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Bloody hell I had the weirdest night. One of those nights where you can't tell if you've spent the last 10 hours awake or dreaming, or even both. I woke up at about 7am with a splitting headache and an asthma attack, then fell asleep again until about 11:30, where I just lay in bed for about an hour and a half trying to remember who and where the hell I was.


Still, sunny day out. That's a good start.

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Funnily enough, brain twin, my night was similarly beserk.


I just could not get to sleep. Despite being tired, warm, comfortable and otherwise basically primed to sleep that shit up It just wasn't going to happen. Somehow, I got it in to the void between my brain and my body (but at on point discerably either of those exclusively) that my arms and back were really, really itchy.

this went on for 3 and a half hours. I gave up on the notion so fickle as rest at around 4 and decamped to the kitchen for a drink which seemed to do the trick on some level and I managed to pass out when I got back.


It's totally destroyed my plans for the day though. Fuck.

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Ashley: You should become a script writer for Melrose Place!


What is this, the early 90's? :p


Decided when I next see him I'll try the civil "I wasn't trying to piss you off, but I saw no other route" thing and see if we can have a surface friendship. If not its the jugular.


Postman bought me a nice and a nasty this morning; The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy (book) and a £130 water bill. Which I thought was nasty for three months...and then realised its for two. Bloody housemate, she and her boyfriend take 2 or 3 showers a day, and often a bath.


Anyway. Trying to find out when our last lectures are this year but the online module guide never loads. Grr.


Congrats once again nightwolf, and congrats Eenuh :D


Funnily enough, brain twin, my night was similarly beserk.


I just could not get to sleep. Despite being tired, warm, comfortable and otherwise basically primed to sleep that shit up It just wasn't going to happen. Somehow, I got it in to the void between my brain and my body (but at on point discerably either of those exclusively) that my arms and back were really, really itchy.

this went on for 3 and a half hours. I gave up on the notion so fickle as rest at around 4 and decamped to the kitchen for a drink which seemed to do the trick on some level and I managed to pass out when I got back.


It's totally destroyed my plans for the day though. Fuck.


Welcome to my every night :p

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My door is operated by a card access, put your card to the door and bzzz your in. But for unknown reasons this decided to not work ever again >< and my cards snapped previously, they give you one free one and say don't break it again and then charge 20 quid or something stupid for it, but mines not snapped it's just not bzzzing anymore =[ nor does it let me into the kitchen /cry


My day has been, well, if anyone was to watch my day they would feel awkwardly funny, its hard to explain, but i've insulted a friend by saying they don't look so hot, put my foot in it elsewheres, tried to find my seminar room, found my friend from another class, but she was doing a different class so not in my seminar, discovered that i have to be across campus from one class to another in 0 minutes, my teacher is german, self proclaimed scrict on time urgh. But i found someone in my seminar who lives in harpenden, and another that lives in luton. (i.e very close to me ones in the same town).

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Hmm, these people have taken over our law faculty. While peaceful protesting is all very good, their demands are absurd, and apparently they've spray painted things and stopped lectures taking place.


Wow, now I'm sorry, but can they just not go to the streets like good old fashioned protestors? Ruining classes doesn't seem to be helping much..


Got a 2:1 in my module from last term. Good start, tres good start.

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Speaking of protest, after months of protesting the government here because of the failing economy the credit crunch and not just doing their job they have finally stepped down.

I´m a bit disappointed in myself because I was sick over the peak of the protests.


Truly a landmark day here.

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Speaking of protest, after months of protesting the government here because of the failing economy the credit crunch and not just doing their job they have finally stepped down.

I´m a bit disappointed in myself because I was sick over the peak of the protests.


Truly a landmark day here.


You thought you could organise freedom? How Scandinavian of you.



*transforms into a metal bear, and smashes a way out of the thread*

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Day has turned into failz when I discover there are two new episodes of The Office out, and my download speed is pulling some sick punkage on me.




OMG....literally the best thing ever just happened. Randomly flicked on Discovery and its "How they do it" this episode....carpets and LEGO. Brill.

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My art teacher seems to have realised that I am a massive closet geek. 'So the next few weeks probably aren't the ideal time to go out nightclubbing. *looks at me* Or watching two hours of Lost, downloaded from the internet, before obsessing over the new Watchmen movie on the internet'.


I loled. Turns out he's also a Watchmen / Lost fan though so all is gravy.



Thoughts required: Are ginger couples a strange concept?

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It's actually quite horrible. But it has good music (venues) compared to Edinburgh.


However, Edinburgh is thirty time lovelier to live in. Not sure about student life though.


A fair few years ago, I was in Scotland on holiday (Lol) and we went to Glasgow. We drove in, turned round, and drove straight back out.

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