about the possibilities...part of me doesn't want to go back.


And I'd still like to move to London but that would require a job and that throws a hammer into the works. Its just...requires thought and decision making skills. And I'm not in the mood.


To loop back a bit, yeah story side but I believe it is needed/helpful to be able to knock up a basic storyboard/animation to support it. So, could this be something you can train yourself? I think I need to find people within the animation industry. I do have a fair few ideas of little animation things I could bung together as a portfolio when I get the skills. Came up with one yesterday on the plane actually while bored doodling.

It's a lesson in perseverance, I probably would have just had a lie down after the first hour of not succeeding :heh: (I assume it was eventually changed and you didn't sit in the darkness forever).

I tend to spend a day trying to do things, and everything fails, so I end up doing the 'lie down' thing for the rest of the week.

emotions running rather high today as its the 'final show'

Ive been doing art at college for 2 years and so now we have the public come in and view our work, theres a cat walk and all that jazz.

But it also means its the last time we will all be together so nostalgia is sure to kick in.

I cant wait for it though, it shall be rather epic :)

Good luck with that dude. I'm sure it'll be great.


I certainly think its something you can at least train yourself the basics of. (Sentence phailz)


I think passion and non-shitness is the most important thing. Seriously do what I said, it would be amazing. Worst that could happen is....well that they ignore it. But you might get a cool letter on Pixar company headed paper saying "Thanks etc" or even they love you. :)


Well at least we all know Disney's rejection letters look nice anyway;




Also, semi-related. Trying to decide if its financially viable to take my mom to Disneyland for her birthday. Found flights and tickets for £80 which is pretty good but I lack a job at present (would need to get a part time job if I did do some animation stuff...Game?).


Fffuuu, just went to fill up my car for the first time >.<


£20 for a quarter of a tank. Fucking Shetland.



In other news, its my end of year exhibition at my college tonight ^^ Finished my awesome new cyber wig in time too. Woo.

Fffuuu, just went to fill up my car for the first time >.<


£20 for a quarter of a tank. Fucking Shetland.



In other news, its my end of year exhibition at my college tonight ^^ Finished my awesome new cyber wig in time too. Woo.

Can you post some pics of your work [exhibited] Letty.


Remember the end of year show for my Arts Foundation course being great.


I did not get my dole money today. Now I'm a little bit short on funds.


I've got one more "payday" before the meet-up. If I don't get some monies by then, then no monies = no monies for train tickets = bye bye meet up. :(


Fuck it.

Fffuuu, just went to fill up my car for the first time >.<


£20 for a quarter of a tank. Fucking Shetland.


Holy balls, is it like £2 a litre there? Either that or you have a giant fuel tank.


Edit: Oh yeah, the reason I actually read this thread, my day. I booked the last part of my Full Metal Alchemist tattoo (Again. 3rd times the charm!). Plus I am off to watch the midnight showing of Transformers tonight. Good times.

Bastard! let us know your thoughts!


Will do. I can imagine them going like this though "Cinema was full, couldn't get tickets". I have an unlimited card, which means I can't book tickets more than a day in advance and even then, I have to do it in person. Either that or just pay for a normal ticket, but fuck that.


At least we will be watching another film before it, so it won't be a huge loss if it's full.




And another thing about my day: I'm turning oddly British. I had a bit of a Tea binge last night at work, and today have moved on to Dandelion and Burdock. I've yet to source a comically large front wheel for my bike.


mmm tea.


I'm so hungry, I need to go and have a blood test to see if I have aneamia, but I'll be damned if I'm having a blood test, it'd explain the dizzy spells and constant eatings I always have..


Day sucks. Feels like somebody has stifled all my mental thoughts by placing a plastic bag over my head.



And another thing about my day: I'm turning oddly British. I had a bit of a Tea binge last night at work, and today have moved on to Dandelion and Burdock. I've yet to source a comically large front wheel for my bike.


i turned up to a house party not knowing that many people with a bottle of dandelion and burdock and a bottle of voldka. every one seemed to love me for it, saying it was genious. i only bought it cos i couldent find any coke. actualy makes a good mixer.


I'm currently in my hospital room, alone. Found out I have internet, yay.

Feel fucking miserable though. Went in at 10:30 am and waited in my room for aaaaages. They didn't come to get me until 4:30 pm. =/


Also seconds before surgery, doctor tells me he's going to keep me until Monday because he thinks surgery is too much to send me home after one night. Why does he always keep these things until last minute? Urgh.


Surgery went okay, I guess. Was fucking nervous when it happened, shivering all over while four people were busy doing stuff to my body. Woke up at 6 pm with a tube stuffed down my throat and someone telling me to try and breathe. Painful. Even more painful was the leg, felt like I had a knife stuck in there. Hurt so much it made me cry and they had to stuff me with painkillers (received everything I'm allowed). Pain is almost gone now unless I move my leg; feel really sick though.


Haha shit, right after typing that I threw up, twice. It was green liquid. Weird cause I haven't had food or water since last night (just had a sip of water though). >.>;


Anyway yeahhhh, doesn't seem like they took bone from my hip, but I haven't seen the doctor since the surgery so I don't know what they did instead. Now I just have to entertain myself until Mondayyyy.


Glad to hear that you're ok Ine :) you must be feeling terrible right now though due to the surgery :/ but at least things should get better from here on in?

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