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Guest Jordan

Without getting into too much detail, she said she hadn't loved me for a while and didn't want to tell me.


Not feeling great right now, i'll be honest.

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Guest Jordan
So you're stuck in Shetland now? what are you gonna do? stay there or go elsewhere?


I have to stay here, i have a mortgage and a proper job.


I hate this place, I have no desire to stay here now that the only reason i was here in the first place is gone.


Jesus, this sucks.

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Shit, im sorry Jord.


You can always sell the house, and you can get a job using your experience now elsewhere. Somewhere better, somewhere you can start fresh, that isn't in the middle of nowhere.


This is the kinda stuff you'll be thinking about in a few days/weeks though, right now you just need to have some time for yourself. Enjoy it as best you can, try not to dwell but to reflect and be thankful for the good times.


I dont know the ins and outs of the break up but, its not long since the last time she did it so, you dont need that hanging over you. You're better off. It would have been a long distance relationship soon as it is and they are tough even at the best of times. Im sure thats part of the reason why she has given up herself.


Anyway, love ya Jord, you'll get through this.

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Ah, this is second to worst when my parents split up.


And my brother killed them both.


And tried to kill me.


And I made up loads of crap that wasn't true.


I'm sorry to hear though, sucks big time. Hope you both get through things okay.

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I just made a tech-ass out of myself. Gah I'm so embarrassed. I'm also such a huge geek, I get embarrassed when I fumble with computers, but not for social situations such as tripping over and not being able to open a door for a good 3 minutes, because the key kept slipping out of my hand.

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Oops. Was supposed to make a start on my english essay today, or at least choose what I'm writing about and read the damn thing. Just completely forgot. Got until monday to do it but really I was hoping to get it out of the way for the weekend to have that free as work'll be pestering me for more reviews even though I've given them 6 in just under 2 weeks. Anyways, I'll start it tomorrow. I promise.*


* promise may or may not hold based on whether I can be arsed after coming home from Uni


And condolences to you Jordan. Chin up. Likewise to Letty as I'm sure she's feeling awful about it as well.

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They did live together, but shes moving to go to university somewhere this year i believe.

I seeeeeee.



*slinks into the shadows to avoid the storm*

Oi bitch, don't you have an essay to do?


And if not, do one anyway, I command you. 1000 words on anal seepage. Go. :blank:

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