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I just got back in from Scotland. :grin: (which was awesome!) :awesome:


My day has been really really long!!! You konw when you just want to go home but have to wait until 8:10 for your flight?


The plane didn't land very well, it felt like it was trying to take off again it was so bumpy!


Now I'm off to bed as I'm pretty tired. :)

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Should I ask this girl out on a date even though shes a friend (but likes me) even though we have less than 2 weeks together and won't get much time to see each other now?


Advise oh wise one :p

Don't bring your head into affairs of the heart, as trying to understand one's feelings is a lifelong task — certainly not something to be constrained to a fortnight.


Which is a bit of a non-answer, but then there are simply too many unknowns for me to offer a valid opinion. In every sense you are the only one that can make the decision, just as it should be. All I can say is that whilst it's safe to be alone, until you start taking chances you're not really living. We only get the one life time, so if we're going to learn anything from it you have to risk making mistakes. When in doubt follow your heart, as it'll always take you somewhere interesting.

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We only get the one life time, so if we're going to learn anything from it you have to risk making mistakes


I am actually pretty sure we will all be organisms again in the future, derived from the planet. Sorry, just throwing this whole feedback advice out the window there. :p

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If my car is written off but I manage to salvage the wing mirror and graft it onto a new vehicle, am I then driving the same car as before? We are a sum of all our parts, just as our lives are the sum of who we are.


Anyway, I'm going to bed so you can bring in the Lifestream for all I care. Although if I wake up to a religious debate I'll be most displeased.

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If my car is written off but I manage to salvage the wing mirror and graft it onto a new vehicle, am I then driving the same car as before? We are a sum of all our parts, just as our lives are the sum of who we are.


Anyway, I'm going to bed so you can bring in the Lifestream for all I care. Although if I wake up to a religious debate I'll be most displeased.


The atoms and molecules that make us up will most likely form a being again - and whatever cells make us view the world (consciousness) will probably be under our control once again. Meaning we'll probably be 'alive' again in a sense. Eventually.


Babies are formed from 2 cells, with the entire body being derived from already existing components on Earth.

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I wouldn't ask me I deleted my facebook, I got abit sick of people that tried to add me (you know those ones who you reject then they try and add you again til you give in?) and all those emails..christ almighty.


I have to say I'm alittle bit happier this morning, I went downstairs last night after logging off, my mum had finally started to look at computers again, this time though she managed to find a hp tower from play.com and to be fair it's got everything I need! 4gb, intel core 2 quad, vista 64 bit, with dedicated memory. Not quite so sure about the actual card itself (I'm abit useless with graphics cards) NVIDIA geforce 9600 gs, I'm guessing it's poor, but I could be completely wrong!


The only snag is it doesn't have a monitor, but with everything else mum said she'll hopefully get it me weeeeeeeeee, weight off my shoulders. Although I've never really trusted play.com, any enlightenment guys? Are they decent enough with heavy goods? I've ordered a few times and nearly always these things are late.

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The only snag is it doesn't have a monitor, but with everything else mum said she'll hopefully get it me weeeeeeeeee, weight off my shoulders. Although I've never really trusted play.com, any enlightenment guys? Are they decent enough with heavy goods? I've ordered a few times and nearly always these things are late.


Define these things? i assume you mean monitors and the like? and late too, my stuff has always arrived within the 3-5days allowance and never after.


My day so far has been me getting injected at the local practice, i can never see why people are scared of needles, the nurse was like, ok this is gonna really hurt so i'm sorry, whilist doing it, but i dunno, aches now, was like a small prick (lol jokes etc), i've had pinches that hurt more than that, far far more. Now to sit around to wait for my lappatop to arrive =]

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Define these things? i assume you mean monitors and the like? and late too, my stuff has always arrived within the 3-5days allowance and never after.



Yes I meant larger objects rather than say a dvd (points to line heavy duty goods) :p. Nice to know, ta. That means I should get it at the lastest saturday if my mum orders it today :)

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If my car is written off but I manage to salvage the wing mirror and graft it onto a new vehicle

How new is this vehicle if you've had to use a wing mirror from your old car?

I like it because they've made it so much smoother and EASIER for me to access. The site loads ten times faster too.


Bullshit. The wall is on the wrong side and last time I checked you can't lower tab peoples applications.

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I've gotten a letter in the post (from the police) saying that someone nearby was robbed and asks if anyone knows anything, so I've put the PC back and I'm going to report it.


In other news, my computer just installed a floppy disk drive.


I don't have a floppy disk drive.

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I actually think I'm dead inside. Just had a heated argument for like half an hour. After it I just don't care. I'm gonna play some Battlefield I think.

Oh also getting £700 more grant money. Big surprise. just randomly came in the post this morning. 5 days late though.

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JUST WOKE UP!! Yay for being in sheffield. Yesterday I watched I Am Legend, played lots of games and now I'm gonna try finish Worms on the Xbox Arcade before maybe trying some Bioshock. The game pissed me off last time I played so I have a bad feeling about it. MEH.


Oh dear lord I'll swap you! I'm still nowhere near finishing zelda although I've been on it for days and I've got to get through half of okami. x_X

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