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Work wasn't as busy as I thought it would be but I felt dizzy and sick all day. Feeling a bit better now at least :)


And just went into the kitchen and carrying my laptop and focusing on that when suddenly I see a siamese cat (theres a lot on this street) on the window ledge and it jumps down and heads toward the dining room so I go to open the backdoor for it and it wonders off. At first I presumed it came in through the window in the kitchen but thats closed, all of them are. The only window open is my upstairs bedroom one so it must have got in that way and been roaming around. Odd, but amusing.

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I walked into work this morning, and the first thing I noticed was the absolutley disgusting smell coming from the fridges :x Then I notice my boss stomping around angrily and he's like 'FFS THE FRIDGE IS BORKED!!'

So I then had the deligthful task of emptying all the containers of rotten food (they'd been sitting in the warmth over the weekend) The tuna was the worst D:


Then it was raining, so the cafe was dead all day, allowing me to give the place an awesome clean! I cleaned and tidied the store room, and the cupboards, then cleaned the tops of the fridges and the loos!


I also played Guitar Hero a bit, and made some chair covers for my mummy :3

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Posted my latest article for gamingcorner.org about Home, link is in the sig all comments are welcome, and it got 130 degrees on N4G and the comments have been very positive which is very nice. I appreciate it a lot. :smile:


Kind of just chilled out and sorted out another article for tomorrow. It is my last week at work full time which I can't wait for.


Just played SingStar with my sister. I had a lot of fun, I wish we did stuff like that more often.

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My day has been insanely lazy relaxing. :D


Mostly I spent my day Watching 30 Rock, which I really like. ^__^


I also played some Super Mario RPG which is great and made even better because HoT helped me get it. :grin: and I also played some Guitar Hero.


Tonight I've been watching TV and fatting about on the internet. :)


Tommorrow I'm off for a bike ride round a lake. I don't think anyone invloved is looking forward to this. :p

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My day has been insanely lazy relaxing. :D


Mostly I spent my day Watching 30 Rock, which I really like. ^__^


It's great isn't it? I've only started watching it recently and watched the whole first and second season in about a week and a half :blush:

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I walked into work this morning, and the first thing I noticed was the absolutley disgusting smell coming from the fridges :x Then I notice my boss stomping around angrily and he's like 'FFS THE FRIDGE IS BORKED!!'

So I then had the deligthful task of emptying all the containers of rotten food (they'd been sitting in the warmth over the weekend) The tuna was the worst D:



That sounds lovely. :(


My day has been pretty funky. I finally made the trip to Sainsburys and bought some razors, with which I have now shaved with. Hurrraaaah!


Watched two childhood classics today: Cool Runnings and Hook, both of which I adore. During the last hour of Hook, I was multitasking, so had the Manchester United match on the radio whilst watching Hook, yaaar!


On Friday, I handed in my two weeks notice at work. Basically, I only need the job for another two weeks, and they were going to take me on permanantly forever and ever on Tuesday. So, using my quick thinking skills, and after munching on some penguin chocolate/biscuit bars, I thought "heeey...if I hand in my two weeks notice, then...problem solved!"


So, I handed it in. Spoke to my boss and deputy boss, who were both lovely about the whole thing. It was actually quite emotional, as they said I really fitted in well and they wanted to keep me on full-time, seeing as I'd been doing well. I'm going to be pretty sad to leave, as I like the people who work there, and feel like part of the clan now. But, I guess you got to go when you got to go. :(


Wish I could take the job with me, heh.


Played some more Guitar Hero, and got my arse handed to me by Dragonforce on Hard mode. Seriously, motherfucker!


Also played some Pro Evo 4 with my Brother. He was Man United, and I was Portsmouth, and scored the winner with 5 minutes from time. Absolutely blew the house down, haha. I'm quite competitive really with games, but only when I'm winning. ;)

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This week I'm volunteering as a photographer at a children's day camp in the mornings as I've done for the past few years. I started today, Its a pretty boring job, but I guess It might look good on a resume when I apply for a job at some point. And knowing a bunch of the other volunteers makes it somewhat better.


My friend and I were planning to get together for some Brawl (and other games) this afternoon, however he wasn't able to make it at the last minute, so I ended up spending the afternoon on N-E and Newgrounds. Then I went for a bike ride and did a few chores.

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It's great isn't it? I've only started watching it recently and watched the whole first and second season in about a week and a half :blush:


Hehe! :D


Yes I think it's great. :grin: I wasn't sure I'd like it at first but I was hooked from the first episode! Watched the first 12 episodes today. 8 in a row as well. :p


Tina Fey. :heart:


I think I'm, going to watch one (or two :heh:) more episodes before I call it a day! ^____^


I still need to finish How I met Your mother but the video wasn't working today. :/

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Took like 5 hours driving back from London, and then got my mate to bring his 360 round (mine died :() and I can't for the life of me stop playing Rock Band. I think there's something wrong with me... how can I enjoy something that I'm so fundamentally adverse to... so damn much?


Also...looking through some old photos... Man, I miss my long hair so damn much.

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Dirty paedo.


Below the line joke


(possibly because it strikes a bit too close to home for various reason and not because I am indeed a dirty peado).


Anyway today I have work for a few hours, gotta go to the o2 shop and sort out my mom's phone for her holiday, being switched to payg then back to contract on o2 so im phoneless for the day and gotta book house viewings. Another not exciting day in the life of I!

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Below the line joke


(possibly because it strikes a bit too close to home for various reason and not because I am indeed a dirty peado).



Yeah, Ashley and I have our own seperate paedophilic (sp?) issues to deal with. *turns away, masking tears*

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Yeah, Ashley and I have our own seperate paedophilic (sp?) issues to deal with. *turns away, masking tears*


That and I have taken photos of children's parties (upon the request and full agreement of the parents) and yet one stupid bitch still spread inapproriate rumours about it all linking me to my sibling because thats how much of a non-existance she has; she has to make up lies to make herself seem interesting and popular. Oh and relevent. Because lord knows she's not.

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Guest Jordan

Oh yeah, taking pictures from a kids party would really get someone off...


Seriously, what the fuck? Some people think that there's kiddy fiddlers at every turn these days.

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