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Dan left my flat at liek 3:20am! We were watching Aliens and I was getting rather drunk. I ordered lots (too much) pizza.


We were supposed to go check out a Bill Hicks screening in town, but dan screwed up and it was Line Dancing or some crazy madness instead. So yeah, flatted plus ciderage! Woots.

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Lecture was meh.


But I need help deciding what to do for one of my assignments (a presentation followed by a 'file'):


Representation of masculinity in Wall-E

(Wall-E is a 'new man', caring and nurturing over EVE, but still typically masculine in his pursuit of EVE, the ship's captain has been stripped of his power, and thus masculinity, and the BNL president is corrupt. As well as obviously EVE being powerful and gun-happy. Plus robots as transvestites (as they have no set gender))


Representation of femininity in Battlestar Galactica TV Miniseries

(Primarily Six (uses sexuality as power, objectified by male gaze), President (political power but accidental, before that she was in education - a very traditionally feminine area) and Starbuck (less conventionally attractive, but obviously still so, and is very good and respected in her chosen career which is arguably a masculine one.) Then how these three work as representations of identities, how they could help audiences form their own and how they could be deemed role models. Plus cross-gender identification (thus males could identify with them) and using that theory).


So yeah...which? BSG may be richer, but Wall-E would be more fun/entertaining (for me and the audience). Plus if discussing BSG be kind (to me) and don't mention what happens in the TV series (as I've only just started)

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Wall-E! But only because I love it so much and don't know anything about BSG. =P



Day was okay, though the last class was so extremely boring. It's just the way the lecturer talks though, she doesn't make it sound interesting at all. Boooh.

Had to cycle through the rain; well not really rain but like a foggy sort of rain. Was annoying, and very cold!


I've been neglecting my diet recently... Got myself some crêpes yesterday, and today I finally got a chocolate mousse again in school. It tasted heavenly, mmmm. ^______^


Anyway, time for my nap! X3

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had a good day, found old pj's last night, kinda like sweat pants and a t shirt. wore em cos there comfey, woek up, got changed and went to gym, worked hard, got my 3 miles time down a to 27.07, aim to be doing it in 25 by the end of the month, so running at 7.2 mph. without slowing. only .7 mph faster then top speed today, which i didnt slow on.


got home and put the pjs back on, watched filght of the concordes, did a bit of my police application, which requires alot of writing about stuff and my heads not in the right place atm. got a dole meeting tommorow morning, which i dont wanna do.

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Seriously Windows Movie Maker is the most temperamental (sp) infuriating programme in the world. If you sneeze it'll crash ffs.


All gravy baby.


Ah yes. It was very good. Also when trying to escape the car park (I was dropping Jamie home) we heard some loud engines, and screechs, (well....little overexagerated maybe, but we definitely heard cars) come up behind us, and our two friends had blocked us in. Cue Jamie and Mike Chronicles Episode 5 (up later!)


Up! The Jamie and Mike Chronicles Episode 5.





Holy crap! The Big Bang Theory season 2 starts tonight on E4! WHHHEEE!!!

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My hands are starting to hurt again, think my wrists could be on the way to dislocation. Fuuuun.


Wanted to pull forward my rhemy appointment. My next ones due in Feb, and there isn't a single slot. They said I could be seen as an extra patient, ie emergency type appointment... But I don't feel the justification for that.


Just feel rubbish and tired all the time. All I seem to do is work and sleep. Makes my life feel kinda empty :(

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My day...just found out my uncle is apparently cheating on my aunt. It's not certain, she's coming to stay with us this weekend on her own and that's unheard of. Full details will come out I suppose. I've always severely disliked my uncle, he's not a very nice person but I thought he had certain level of moral values (he is a policeman). Plus he gets on his high horse about so many issues. If it's true I swear, arrggggh, can't describe my anger in words. My aunt is so lovely and has taken his crap for 25 years of marriage because she loves him. And now this. Sorry about the rant.

