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Extremely happy with my bonus, I won't say how much it is, because that would be grossly inappropriate *cough* :heh:


Kwikfit man: What's wrong with the car Miss Molly?

Me: Mmm, it drives funny.

Kwikfit man: *sigh*


Which box are you in, middle?


I am in the top middle. Cos' Im excelling expectations. Thats why I get half a bonus (sigh), not as big pay as my peers who aren't achieving aswell etc, but yeah my own silly fault eh. (Well apart from pay....but if that isn't at least a grand pay rise this year I'll kick up a fuss)

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@ Tellyn - Doing Wii game reviews over at DS-x2.com. Originally started posting WiiWare reviews through their forums and they offered me a job doing it for Wii games back in September but I couldn't do it but I have the time spare now so I offered to do it and they said yeh. Just been 'enjoying' the first 2 of the 7 titles I have to play through, More Game Party and Jeep Thrills (urgh, I hate saying that latter one as it annoys me) and neither of them are great, although the former is more fun with friends but the mini-games on the disc are pretty basic and not very good. Lets just say that these titles don't match the calibre of the others I've been allowed to review, such as Okami and HotD: Overkill.

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Which box are you in, middle?


I am in the top middle. Cos' Im excelling expectations. Thats why I get half a bonus (sigh), not as big pay as my peers who aren't achieving aswell etc, but yeah my own silly fault eh. (Well apart from pay....but if that isn't at least a grand pay rise this year I'll kick up a fuss)

Hehe, I was talking about you writing it on here! I started in September so got 4 months worth of bonus @ 10.something%. lol, if you hadn't been naughty and I'd done a year, we'd be sorted! When's pay rise? I need to leave before it becomes an issue.

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Hehe, I was talking about you writing it on here!


.....Lol....what did you think I thought you meant?


Hehe, I was talking about you writing it on here! I started in September so got 4 months worth of bonus @ 10.something%. lol, if you hadn't been naughty and I'd done a year, we'd be sorted! When's pay rise? I need to leave before it becomes an issue.


Niiiiiiiice. Wow so you get less than me. In a sick way that makes me feel better. ;)


Pay rise =....May.

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All this talk about Bonus, it's mine next Wednesday. Don't know how your guys are worked out but mine is a percentage of what you've earned in a year. I could say salary but it's really not as also takes into account stuff like overtime. The only good thing about working in retail, the bonus.


Also speaking of Pay Rises, I got told mine last week (it takes effect from next month). Biggest rise my manager has ever given. Well deserved of course :heh:

Edited by Jon
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Got up, went to town to get a new inner tube for my bike. Ended up buying a load of other stuff for bikes (see purchases thread). Took the front wheel off the bike to take the old inner tube out. Put the new one in and sprayed tyreweld in there. I always chuck that stuff in, that way if there is a puncture, the foam will hopefully seal it for me. At least long enough to get home.


Unfortunately I forgot to only inflate the tyre a little bit before putting it back on the bike. The fully inflated tyre now wouldn't clear the brakes. So rather than deflating the tyre and spraying foam all over the place, I took the brakes off. God damn I seem to find the longest way to do things.



On the up side, I was hooning down a steep hill in the middle of nowhere during the test ride of the bike and Bohemian Rhapsody came on the iPod. Got me some rad air guitar going on. And I also got some "Waynes World" action. Luckily no one saw me do any of it. It was a good day!

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finished resi 5, looked up driving for people with dyspraxia, found that alot of sufferers have problems telling there right from there left. i never knew.



and then i tackled the mountain of washing created by my parents meal. one meal took me 20 mins to clean up after. if it involves more then 3 pans surly it isnt woth the hassle?

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My friend has somehow managed to become a DJ in a club on the Kings Road. This get slightly more amazing (amusing?) when you realise, and he freely admits this, he doesn't really listen to music other than jazz.


He asked me to knock up a set list for Wednesday night.


I've done it and it's pretty fucking good. Although I've never been to the club so I'm not especially sure it's exactly what they want. It's definitely close to the description I was given. Sounds like I need to put some 90s cheese in it. I have done, but only in remixed form. A bit of Chaka Khan vs Daft Punk goes a long way.


His set is 5 hours long.


I gave him 7 hours of choons.


Quite fancy going to see it but those West London Neo Sloan Rangers make me want to wretch.

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Daft: maybe it should be you that DJs? Sounds like he's riding off your mad skillz.


I'd love to but it's his job. :heh:


Didn't take me long to rustle up the set. I think I'm going to see if I can go there on Wednesday. The set kind of needs to be balanced and he's not going to have enough time to listen to it all and get a feel for it. Plus, it might be quite good banter.


I'm pretty sure he is DJ on a temporary basis. The last DJ suddenly quit and he went from clearing glasses to being the mid week DJ as a fill in. They haven't replaced him yet though. (Now you can see why I was amazed when he told me.)


I'm not sure it's the kind of place I'd want to work. Saying that, I'd snap off their arm if I got offered. :D

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Gaaah im stressing about Uni.


I'm not really feeling any of the choices i've put down. I think i've applied for too lower grade Uni's thinking i wouldn't be able to make the entry requirements, but seeing my module results and AS grades i can. I should have applied for Sheffield :( I dunno what to do now.


In others news, todays been dull, boring and pretty crap.

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Gaaah im stressing about Uni.


I'm not really feeling any of the choices i've put down. I think i've applied for too lower grade Uni's thinking i wouldn't be able to make the entry requirements, but seeing my module results and AS grades i can. I should have applied for Sheffield :( I dunno what to do now.


In others news, todays been dull, boring and pretty crap.


I was like that when I had applied for my Uni's. I got accepted at them all on an unconditional basis (because I had a gap year) and kind of thought, "Wait... I didn't even try applying to a university that wanted what I got... only below...".


It worked out fine though. Try not to worry about it. Once you're there you'll get settled and realise that ranking and what have you is pretty dumb.

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Everyone was trying to finish/do their yearbook forms today. Have to be handed in tomorrow, still need entries for mine from my best friends, one of which is Chair...


My one for him wasn't very good, more short and sweet. Don't worry, it referenced Michelle Pfiefer and Tori Amos.

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