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Yaaaaaaaayyy blue hair wins <3


EDIT: My rook piercing has healed at long last. Hurray. Still having bother with my second nose one, but its also getting there too. Think my immune system has decided to pick up a little lately ^___^


Yay! Now my outer conch is gone my tragi is starting to feel alot better too, bet decision I've made I think. :yay:

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Welcome back, Mr. Bears.


I would contest, however, that there is no such thing as a holiday without croissants.


Thanks. :


I'd have to agree. :p I was disappointed at the lack of croissants especially after I had one on the plane!


Don't worry though I left some helpful suggestions in the comments box. :heh:


I'm not surprised...


Sounds like you had fun! I love Italy, though I've never been to the lakes in the North.


whay are you not suprised? :)


You should go! Lake Garda is amazing and there are soooooo zetta many towns to see! :D


I love Italy been 3 summer Holidays in a row now. :yay:

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i just applied for a new job!

I have been in my current job for 8 months now, and the longer i stay with the company the worse I realise they are. I have applied for a really good role with my old company. Only problem is that the job is in cheltenham and i live in birmingham. But I'm sure a way can be found if i get it.

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I had an awesome day!!!!!!


It was my day off so I had a lie in until 12pm, then I met Jordan for lunch - he paid :D


Then I came home after buying some new stuff in town (A peppa pig bouncy ball and a notebook) and did a painting. Lookign at it now, there is a massiiiveee flaw which I'll try to fix later.


Then Sarka and Jordan came over and we played Rockband! It also happened to be the nicest (weatherwise) day this year! So we went and sat outside.





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3 lights red ring of death on my xbox. and my other dvd player is also broken. i need to think of a solution soon or i'm going to have to socialise with my house mates. i have been dependant on my xbox as a dvd player since i moved.



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Yayyyyyy, Coolness is back! =D

Whoooooooooo! =D



My day has been pretty good I think, even though nothing productive was done. Got up way too late (was like, 1 pm I think, oops), played a bit of Okami (not even an hour) and then went to the cinema for some Batman loving!


We left at 4 even though the movie wouldn't start until 5:15. So we sat around there for agesssss and it seemed like the only other people there were kinda... nerds and geeks. >.>;

Me and my sisters felt quite out of place really. All these old guys and men, some a bit on the fat side, sitting around looking dorky. One man was reading a weird golden book, another dude spilled his entire coke over the floor... and there were barely any girls. Yeah it was weird. XD

Loved the film though, so yay! Didn't think I'd get to see it. =D

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Considering my friend cancelled on our plans it has been good. Cancelled on house viewing as if I wasn't going to the cinema I wasn't going to bother to travel 17 miles to view a flat I probably wouldn't buy.


Instead took my cousin to go see it. Was going to anyway. Loved the film. Other than that done a bit of doodling and moth attacking. And now im boiling hot. Urgh!


Although I found something I want for xmas; The Bro Code!

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Guest Stefkov

I've managed to obtain one of the new 5p coins. It looks pretty swish.

Nothing else to note except that I'm really struggling on Rune Factory. On previous Harest Moon games there were only a few bachelorettes so it was always easy to choose. Now in Rune Factory I'm really struggling between two of them from the 7 or 8 or whatever ridiculous number there is. Marriage in the game is way off but I'm struggling to decide now. Damn.

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Today just plain well sucks. :(


I just don't feel like myself, to be honest. This time last summer, I had some sense of adventure in me, and I would walk around with a smile on my face and a fire in my belly. Now, it's kinda gone. Work is fairly pointless, and the only reason I'm doing it is for the money, but it won't be enough for the purposes I intend it for. So, I'm working my arse off, for nothing. Its pointless, but I'll be in an even worse situation if I don't! Ahhhhh.


My boss also told me and another guy our targets which we have to work towards, and its completely unreasonable. He's given us a commission structure which we have no chance of ever reaching, and its seriously fucking up my self esteem.


To be honest, I think I need a holiday. I think I want one, even if its just for a few days. Fuck it, I'm going to look right now.


Adventure. Here I come.

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Today just plain well sucks. :(


I just don't feel like myself, to be honest. This time last summer, I had some sense of adventure in me, and I would walk around with a smile on my face and a fire in my belly. Now, it's kinda gone. Work is fairly pointless, and the only reason I'm doing it is for the money, but it won't be enough for the purposes I intend it for. So, I'm working my arse off, for nothing. Its pointless, but I'll be in an even worse situation if I don't! Ahhhhh.


My boss also told me and another guy our targets which we have to work towards, and its completely unreasonable. He's given us a commission structure which we have no chance of ever reaching, and its seriously fucking up my self esteem.


