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Dear me Raining...


Now I'm no doctor, so my opinion doesn't count for much (not that it would if I was), but I think that may be the biggest under statement I've seen in years.


Have you always been like that?


Comes on and off since 2002/2003...between a week and 6 months it can last. Not like bleeding all over the place (I don't lose a horrendous amount of blood or anything) just all horrible and blocked


Probably just one of the wonderful side effects of having inflammed blood. I had a really bad period of it onces, I had my blood taken.. the ESR test measures inflammation or something - it should normally be well under 15, and it was 34.


I suppose I probably should mention it to the doctor really..


it's on the bottom of a considerable list of health complaints I have :P

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Guest Captain Falcon
Comes on and off since 2002/2003...between a week and 6 months it can last. Not like bleeding all over the place (I don't lose a horrendous amount of blood or anything) just all horrible and blocked


Probably just one of the wonderful side effects of having inflammed blood. I had a really bad period of it onces, I had my blood taken.. the ESR test measures inflammation or something - it should normally be well under 15, and it was 34.


I suppose I probably should mention it to the doctor really..


it's on the bottom of a considerable list of health complaints I have :P


No suppose about it.


And if that's the at the bottom of the list, I'd hate to even try to imagine what could be at the top of it.

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I come back from visiting a pub after work and find my brothers' light is on, and I can see the shape of someone. I can hear shouting, I assume my brother has been caught bringing a lass back. I park my bike round the back as the shouting has come downstairs. I hear my step dad shout "I'm ashamed of you!" I walk in and find it was my step sister he was shouting at. Alarm bells ring.


As she puts coat/shoes on, I ask the question "Were you caught in bed with my brother?" Answer no. I go to my room then return downstairs where my stepdad sits in the dark. I ask why he would shout how ashamed he was at his daughter, he says I know since I mentioned it earlier. I confront my brother who gives me the bullshit - she was staying the night [despite the fact she lives about a minute walk away, to get to our house you have to pass hers], she couldn't sleep on the floor, [why not on the sofa?] she couldn't sleep on the sofa because mum was there [not when I entered]. I sent her a text asking her to cut the bullshit, yet to recieve a reply.


And the night before I thought glances between him and a step sister on the other side of the family revealed something.

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Well, that was a fun night out ruined...


I was dancing with a girl (bump and grind :heh:) when I suddenly notice some of my flatmates near by all standing shouting at one guy. I excuse my self with a promise to return (never to happen, sadly) and go and investigate.


Some twat kept dancing with a flatmate of mine, after being asked repeatedly to back off. In the end, he becomes really aggressive and shoves one of the girls. One of the guys goes up to him and suggests he fuck right off. A bit of pushing and shoving, he steps off, my friend turns away. He then jumps for someone else in our group, and all hell breaks loose - he gets punched repeatedly (at least twice in the face by one guy), and ends up on the floor.


My flatmates are pulled off, only for him to get up and come back again. This time, I'm right in the centre telling him and on of my friends. I'm literally in the centre, with no way out, so I shout at both of them to back off whilst pushing them apart and knocking their punches away from each other. They both get pulled apart by bystanders. In the process, one of them punches me in the side of the head - as such, I'm now a bit dizzy.


We all left after that, and I was without a chance to get a number off le femme.Two of my flatmates got quite badly punched in the face, and at least one of them made him bleed - several people have blood on their shirts, yet none of our party were cut.

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Currently sitting on the Eurostar in St.Pancras London, about to leave (so no more internet for me then I guess). Really don't feel like going home, for so many reasons.

There's a couple sitting close to me, and the girl is crying for some reason. Feel like crying as well but I'll just try to be strong I guess.


Have a splitting headache as well thanks to being ill (again). It's gonna be a looooong journey home.

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I had a pretty productive day yesterday :) dropped my g/f at the train station, went and had a haircut, replaced a headlight in my car, got some free food, picked my g/f back up again and met a client for a webdesign. Today will be teh awesomes too... although I am knackered from driving home and we have to go shopping for the cupboards are bare.

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Had mates over last night for a game of 1000 blank white cards which just never happened. Instead it was sailor Jerry's, beer, wine and diamond white cider. Oh dear.


