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Incorrect, please try again next time.


Nah, the Mekon is way cooler.


Oh, you think you're bad, huh? You're a fucking choirboy compared to me! A CHOIRBOY!


You don't know the half of it sunny jim.


Yellow infraction issued.


For insulting a character from a comic?

Get real.

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Stayed up til 5am watching One Piece - about episode 68 now, I think... I decided to order a pizza at 3:30am, and the estimated delivery time was 4:20am. I carried on watching One Piece via headphones on my laptop 'til 4:30 when I decided to give the store a call. Their website says they're open until 5am... well they didn't pick up. Frustration! Anger! Hunger!


So this morning I get a text from Shorty - "did you order pizza late last night? buzzer was going crazy at 4am" which means I woke him up and didn't even get a pizza to offer a slice of apology. I gave them my number to call instead of buzzing, too, and they didn't try. I'm guessing it was the last order of the day so they gave up and went home.


Now I've got to wait for the night shift to get on at the restaurant so i can phone up and get my goddamn pizza. Truth is they can say "no, we tried delivering, not our fault" and just not give me anything if they want to. HASSLE.


Got me Supernatural season 3 downloaded and on the go, now. First episode is promising. Also getting The Wire s1 as it's clearly made of awesome and I need to see it already.


Yeah, not going to uni. I'm in my Pit and I don't like leaving. Just reaaaaaally wish there was pizza here. Or alcohol. I am so damn tempted to order pizza from somewhere else... but it's not practical as I'm going to be sharing this pizza tonight if I can get it re-delivered elsewhere. I suppose I should be arsed enough to wake up and cook some egg and bacon, or tuna pasta but... MEH. I need a slave.

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Got my acceptance letter from the American University in Cairo today. :)


As I was driving home I sent an SMS to a radio station (Nile FM) asking them to play Fa-Fa-Fa by Datarock as a means to celebrate. They REPLIED (they never do that), congratulating me and saying that they didn't have that song (unfortunately). They asked me if I wanted to hear anything else, so I sent another request and they played it instantly. After the song was over the host goes "That last song was requested by Ahmed Bially who JUST got accepted to AUC. Congrats man! I know what it's like to be accepted to university, greaaat feeling. :]"

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I have the worst illness ever. You know the one....




I feel like I've been hit by a bus, and it then decided to reverse over my already lifeless body. Plus the fact I've got a migraine (I have these wierd pills that slow your heart rate down from the doctor to stop them, but they don't work). Someone make me a cuppa...please...:(

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Sainsbury's decided not to feel my power by employing me again.


This is the wave of bullshit they threw at me. After about an hour of fapping about on their poorly designed website.


We are pleased to say that you have passed the interview stage of our selection process. Your skills are a good match for Sainsbury's. However, we are not able to progress your application any further for the moment as we do have other candidates whose skills are an even closer match for this particular role. We hope to find you a suitable opportunity in the future and we will be in touch if a suitable position becomes available.

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I just ruined my month. I decided I needed a beard trim, but my trimmer ran out of power after i'd done one cheek, and I left the charger's adapter in brighton ¬_¬ So I moved onto scissors in an attempt to 'even out' both sides, but that just left one side even and the other uneven. SO I went through two disposable bic razors to basically shave it all off, only they SUCK and get clogged up, so I'm left with random whiskers all over the place. Plus my face really hurts. Sigh!

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Sainsbury's decided not to feel my power by employing me again.


This is the wave of bullshit they threw at me. After about an hour of fapping about on their poorly designed website.


We are pleased to say that you have passed the interview stage of our selection process. Your skills are a good match for Sainsbury's. However, we are not able to progress your application any further for the moment as we do have other candidates whose skills are an even closer match for this particular role. We hope to find you a suitable opportunity in the future and we will be in touch if a suitable position becomes available.


I got that very same response (in letter form) when I applied. It's basically a PC way of saying "we don't want you, and never did, now piss off". Bastards.

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I have the worst illness ever. You know the one....




I feel like I've been hit by a bus, and it then decided to reverse over my already lifeless body. Plus the fact I've got a migraine (I have this wierd pills that slow your heart rate down from the doctor to stop them, but the don't work). Someone make me a cuppa...please...:(


Like blood pressure things? I always assume thats what blood pressure tablets would do. When I got stricken with the flu of man, I drank water. Lots and lots of water. Like, drink 1-2pints every hour. I did this from waking, every hour on the hour I had like 1.5pints of water, usually having just pissed(you'll be doing alot of that). Make sure you're eating too though, even if it's just a bag of crisps or so here and there to get some salts and nutrients into you so you don't get water toxicity(and die, LOL). It went on til like 4 in the morning for me, I had terrible fever, head/face pain, blocked nose etc. Though I managed to watch a cool russian film called Nightwatch due to it, when I finally slept then woke up the next day, all I really had was a bit of a runny nose and a slightly sore throat! I was over it all within about 2 days, was brilliant! Especially cos my mate had some man flu at the same time, his lasted a week!

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My day has been made of win and it still hasn't finished yet.


Went to town with my mate becka, couldn't find a pair of jeans, couldn't find any so am going to order from next later. Went pizza hut and had a laugh, even though the service was SHITE, I've never felt so neglected in a restaurant before, twice we asked for the bill, when the same two people were giving bills to people who had asked after us...-.-


But then we bought jelly babies and made films with them in, for our class, which is cool. ^_^ Get to stay in and do cool stuff.


Class is awesome too, making basically what windows media player shows when you play music ^_^ awesome!


I'm more hyper than I should be, because I ate most of the jelly babies.

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