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Strange thing happened. Around midnight I got an sms from a Girl I never gave my number too (I sort of know her), she asked me if I wanted to take a walk.

(she lives 5min away from me). And I said yes. After the walk we went to my place and had some hot coco, played wii sports and Smario World untill 3.30.

After that I drove her home. I now got a message from her asking me if we could hang tomorrow also.


Not sure what all this means, she has a boyfriend. And she doesn't seem like the type to "do anything stupid" if the relationship has trouble.


I'm not gonna overthink this anyway. Women come and women go. I'll just have fun.

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I'm not gonna overthink this anyway. Women come and women go. I'll just have fun.


Good attitude.


I wish stuff like that would happen to me. Doing odd stuff amuses me no end. Once drove down to Weston Super-Mare in the middle of the night for the sake of being different. Got to see the sun come up despite it only being a day trip.

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*Arrives into office with casual racism* :o


I think I've scratched my eye. It huuuuuuurts.


Yowza. Related story, my dad got grit in his eye once, then didn't exactly realise and rubbed it and it scratched his eye big style. Said it was the most painful thing ever. I'm always extra careful when I'm luring children on the beach now.


running on no sleeps from last night.


Ugh...why did I read this like the Meerkat from Meerkat.com. Hate that shitty advert.


Finished invincible and wept with tears of awesome


This is how we roll bitches.


Anything I should know?


The Power Spin Dance. Absorb it. Public reaction has been mainly positive/bewildering.

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Well today's plans have already gone out the window. :mad: Was needing to read a play for my tutorial on friday but I can't find it anywhere online. Gonna have to go out and spend money on a copy of it tomorrow. Disgraceful. Thought it would have been uploaded to my Uni's e-book collection but no. Not much I can do until tomorrow which means for the rest of the day I'll be doing nothing :heh: Although the weather sucks at the moment. Cloudy as hell and really cold. Has to turn out like this on the day I have off doesn't it.

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Woke up a lasseh's bed this morning after the nights plowing after work. Not bad for a Monday.


My Invincible Volume 1 has arrived, I'm sure I'll get into it by the end of the day, but at the moment I'm listening to the Comic Relief Islands In The Stream constantly.


What's pissing me off today. I've still heard nothing from the US Embassy or the Knightsbridge place which commandeered my blood. Up to four days my arse.

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Whoa way too much to catch up on. Anything I should know? Havn't been here since page 1005 :heh:


I'm back home. Moved out of uni, and signing on in the next few days. Ho hum.

Such amazing stuff happens in my life each time you leave the forums. What does this tell you to do, huh!!

Well today's plans have already gone out the window. :mad: Was needing to read a play for my tutorial on friday but I can't find it anywhere online. Gonna have to go out and spend money on a copy of it tomorrow. Disgraceful. Thought it would have been uploaded to my Uni's e-book collection but no. Not much I can do until tomorrow which means for the rest of the day I'll be doing nothing :heh: Although the weather sucks at the moment. Cloudy as hell and really cold. Has to turn out like this on the day I have off doesn't it.


What play is it? I got some sawces.

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Doing odd stuff amuses me no end. Once drove down to Weston Super-Mare in the middle of the night for the sake of being different. Got to see the sun come up despite it only being a day trip.


I love driving strange places in the middle of the night. But it's extra special If you can do it with someone.


I need to buy a new car :/

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I'm curious about what is so epic about ReZ's upcoming reserved post awesomeness etc.


Days going slowish, i tend to get one or two of them now and then but it still is a good day though as per usual.


I shall return here about 5:30pm-6pm. Darn servers in work.

Edited by Jimbob
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@ Jay - it's Harold Pinter's The Dumb Waiter. Not exactly looking forward to it much as I'm not a huge fan of modern drama.


I think you meant to put modern boredom there. :grin: Just be thankfully it's only 1 act. Just read it quickly so Gus can die and it will all be over.

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What a wondrous weekend it has been.

Friday 12pm I awoke from my slumber and shortly after started work on an assignment due in for Monday.


Time skip to Monday. 0 hours sleep.

Work handed in at 3 ish. Went to the ol' BK. Scoffed that down. Went back to flat and about 5 got into bed.

Tuesday I woke up at 4:06am. Promptly went back to sleep again after drinking 3 apple Capri Suns. Next thing I know it's 1pm and I cannot type very well anymore.

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Boxes! I'm surrounded by Boxes! I've been packing all my DVD's, Books, and games today ready for when I move to the City centre in a few weeks time.


Briefly escaped my cardboard box prison to post a Silent Hill guide to Portugal and now I'm back. But I've had enough packing for today. Hard thing about packing up your stuff is it's very easy to get distracted by stuff you pull out of drawers or books you wanna look at and read sections of.



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I don't understand car insurance...how can something be £380 through Confused, but if you go to them directly it doubles in price?




WTF....this is such a strange feeling...BOTH my local cinemas are showing BOTH new films I want to see this week. I dunno how to react.

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My day was funs. I got back from Parent's evening a few hours ago. Twas my last ever one! :D


Also today, some how I managed to end up saying "Yes but this one embarrassing time I ended up smoking a condom and wearing a cigarette"


Very Bizarre. :p


Equally I managed to get people wanting to watch Kid's TV. So we watched Power Rangers. EPIC! new one is lamed compared to when I watched it though.

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wah I had a really crappy driving lesson. Came out of a junction right at the beginning of the lesson, and was too quick to try and get into second gear and stalled. (in rush hour traffic YAY...) That just put me off through the entire lesson and I went into scared/stupid mode.


Just feel like I had come so far.. Tomorrow will be my 10th (1-hour) lesson...Surely I should have this down by now. :(

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