Anyone know who 'Mystery' is? A dude who claims he can pick up any girl. I've got two buds who have clearly been watching with a pen and paper, and last night they took Dan Dare with them to a club. Their tactics were well thought out -- girls think men are creeps if they just approach head-on, so they had a scripted idea that would at least break down any preconceptions of asshole-ness.


I also beat Dan 3-1 on street fighter 4. He was quite drunk though.

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Exploring corporate ownership and cross-media synergy and all this Jack Donaghy bullshit. Trying to prove the owners of the Gossip Girl soundtrack (Atlantic/Warner) choose the artists because they own them but unfortunatly they don't. There's a few indies and some from elsewhere. Hmm, will have to work this argument round. Shame I can't find the contracts for how much the indies are making in comparisson to the likes of Sony and Universal off it... Also gotta tie all this, as well as artist and lyric analysis, to national identity. And still find sources for this info other than Wikipedia (unless...maybe the soundtrack sleeve itself would say). Fun times.


Other than that I went to town. 'CITIN'!


Oh and I need to book my train to Sheffield later (note to self)

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So, I went to a hairdresser's today for a slight trim on my shoulder-length mane of hair. I didn't want too much lopped off, so I tried my best in telling the hairdresser what I wanted. I wanted it short-but-yet-still-quite-long.



I ended up with short-back-and-fucking, motherfucking bastard cunting sides. Fucking well done, Mrs Hairdresser!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I can't tell when I should tell them "That's quite enough cuttage, thank yow." Although I did enquire as to why she brought out the clippers when she did. I went sorta like "WTF?" and she just said she needed to go around the edge a bit. I said fair enough. Only later did I realise my mistake.


God-fucking-damn! I should have remembered to take that bloody picture that shows more or less what I usually want. :nono:


It's gonna take a month to grow back to a suitable length. :mad:

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Days been alright i think, last night was a good night. In the pub, me and one other person supporting France and everyone else supporting Wales. A whole lot of silent Welsh fans to the two loud French fans (actually both of us were English supporters, we support England and any team that play Wales).


Felt sorry for the artist at the end of the rugby, no-one as such stayed to hear her except me and a few others.

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Anyone know who 'Mystery' is? A dude who claims he can pick up any girl. I've got two buds who have clearly been watching with a pen and paper, and last night they took Dan Dare with them to a club. Their tactics were well thought out -- girls think men are creeps if they just approach head-on, so they had a scripted idea that would at least break down any preconceptions of asshole-ness.

Yes, my friend's brother had the book and used to do it every week with his mates; it was like they were going hunting in packs. Although some of it is positive I'd say, extra confidence to talk to someone is great. But some rules, like putting a girl down so she's more likely to trust you and therefore pull you, it's just so manipulative. Scary how well it works by all accounts.

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So, I went to a hairdresser's today for a slight trim on my shoulder-length mane of hair. I didn't want too much lopped off, so I tried my best in telling the hairdresser what I wanted. I wanted it short-but-yet-still-quite-long.



I ended up with short-back-and-fucking, motherfucking bastard cunting sides. Fucking well done, Mrs Hairdresser!

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Short back and sides is brill though.


You'll grow to love in time.

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Went bowling yesterday afternoon since English language was cancelled, good fun, and had an hour in the arcades afterwards. Then the night was crappy, had to work for most of it. The landlord also sprung a nice surprise on me, I'll be working 2-8 on Sunday. Fucking brilliant, cheers.


Today, I've mostly been sat around playing Pikmin and Sam & Max Season 1 - also bought Onslaught for WiiWare, which is trashy but quite fun. Watched Juno just now as well.

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Yesterday I spent a few hours modeling a head. Somehow I managed to set all of the vertices to a y coordinate of 0. How I didn't see it in the other 3 viewports is a mystery. Alas, I didn't stress out, closed the program and watched Chobits for the rest of the night.

Today I restarted it and got it done, this time saving at every point I thought to. Now I need to texture which I do not like doing. Plus the internet is being very annoying, loading times are like being spanked with a child with nails in it.

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