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(Puts on guidance practitioner hat...)

Not fancy college or uni as the alternative? What would you like to do in general? Where do you see yourself in 5yrs time? It's always worth working whilst looking for another job too. Even if that job is crap to you, employers prefer someone who did something rather than nothing. You mentioned having little experience but doing this will give you another string to your bow :)


i did college and university. im considering going back to uni and enhancig my degree, maybe in a couple of years


I believe CTG just finished uni and has come out with a degree in psychology.


bloody well remebered!


I got the oddest voicemail this morning. I had 3 missed calls at about 3am from a number I don't recognise and then a 901 voicemail that sounds like a group of people shouting 'CHARGEBAAACK'.




thats pretty odd. i know a guy whos a tinker for drunken voice mail. a femail friend of ours got a message from him one night, just chatting away. his scotish mate shouts fromt he back ground "peter! tell her she'd get it!" which he did. i can do a perfect impression of it and it never fails to make her laugh.

My god!


Work has gone totally nuts. Have been very quiet for a year now - was just scraping by on about 15 hours a week, watching all my savings drain away and getting rather worried.


This past two weeks, I've taken on 8 new pupils and next week, I have 48 hours so I'm gonna be knackered. I'd rather have it this way though than struggling.


I did loads of work a few months ago getting my site as high up as possible on google. Am on page 2 now, looks like it's done the trick for me!


A friend at work told me how many times its clicked affects it too? I'd be happy to click it a few (hundred) times if you like. :p


My brother is really starting to piss me off now. Apart from a van he has [with a flat tire] still resting idle on my stepdads driveway which he needs to tow away [quality excuse "I can't be arsed"], he's gone and bought a car from his mate [Ford Fiesta for £100] which he isn't insured for, and he's lost his physical license.


He comes home at about 1:40am on Wednesday [up for work at 6] and starts giving mum the I will I will speech, using the phrase "At the end of the day..." so many times, if I got a quid each time he used it, I would've had at least £50 in the space of 10 minutes. And enjoys swearing to God he's going to do something. Then adds the final insult "I know I do all this blah blah, I love you" and goes off to bed. I come downstairs and find mum crying.


If it happens again I'm going to have a go, I don't care if he's stronger than me, I'm getting sick of his bullshit. As another semi-punishment I've changed the password on the laptop, and when I go to work I'm leaving a note with it, basically saying "I swear to God at the end of the day, because at the end of the day I swear to god..." numerous times. Finished with "Fuck you."


^ WHy have you started stretching your ear might I ask?


Anyways, what the hell did I do today. Can't remember. There was a lecture in there somewhere, can't remember what on and a tutorial for Heart of Darkness for english that seems to have gone over my head as well. Not good. At least it's the weekend and so I can now sit and relax watching films, which is what I've been doing all week, without having to worry about getting up at the right time for Uni. Will probably also have to send Tapedeck his money back on monday seeing as the game I sold to him seems to be lost in the network that is the Royal Mail which is strange as I posted it on monday for him and it's not arrived and he posted the money on tuesday and I got it the next day. Me thinks some bastard postman has nabbed it.

I finally drove on the main road today :D

Did some roundabouts too! I'm proud.


Also started stretching my ear last night.


Ooh what size are you going to? Do you measure in g or mm? :bouncy:

Ooh what size are you going to? Do you measure in g or mm? :bouncy:


Just going for 8mm - dont want anything tooooo big!


Only 2mm atm though :D

Just going for 8mm - dont want anything tooooo big!


Ah that's good size to be, just about enough as a guideline to possibly go back too if needs be. I won't lecture because you already seem to know your stuff, which is yay! :geek:


It won't take you that long to get that, 1mm every 4-6weeks, maybe the summer if your ears are dead stretching!

If it happens again I'm going to have a go, I don't care if he's stronger than me, I'm getting sick of his bullshit. As another semi-punishment I've changed the password on the laptop, and when I go to work I'm leaving a note with it, basically saying "I swear to God at the end of the day, because at the end of the day I swear to god..." numerous times. Finished with "Fuck you."


