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Cleaned Fish. Although the water looks as merky as before :/ Still. Its new. Then went to uni and picked up my reference (why she didn't send it herself I don't know...) and sent it, as well as a letter to my friend's mom basically saying (in politer words) "your bastard son has owed me £350 for nearly two years and keeps ignoring me. sort him out.' We'll see.


Doing a bit of research for my disseration. Read a thirty page chapter and most of it was not relevant. Always a treat.


And im craving chocolate cake...


Had kind of arranged for my friend to come round so he can mope about his ex but have heard nothing and kinda hoping it stays like that. Not really in a hosting mood.

Edited by Ashley
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I'm not actually sure whether to be offended or take it as a compliment that somebody went to the trouble of trying to re-create my account just to insult me.


Rokhed from a different IP surely.


Or xpert is getting wayyyyy out of hand! lol


Whoever it was I sent them this http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dwnqqj5Q1BU


Noone insults a fellow Xpert player and gets away with it!

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My day was awesome.


Got to college, stared dis-heartedly at my thing I've been making at college from across the room.


Went on a road trip across Shetland with my crew at lunch.


Came back, and TOTALLY CHANGED EVERYTHING ABOUT MY THING (which I made)! Its now awesome. And will become ever more awesome tomorrow.

The college leant me a dressmakers doll and everything!

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I've known a few lauras in my time, 50/50 chance of coolness. WHICH WILL SHE BE!?

OI! You should know by now :heh:



Shit day at work, but I hate my job so it's bound to happen. A lovely man made me a little happy though, offered me an excellent job in Bristol based on one conversation, love it. He won't have the goods to back it up, but still, it's nice to be praised.


I have to praise you like I shoooooouuuuuld. Ho hum.



Moogle, someone did that to my friend with facebook. Copied all her details and everytime my friend changed her profile pic, the random would too. They also sent people pms pretending to be my friend. Was weird, facebook banned the random identity stealer in the end.

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Had an awesome day actually.


Went to Milton Keynes to buy a new shirt for this formal party at the weekend, I failed though, couldn't find anything I liked that didn't cost too much. Then went on a mission to find a KFC, success. Then went on a road trip to this place that does awesome waffles.


Me and my friend had loads of laughs, even if I fail at shopping.

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Oh yeah congrats Eenuh, forgot to say earlier. It looks awesome :D


Just watched a film and ate banoffee pie with mackeys ice cream. Awesomeness.


Also found out when results day is (6th July) so I can now start arranging other summer plans.

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Eenuh! Congrats! :yay:


Exam went okay. :) I litereally splattered all that I knew down onto the page. The structure of two of my essays was pretty non existant and the other one I think I did was good. So not as bad as I thought but I still do not think I did that well!


Rest of the school day was pointless as I had no lessons but this evening has been great as I've not had to do any work of any kind so I've been sitting here listening to Music while playing Left4Dead.


Now I'm in the middle of watching Battlestar Galactica! :grin: Awesome thus far. For once I stuck to my promises! :p





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First day of (a 3-day) art exam.


Went lovelyly. I'm with 3 other peeps in a cleared out studio (not my set, the other art set, hee) with a life model we're hiring. She's ridiculously friendly, a wonderful south african accent in my ears. It's her birthday on Friday, so we're giving her a present for that and her modelling for us. :)


I love my thing so far. It's kina...pastelly in colour, but really softly painted in oil paint. Mrs. P said she really liked it and said it reminded her of Elizabeth Frink (IIRC), who I've never heard of. I'm gonna research her now. Mr.P liked it too actually, a rarity.


However, Lucy, the girl in my class on an art scholarship is a bit good. Just really dynamic. Mine's the least exciting painting in the room, but better than the sculpture a girl is doing.

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Today I was made uber sexy, but aside from that today has been pretty sweet. New shoes and the haircut as mentioned earlier, chilled out on a bit of World of Goo and tried out the PlainSight beta. Just gonna relax tonight and take it easy, probably play some Red Alert 3 and continue to listen to Crystal Castles.

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I feel like death warmed up, yay. I'm exhausted, fell asleep in work several times.. despite sleeping relatively well. The only way i can keep myself going is by eating something sweet, which then makes me feel violently ill.


For once I'm actually scared about going to the doctors :(


Jeeze, sorry to hear that Raining. I hope whatever it doesn't turn out to be too serious. *forum hug*

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My Psych exam went...alright. There were some good questions and some abysmal ones. Plus, the examiners phone went off during the exam. I felt like rolling around in the irony, but I had to continue with the exam.


Now just two left, Geog on friday. Funsies.

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