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Most or all of my day was spent playing final fantasy 10 and looking online for some TV´s to buy.

Had some grand chicken for dinner, come to think of it I´ve had chicken for dinner every night for a week now and i plan on getting some more chicken tomorrow.

Man I love chicken!

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My god. I;ve got progessively more drunk as the night had gone on. I'm finding it d hard to type properly. I know how some of you feel now when drunk typing. Anyway, you guys ROCK MY SOCKS! My god I'm drunk. Seriously, things are spinning. Hey, why would I come on here when drunk? I musr care about all you guys to do that..well, most of you. Lol. :D

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Aah :P well I've only had the quart-of-gin-leftover-from-last-night and a solo can of cider, so all I've met is a slight lost of motor control. Day was filled with regrets and finding myself repeatedly saying "i'm not depressed, I'm just misplaced."


Tomorrow = Gin and swimming. I will try my darndest not to drown and/or swallow toxic water. God bless the brighton water!

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Jayseven, I found it was only Strongbow I didn't particularly like. Apparently Magners is actually kinda pleasing to my palate!!!

Principle alone, I'm opposed to Magners. I believe teh taste is basically what mainstream, poseur-type people would taste like if they were cider that was made from apple cores. or something. Yeah - basically, it might taste alright but I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon.


May I just point out that the admins/mods deleted a thread with a fucking thousand pages for it to be replaced by this?

lol on topic plz k thx.

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lol on topic plz k thx.


I believe you're confusing me with someone else. I don't care if its on topic or not, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy behind this thread when the other which had a lot more content and the legacy of years inside it, yet the admins/mods were rather obsessed with deleting it.

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I agree Shino.



Anyway how typical. First day of work today so I was hoping to get a decent amount of sleep... even though I went to bed a bit past 3 am that still would've given me almost 5 hours. At least, 5 hours had it not been so freaking hot; it was so hot my hair got drenched in sweat. D:

And if that wasn't enough and keeping me awake, there also was a very loud thunderstorm all night long. Fucking heavy raining which sounds like thousands of loud drumbeats in my room, plus loud rolling thunder. All night. And guess when it decides to stop? Right now, when I have to get up for work.



Baaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I feel messed up. I think I only got like, one hour in sleep total. =(

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<super hippie>

enough with all the hatred!!

the dynastygirl incident was amusing but as nightwolf(i think) pointed out: this is her boyfriend, guys. he doesnt give a shit what any of us think of her, he obviously loves her personality and nobodys opinion matters there ~ so come on, sheikah should have to be on the defensive all the time... he comes here to chat just like the rest of us and i'm sure HE'S just as bored of having to write in dynastygirl's defense as i am of having to read about her. :nono:


to summarize: I'M BORED NOW! stop constantly bringing up how crap you think someone is when you KNOW their boyfriend is on the boards. if i had to put up with the kind of shit sheikah's had to i would've just left the forums... (thankfully jamba is awesome so i havent had that problem! ^_^)


i realize i'm doing that thing again where i voice my opinion and stand up for someone but this time i really think you all need to drop it. and sheik you've done reeeally well in your responses so far but the whole "i get to have sex and you guys all have to masturbate har har" (while true) is a little old.. and kind of grates for me with my boyfriend all 6000 miles away (UNTIL NEXT WEEK!!) :heh:




Funny thing is though, her boyfriend eats meat.

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<super hippie>

enough with all the hatred!!

the dynastygirl incident was amusing but as nightwolf(i think) pointed out: this is her boyfriend, guys. he doesnt give a shit what any of us think of her, he obviously loves her personality and nobodys opinion matters there ~ so come on, sheikah should have to be on the defensive all the time... he comes here to chat just like the rest of us and i'm sure HE'S just as bored of having to write in dynastygirl's defense as i am of having to read about her. :nono:


to summarize: I'M BORED NOW! stop constantly bringing up how crap you think someone is when you KNOW their boyfriend is on the boards. if i had to put up with the kind of shit sheikah's had to i would've just left the forums... (thankfully jamba is awesome so i havent had that problem! ^_^)


i realize i'm doing that thing again where i voice my opinion and stand up for someone but this time i really think you all need to drop it. and sheik you've done reeeally well in your responses so far but the whole "i get to have sex and you guys all have to masturbate har har" (while true) is a little old.. and kind of grates for me with my boyfriend all 6000 miles away (UNTIL NEXT WEEK!!) :heh:





If we get any more couple's in this place we'll gonna need Jeremy Kyle to moderate it. If people can't take a joke, whether it be about a so called 'loved one' or not, they shouldn't be here. It's the bleedin internet for christ sake.

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If jeremy kyle was to moderate he would have said "you're scum" pointed really hard at you and told you to behave or you aint getting your DNA test!


Day started to a text from my friend about going to play badminton, hilarity will ensue!


Also decide to listen to angels& airwaves today mucho impressed.

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Why was Olympic_Gamer banned? (New here)


Also, Dynastygirl seems funny, why was her banned?


Go read back a couple of pages for christ sake.




My day has only just begun because for once I decided to stay in bed longer than 5am. Not too bad but the neighbours are still doing their front and back gardens, they tried to get my dad to help out..


Yeah he gets up at 5am and comes home between 7-10pm and it's bloody obvious to, that's very clever.


I miss our old neighbours :(, they were loverly.

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