My note is complete:

"I swear to God at the end of the day I swear to God. At the end of the day I really swear to God. I don't know what day the end of I'll actually do the stuff I sweared to God I'd do but I swear to God I'd do it before the end of the day I'm going to do the things I swore to God I'd do.


Fuck. You."

Thinking about it like that actually, I've realised perhaps Engineering is the road to go down, rather than straight Physics. Because I love the mechanics stuff, but dislike Electronics. Or am I being too naive about the two courses in saying that.


Do civil engineering. Mechanical, medical and aerospace all involve electronics, whilst civil does not.


Letty don't do the massive ear stretch thing. It's horrific.


However, the smaller ones are acceptable. :)




Fine, didn't do much. Lovely chat in art. Going out to a friends house, then to another friends house for a party.


Blah; been looking up BU's policies on tuition and accommodation fees, and how much I'll save by leaving early or carrying on until the end of the year with some sort of social life intact.

Letty don't do the massive ear stretch thing. It's horrific.


However, the smaller ones are acceptable. :)




I actually agree with you, anything bigger than 16mm to me looks silly, depending on the size of the lobe.


Had this email sent round the company today by my boss. So, all in all, work has been pretty sweet. Now just got to go home and be greeted by the sick family (cold/flu) and endure another evening of coughing and general unwellness.


Thanks to James's programming skills we now have the capability to insert externally created variables into Reflect. This is likely to save us annually a four figure sum in terms of reduced DP costs - for inserting one variable Sonja often charges £50.


To my knowledge only the Stats team ever make such requests to Sonja - for inserting cluster variables and QoL instrument domain scores. However just in case some of you have made such requests to Sonja please in the future contact the Stats team and we'll insert them for you.


Once more well done James on the programming front!





Letty don't do the massive ear stretch thing. It's horrific.


However, the smaller ones are acceptable. :)




Fine, didn't do much. Lovely chat in art. Going out to a friends house, then to another friends house for a party.




Went to bed at SIX AY EM. Watched FIVE episodes of house from about 4am, for no reason in particular. Woke up at 4am! Now I got me some Lost/Supernatural to watch before we smallville/hustle-it-up later tonight, boooo ya! Excitingisms.


It is nice to have friends, but it hurts more to know they are better than that and doing that to me is awful, much more than say a person I know was already an arsehole doing that.


My day was cheered by friends though and somewhat of Smedley's question game, however angry anna got about it.

Waaah I'm getting surnamed! Am I the arsehole in question? I know it's paranoid/egotistical, but I do wonder.


EDIT Dante, that's the third time in a day you've posted it, or something!

Waaah I'm getting surnamed! Am I the arsehole in question? I know it's paranoid/egotistical, but I do wonder.


EDIT Dante, that's the third time in a day you've posted it, or something!


Course it isn't, daft bugger! Actually I usually call you James or Smedles to my somewhat great amusement. But no it isn't you.


Ooo, Psychology was odd today. Got this talk from the author of all these point crime books. He was so patronising, the four of us just left (It was for year 8's, but we joined in because Miss thought it might be helpful). We went back to class, ate massive amounts of mini-eggs and caught up on "Gossip". It was ace. She hates the other group completely, but loves us (due to there only being 5 of us).


One girl in the other group (I've dubbed her "tramp"...I swear if I throw change at her, she'll put out) scares the rest of them by judging everyone, and stops anyone from raising their hand. It's shocking. Bitch.




Had my last exam today. Dear god, I'm so funking happy. I couldn't answer one question at all...something about dispersion graphs. Tosspots. It's a solid C at least...hopefully. If not, someones getting bitch slapped. With a C, I can average a B, which is fine. :D


Having a little party tomorrow, which should be nice. A large amount of vodka is needed to destroy the memorys of the exams/have fun embrassing myself. Haven't done that in sooooo long.

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