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My day has been good. :)


I've been volunteering in a Charity shop all morning until 1:30 so far today, which was fun! :D


There was a lot of rubbish to sort out. @___@ and my greatest foe is the tag gun I kept getting it wrong! :p


After that had lunch at Mcdonalds and went shopping for a bit and managed to pick up Geomtry Wars on the DS for £9.99. :grin:

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Today I realise that I probably have to spend -£100 a week in order to afford rent/food/university for the next two months. Then i calculated that this painting job out to fill me up with roughly £180 a week, which means I can afford tobacco and alcohol too!


Um, so yeah. Today I'm off to the lagoon, hoping that someone/anyone brings some sort of narcotic with them. I am still on my gagglaimless kick and being creative/editative (whatever that is), and really already noticing the difference in how my mind operates compared to the stuff I did three/four years ago. Must. Learn. To. Embrace.

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Guest bluey
I'm feeling better today, not great but ok. Life does just get on with itself and returns back to normal just by it's own accord. Still doesn't feel great though, it's like the feeling when you look outside and its raining_again. It doesn't make you feel bad, just kinda down.

...*makes evil eyes at raining..*



with the exception of tomorrow morning UK time i'm free all day, all night... call me if you need to, jamba.. <3


i had a pretty meh day... work cheered me up quite a bit, because i got to teach my favourite kid's class and see 3!! of my favourite regular adult students, noriko, tomoko and keiko! :smile:


although i wont see keiko for a few weeks now 'cause she;s off on holiday to volunteer as an art teacher for poor kids....somewhere. i meet some pretty awesome people doing what i do... ^__^

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Age of Empires III wouldn't work?


As in, didn't load? System specs plz?


Yeah, first it would load, but the menu was so slow (like, click a button and wait about 15 seconds or more for it to do something...). Closed it and tried again but then it wouldn't even start.

However today I managed to open the menu without a problem and it seemed to be running at normal speed, though I haven't tried out the actual game yet. Seems it's okay now hopefully. Thanks though. =)


*loves this forum for the helpful, friendly people*



Anywayyy, I actually did stuff today. Went to town with mom; first to the post office to pick up Okami, yay! Then we just shopped around for a bit; found me some stuff I will post in the Purchases thread I think. Also checked out some perfume and I totally adore the Noa and Noa Perle smell (had Noa years ago already)... can't decide which one I like more though. Might look at the airport next month to see if they sell it cheaper. =P

*smells her wrists again; addicted* X3


Will go running in a bit. Exercise, hooray! Then tonight I think I might play some Brawl and possibly something else. Maybe some more X-files.

Oh and the weather was finally nice today! Sun and no rain! Though it's already going to get colder again, boooh.

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Rest of the day went well, actually had some work to complete by the end of the day and still got some saved for tomorrow which is nice. Came home, had a GTA session and downloaded Soul Calibur on XBLA. Now sorting some food out and planning on playing some pool later on.

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not a bad day - i got my Open University prospectus through. I'm a bit gutted that no modules for the degree I want to do (natural sciences) start till february. I really wanted to start in september. I might see about doing a history module or two to get my mind going.


Work is going from bad to worse. It's getting me down so much I have stopped caring if I get it right or not. I hope I find a new job soon. I'm trying to decide if I should have a talk about my issues with my line manager, but I'm worried that they'll try and fire me if I do that, as the company really likes getting rid of staff! Any ideas?


seeing Death Cab for Cutie tommorrw :) really looking forward to it. I saw them a couple of years ago, but for various non music related reasons that was a bit crap, so I'm expecting this to be good.

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What a weekend.


It was so good I can't think of what to say about it(I was at Oxegen). All the bands I saw were amazing, especially The Kaiser Chiefs. I didn't get to see RATM or The Chemical Bros. though, because we had to get the bus back home. I'm glad though, I don't even know any songs by Rage, and bed after 3 nights camping was almost as amazing as the music. ^^

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Back from poker and tequila. I utterly trounced everyone at BOTH. Ten shots at least. Wish I was having the motor difficulties most N-ers have when they come on here drunk... maybe I just have stupidly high standards for my posts? Anyway... yeah, wrote ano'er poem and quickly noticing the patterns. eager to try and watch Sneakers as I don't want to go to bed.



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My headache's proved as annoying as expected, but at least I've managed to write something. Well, rewrite something, strictly speaking.


I've been trying to work on something grander, a proper story, but it just doesn't seem to be coming together. I have the ideas in place, but when I try to capture them on a page it all goes wrong.


Anyway, my day's been alright. I haven't really done... well, anything, but I suppose that isn't so bad. I've a roof over my head and food to eat, so I can't really complain with any authority.

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Wow, seems last night/this morning was exciting without me fully realising it. I had heard cars move in front of our house for ages (this is at about 3:30 am and later), which is weird because our street is blocked off right in front of our house, so you can't go anywhere. I didn't bother to check out what was going on though (I guess I was too scared they were burglars, haha).


Anyway then somewhere past 5 am I heard what sounded very much like a gunshot, somewhere in the many fields behind our house. I couldn't see anything from my window, but noticed birds were flying away and stuff.


Now this morning (or noon) I find out from my dad that when he left for work at 4:15 (work being at the other end of the street), there were multiple police cars outside, some anonymous. More arrived too at certain points. He also saw them walk around with flashlights close to where he works. Seems like they were looking for someone... Kinda scary to think about that happening in your street. D:


Oh and our country seems to be slowly falling apart politically. Seems like today will be a great day. :indeed:

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Jon! Long time no see mate, where you been?


Hope you haven;t been stalking Rachel Bilson again like me :awesome:


Been a very shit year so far, problem after problem. Seems to have cleared up now and my life's back on track.



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Driving lesson today, driving test tomorrow *cries*, but yes anyway it was pretty good, I'm guessing I'll get a few minors but nothing utterly devastating, so we'll see.


Went town, bought some stuff, including a card for dad and came home. Isn't life exciting.

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Oh and our country seems to be slowly falling apart politically. Seems like today will be a great day. :indeed:


Meh, our country has kept on going for a year now without a real government now. I doubt our country will be falling apart anytime soon now, it'll just keep existing even without a good government.

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Meh, our country has kept on going for a year now without a real government now. I doubt our country will be falling apart anytime soon now, it'll just keep existing even without a good government.


Well I said politically, not literally (though seems lots of people want that to happen as well). It's just a big mess right now and I wish they would get their act together. Oh well.


My legs are all sore from running yesterday. =(

I might have finally found a bit of inspiration for at least one but hopefully more drawings.

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