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My day...just found out my uncle is apparently cheating on my aunt. It's not certain, she's coming to stay with us this weekend on her own and that's unheard of. Full details will come out I suppose. I've always severely disliked my uncle, he's not a very nice person but I thought he had certain level of moral values (he is a policeman). Plus he gets on his high horse about so many issues. If it's true I swear, arrggggh, can't describe my anger in words. My aunt is so lovely and has taken his crap for 25 years of marriage because she loves him. And now this. Sorry about the rant.


No worries, these things do happen from time to time. If your uncle is cheating on your Aunt, look on the bright side. At least you probably won't see your Uncle for a long time unless he is one of your Parents sides brother then there may be problems. Hope everything goes well when your Aunt comes down.


Anyway. My day has been good. Work was actually better than i thought it would be, which of course could of been worse, but still. Got to laugh ain't ya. Bought a new movie, of which i cannot watch until tomorrow.


Came home, downloaded the update to the dashboard while i had a shower, came back to find it installed ok. Played around for a bit with it and played some Banjo.

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BT have fucked our phone order...


It got cancelled mid order, so we're back to square one and i'm waiting for them to call me back on my mobile.


Seriously, what the fuck.


BT are morons. It took two months, countless phone calls and about a dozen staff before someone finally admitted that the business line was downstairs (as I told them) and not flat specific.


de Blob was waiting when we got home which was fun. Played that for an hour or so. A fairly finished bathroom was also waiting but no shower and we can only take a shower bath and not splash until Sunday (when the shower gets fitted).


Then wondered to Blockbusters got Wall-E, popcorn and then chocolate and red wine from the co-op and watched it with housemate and her boyfriend. Think I have decided on that for my presentation as I am doing two tv modules next semester so I could do BSG then.


Tomorrow I am pitching my ideas for all my 2nd batch of assignments to my lescturers. Hoping they approve because I want to get two of them done by the end of the month. Also hoping one will have and lend me BSG Season 2.


Oh two other things!


Was standing in the queue for coffee at the costas at uni and there was a guide dog lay on the floor (everyone was sat down) and she started sniffing at my feet so I gave her a stroke and was told off by her owner's friend. I know they need to be trained to be focused (which is in a way cruel) but she sniffed me first!


Also I've come to realise if I do want to do a postgrad in London I pretty much need a scholarship and a full time job sorted up front. Oh and a flatmate...Frak.

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No worries, these things do happen from time to time. If your uncle is cheating on your Aunt, look on the bright side. At least you probably won't see your Uncle for a long time unless he is one of your Parents sides brother then there may be problems. Hope everything goes well when your Aunt comes down.


Thanks. :) My aunt is my mums sister, they're twins so very close. It would be good if I didn't have to see him again, but it's not about me. Obviously if they did split up then... massive affect on my cousins and I would hate to see them suffer. At the same time I want my aunt to stand up for herself and be happy. It's just a horrible, difficult situation.

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Guest Stefkov

Got up at midday and downloaded the new xbox dashboard.

Had breakfast.

Created a pond which my fish will be place in for my animation which needs to be handed in on Monday. Been working on and off for the whole day, taking breaks to play Banjo, have dinner, etc.

Time flew by. It's already half 2 and I'm not even tired.

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Kinda had a crappy day, After the boring part of the day. I was meant to go to the cinema, with a few friends, to see Kevin Smith's new movie, but the Christmas lights were been put up, and a lot of the roads around the city were closed. So we went bowling instead. I played very poorly, oh well. After the game I walked my lady friend home, When I got home played the DS for a bit, then watch few family guy eps, followed by American Dad. Now I'm just doing my daily visits to my forums and what not.



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BT are morons. It took two months, countless phone calls and about a dozen staff before someone finally admitted that the business line was downstairs (as I told them) and not flat specific.


Yeh, they are fucking BASTARDS.


Its going to be another 2 weeks before I get my phone line (Dec 5th). I'm fucking sick and tired of this fucking bull shit. All I want is fucking internet access, but noooooo fucking Vodafone decided to tell BT to piss off when they last tried to re-lease the line. Seriously, this is a fucking piss take. I'm so god damn fucking pissed off right now...

