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What? I'm not here to judge. I'm topless right now. Everybody's doing it.


reminds me of a picture that was taken quite some time ago at Luke's place. I think it was when Zach left high school and we all went over. We took that group photo with us all against the shed or somthing. I think i may still have it on bebo somewhere. Once night came we saw that a pool was still sitting out still filled with water so we all stripped down to out boxers and got in. Another picture was taken when we were in there, i don't know where i might find it though. Craig Campbell was there too, he was a nice bloke.

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reminds me of a picture that was taken quite some time ago at Luke's place. I think it was when Zach left high school and we all went over. We took that group photo with us all against the shed or somthing. I think i may still have it on bebo somewhere. Once night came we saw that a pool was still sitting out still filled with water so we all stripped down to out boxers and got in. Another picture was taken when we were in there, i don't know where i might find it though. Craig Campbell was there too, he was a nice bloke.


Yeah, I remember Craig, bang up fella. The first picture you referred to can be found on J-Lee's page if you want, amongst other good-uns. :heh:

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Guest Stefkov

I've spent about 6 hours on this 76 frame animation. If it don't work I'm gonna be maad.

I do love the concept though. Should be huge.

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I've spent about 6 hours on this 76 frame animation. If it don't work I'm gonna be maad.

I do love the concept though. Should be huge.


Who the hell are you by the way?


I, also, have spent a long while on this Damn animation.


EDIT: As for yesterday, good day. Spoke to one of my lectures for a while about my Zune which he spotted. This made me look for some hacks, which made me find this:




I cried. I want it so, so bad.

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Last night was awesomosmos! Pub, bar, club. Two other couples got it on. Boogied to backstreet boys and 5ive and happy mondays and shit like that. Was good! Didn't break my face. Had glow stick thingums... Just in general had a sweeet night. AND I got some sleep ;)


Bought Prey yesterday, along with Tony hawks somethingorother, wario ware and... lol I don't even remember what, for the GC. Wtf. Shorty has Fable 2 arriving soon (inurface nightwolf) but we're gonna get some Rainbow 6 vegas 2 mark seven in for now!1!!

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Last night was awesomosmos! Pub, bar, club. Two other couples got it on. Boogied to backstreet boys and 5ive and happy mondays and shit like that. Was good! Didn't break my face. Had glow stick thingums... Just in general had a sweeet night. AND I got some sleep ;)


Bought Prey yesterday, along with Tony hawks somethingorother, wario ware and... lol I don't even remember what, for the GC. Wtf. Shorty has Fable 2 arriving soon (inurface nightwolf) but we're gonna get some Rainbow 6 vegas 2 mark seven in for now!1!!



pssh, don't get me started on the sleep thing!


Yes I've told shorty he's evil, terribly evil in a helpful kind of way.


Thought I was going to get bollocked for not bringing sketches to my games class, he doesn't mind. wheeeeeee.

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Last night was awesomosmos! Pub, bar, club. Two other couples got it on. Boogied to backstreet boys and 5ive and happy mondays and shit like that. Was good! Didn't break my face. Had glow stick thingums... Just in general had a sweeet night. AND I got some sleep ;)

Dude, I demand you take me out on one of these nights as your date. Then we can talk to women about how we're not sure about our love for each other anymore, and we made need lady love to compare.


It's totally original and flawless. :blank:

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havent been on here in ages!


life has been exciting! - kinda!

uni is finally going good which is yay!



Oo welcome back! I did wonder why you'd wonder off to and figured you'd got lost on the interwebs!


Just making myself some cookies, 6 big ones just to make sure I've made it right, it's only cookie mix, but you never know with me..


Went to my lecture, rueben wasn't bothered that I'd forgotten my sketch book which was nice, I was expecting a long conversation about how I shouldn't forgetting things etc, maybe I'm still in high school/college ways!


Going to clean up my room, take the bins out and eat cookies. It sounds like a productive day, then I may get round to playing warioware! ^_^


Couldn't get my hairdresser appointment for tomorrow, annoying. Considering my hair hasn't been cut since I started uni so it's getting way too long now, boo. Have to wait another two weeks and by then it'll look really stupid. Might text mum see if she can get me an appointment with her hairdresser...hmm.


As it is I should really sleep, but I think it'd just be a waste of time no matter how angry my eyes are at me currently.

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