To be honest, I think I need a holiday. I think I want one, even if its just for a few days. Fuck it, I'm going to look right now.


Adventure. Here I come.


Paris and Disneyland baby! You know it makes sense! =D


Also... *biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug!*

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Flinky I was going to text you this and then realised for whatever godforsaken reason I lack your number so instead here it is; I love you.


And if it makes you feel any better its just a summer job. Try not to get all worked up about it :)

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Flink; STAY SANE PLZ. For, like, just another month. Then you can take me fatty-hunting, or something.


Myday! Went to girlz house, had tea, watched being john malkovich and Transformers (first timelol) and... wasn't hugely unimpressed like the rest of teh world is. Bad that I don't mind Shia LeBeofeufoeuf? Didn't stay as she has doctors at INSANE O CLOCK tomorrow (today), but we're going to Batman-it-up soon, and she also said, as she dropped me off at my house, "so yeah, we should do that again, 'cept on a day where I don't hvae to get up early" and gave me a twinkle. BUTHWATEVER.



3 lights red ring of death on my xbox. and my other dvd player is also broken. i need to think of a solution soon or i'm going to have to socialise with my house mates. i have been dependant on my xbox as a dvd player since i moved.




*points to Tom's computer* tadaa! DVD PLAYAA!


Though I'd recommend waltzing into the social room with a couple of bottles of cider/wine/vodka and declaring war on sobriety.

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Flinky I was going to text you this and then realised for whatever godforsaken reason I lack your number so instead here it is; I love you.


And if it makes you feel any better its just a summer job. Try not to get all worked up about it :)


Haha, why were you going to txt me that, idiot? Thank you,though. Man love wohoo.


Flink; STAY SANE PLZ. For, like, just another month. Then you can take me fatty-hunting, or something.



Fatty hunting...nooo! Why would you want to do that? (no offence to you fatties out there).


Heh, cheers though. I dunno, just feel a bit blaah. Like, deep down, I know I should be doing a lot better than I currently am.

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Me?! It was you that suggested it.


But the manic amonst us do tend to get depressed when reality isn't as super-fun as we think we deserve it to be. It'll pick up. maybe do what I did - grow your hair silly long then SNIP IT ALL OFF, crazy stylee.


I want a tattoo. The End.

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Haha, why were you going to txt me that, idiot? Thank you,though. Man love wohoo.



Because you would be sat there going "do do do...I'm flinky...doo be do!" (im sure you do that when you're alone) and then "oh look. Text...lets see...aww thats nice. That made me feel better." It would come out of the air and cheer you up. Randomly.


My thought process.

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Me?! It was you that suggested it.


But the manic amonst us do tend to get depressed when reality isn't as super-fun as we think we deserve it to be. It'll pick up. maybe do what I did - grow your hair silly long then SNIP IT ALL OFF, crazy stylee.


I want a tattoo. The End.


You lied on the internets! I remember suggesting we go out, but an all-inclusive fatty hunt? Double yoo tee eff ell oh ell.


I ain't growing my hair long, although it would be fun and outrageous to do. I don't want to be mistaken for a woman, especially because I'm not the most masculine of men. :(


Because you would be sat there going "do do do...I'm flinky...doo be do!" (im sure you do that when you're alone) and then "oh look. Text...lets see...aww thats nice. That made me feel better." It would come out of the air and cheer you up. Randomly.


My thought process.


I kinda do that, but I throw in the occasional rock or pop ballad in between each sentence.


"goodbye, sir. *puts phone down*"


"*whispers*Look into my eeeeeyes *slightly louder* doooo you seeee

*louder still* whaaat you *points* meaaaaaaan to meeeeeeeeeee?!"

"...shut up, Jim."


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Careful, you don't want to anger the blogosphere.


Also, you might want to consider writing yourself a theme song. Possibly one featuring a 'wicked sick' guitar solo.


That's actually and awesome idea, i find myself humming my own little tune whenever i do something awesome at work, sort of like my own FF7 victory song.

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Careful, you don't want to anger the blogosphere.


Also, you might want to consider writing yourself a theme song. Possibly one featuring a 'wicked sick' guitar solo.


Maybe it's just me being mean again, but if she'd like the game more if she didn't have several chins herself.


*puts claws back in her box*


Today going to be really hot apprently...eeh :(, not good, so I'll have to go grab something lunch in a minute and then do my hair dye later.


Gah I hate hot weather, at least I have now more to watch other than cardcaptors woo!


ps. I know I'm being abit too nice to jayseven recently but he's right mirc is actually made of win..

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