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day/ night was amusing. Went to see my friend Laura while she was back in town. Always good to catch up and she has an awesome dog called Hamish who's about the size of a small bear. genius. ended up crashing there and heading back this morning. huuuge trek home though- took me a good 45 mins at least and i'm currenting quaffing coffee before my shower and a volunteering session. go go go!

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My day was full of good things yesterday.


1. I wasn't ill so much anymore

2. I managed to see my group for my presentation

3. learned finally how to do buttons in flash

4. did some 3d modelling for the first time

5. cooked some awesome food with friends

6. Saw somebody special

7. had 12 hours sleep.


I'm quite happy, not everythings perfect, but for now I'm glad I came to uni.


So sorry about your aunt molly, hope things get sorted the way you wish them to be! *hugs*


Going to class in 15 minutes. woo.

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Heh, I'm being a bad girl again, skipping class today.


Got up and had breakfast and everything, but then decided I didn't feel like spending 8 hours in my illustration class, where I barely do anything.

So I eventually crawled back into bed for another hour or two.

Did a bit of sketching, had my lunch and watched an X-Files episode. Think I'll do some more drawing now.


It's weird being home alone at this hour, but also nice and relaxing. =)

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Yeh, they are fucking BASTARDS.


Its going to be another 2 weeks before I get my phone line (Dec 5th). I'm fucking sick and tired of this fucking bull shit. All I want is fucking internet access, but noooooo fucking Vodafone decided to tell BT to piss off when they last tried to re-lease the line. Seriously, this is a fucking piss take. I'm so god damn fucking pissed off right now...


Continuing on the lines of installation-type people, I've been having freesat installation woes. The guy who was meant to be installing the satellite never turned up yesterday, and I was ringing them over the day. First off they told me that he would actually be coming 2-6pm, after I had been waiting since 8AM downstairs (apparently they should have rung me earlier to tell me this so I didn't waste hours having to be in the house and somewhere I could hear the guy coming).


Then he never turned up, and later on after much phoning it turns out this guy had rung "7 times" (despite the fact that I was right by the house phone all day, and had received calls perfectly fine from other people). The manager guy on the phone also was a complete twat, one of them 50ish something 'stick up his arse' sounding stuck-in-his-ways old men. He exlained that the guy who was meant to install it had been waiting outside our house, the one with the white door. I explained that our door was brown and not white, for an instant PAWNED moment. He then said 'he'd sort it' and hung up rather abruptly.


Dickheads. Now someone is coming on Saturday morning, so I basically wasted a lot of time yesterday.

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Continuing on the lines of installation-type people, I've been having freesat installation woes. The guy who was meant to be installing the satellite never turned up yesterday, and I was ringing them over the day. First off they told me that he would actually be coming 2-6pm, after I had been waiting since 8AM downstairs (apparently they should have rung me earlier to tell me this so I didn't waste hours having to be in the house and somewhere I could hear the guy coming).


Then he never turned up, and later on after much phoning it turns out this guy had rung "7 times" (despite the fact that I was right by the house phone all day, and had received calls perfectly fine from other people). The manager guy on the phone also was a complete twat, one of them 50ish something 'stick up his arse' sounding stuck-in-his-ways old men. He exlained that the guy who was meant to install it had been waiting outside our house, the one with the white door. I explained that our door was brown and not white, for an instant PAWNED moment. He then said 'he'd sort it' and hung up rather abruptly.


Dickheads. Now someone is coming on Saturday morning, so I basically wasted a lot of time yesterday.


Count yourself lucky. If you want Sky or Freesat here the waiting time is 2 fucking months. God Shetland sucks ass if you want anything done quickly. For example, Marks and Spencers sent me alot of stuff earlier in the month, on Thursday 13th it was sat in a depot 2 minutes walk from where I work and 10 minutes walk from where i live. But it took till the 18th for anyone to fucking deliver it to my house. They actually only deliver to certain places on certain days. What kind of fucking shit is going on with this place?

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