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Oh which reminds me. Today some relative (I think my nan's nephew so I'm not sure what that makes him to me but whatever) came round and was talking to my grandad and said everyone in Newport was backwards. True story :P


(although hes also a train driver and killed seven cows last week. I don't like him :()


7 separate incidents, or he hit a herd?

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This place is great.


I can just talk.


I'll admit it it is slightly worrying when my boss says he is concerned about me when my own family haven't picked up on how shitty I've felt over the past 10 years.


Then again, I couldn't stop myself bring up suicide as a possible means to an ends with everyone from work a the pub.


I'm incredibly drunk, so ignore this post.

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The third Link in is probably the scariest thing I've ever seen. He looks like a rapist.


Speaking of which — Link, not rape — Phantom Hourglass arrived today so I managed to play a bit of that. Good stuff. Think I might get a hold of Trials and Tribulations before starting Apollo Justice, though, if not just for continuity's sake.


I should go to bed, really; work tomorrow and all that. Instead I'm buying Korean clothing that most likely won't fit me. In every sense.

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I think it was like dominos...or they were in a line and he was late with breaking.


I must say, that's pretty damn unlucky...


I've saw a very good friend today for the first time since he returned from holidaying in Bulgaria. He got drugged and had some cash nicked at one point, and he remembers none of that evening, and yet he still thinks on the whole the trip was a good 'un.


Oh, and for someone who's never, ever played PES before, he's very good - I think he may have lied to me about the "only football games I've ever played are half a dozen matches on Fifa"...

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Are you ok, dude?


*a big cuggle for Daft*


I'll cheer you up. I'm badly learning to play Make Me Smile by Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel.


dododududadadadodododo DA




You've done it allllll!


Yeah I'm alright. Ashley was brilliant enough to listen.


Thanks very much though, Flinky.


I always easily bottle stuff like this up but when I get a bit drunk I tend to end up a bit of mess. Don't get me wrong, I'm drunk enough to admit that that is what I always feel, I just don't bother other people with my problems. (Except Ashley just now, which I apologise endlessly for.)

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Uh-oh, I feel another thread coming on... For the sake of the forums as a whole I'm going to try and go to sleep. It's for the greater good.


And you can go away, story idea! Come back tomorrow when I've time to do something with you.

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Guest bluey

waargh i am a NOOB!

i couldnt sleep on monday night so i ended up going to sleep at 5am, waking up again at 9am on tuesday (thank YOU very much jamba :heh: ) then accidentally falling asleep for an hour at 9pm yesterday - waking up at 10 and feeling so weak and ill that i HAD to eat something... then i had so much energy that i didnt sleep till ~3am >__< now it's 11.30 and i *just* woke up!!!


not a good sleeping pattern for someone who has to get up at 7am every day! O__o i wanted to go to the park today but its freakin raining again.


...damn you raining_again!!! :heh: hahah.

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Day yesterday was pretty good, got a stern talk from les parents that all I do is sleep, which it may appear, but I am in actual fact up all night cause the night is full of awesome people.


Then I had to fix the printer so I could print some CV's, some how, some one lodged a fucking pencil deep inside the thing, which required the assistance of a trusty nice to remove.


Next stop: Tesco application form

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Guest Jordan




Its Link on Batman on Link on Link on Batman on Star Wars Droid on Gundam action.


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Daft whats up yo' we love ya here.


Just the usual really. But every now and then alcohol loosens my tongue and I fail to keep everything bottled up inside, like it should be.


It is funny walking in to work though, everyone is still ever so slightly drunk. It's soooooooo quiet.


The love is much appreciated, Word! [/bad early 90s culture reference]

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There's no such thing as a bad 90s culture reference.




Anyway. Prepping this wedding CD as im seeing the bride and groom later. Tidying room. Playing pokemon. Working on beats. A very uneventful day to be finished with a busy day at work.


My friend got his results at midnight today so im thinking mine might be up midnight tomorrow (well, Friday 12am whatever). Everyone else that don't have an uberslow uni; happen to know when (ie what time) you got yours?


And Daft; no need to apologise and is Phoenix's 'Heatwave' a cover of Martha and the Vandella's because that would be epic.


Just remade my bed (as the mattress has been slowly slipping off for a few days) and counted; I do infact have nine pillows. Ten if you include the Stitch one. Plus five at my dad's. I think when I move into my new place come September im just going to buy more and have a big pillowy corner instead of a chair.

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Just the usual really. But every now and then alcohol loosens my tongue and I fail to keep everything bottled up inside, like it should be.


It is funny walking in to work though, everyone is still ever so slightly drunk. It's soooooooo quiet.


The love is much appreciated, Word! [/bad early 90s culture reference]


Well hey, if you need someone to vent to, I'm here! I might not always know what to reply, but if you just need someone to listen to you I'm your woman! =P


Today I managed to wake up earlier after another late night. Set my alarm for 10, but then kept falling back asleep and waking up until about 11:30, when I jumped (or stumbled) out of bed and had a shower. And now I'm here! =D

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I managed to overide my sleeping system and I've just woken up! :D


I needed a good nights sleep. (no freaky dreams! :)) Hopefully means I now won't be falling asleep in front of the computer like the other night! ^_____^


So yeah haven't done much this morning...


Time for some breakfast. :grin:

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And Daft; no need to apologise and is Phoenix's 'Heatwave' a cover of Martha and the Vandella's because that would be epic.


I think it is an original song (though send me a link to MatV, you might be right). How do you know about Heatwave? It's like pre-United! :heh:


It was sampled by Db Boulevard in that song Point Of View (good song). I'd post a link but youtube is blocked at work. :indeed:


Well hey, if you need someone to vent to, I'm here! I might not always know what to reply, but if you just need someone to listen to you I'm your woman! =P


Today I managed to wake up earlier after another late night. Set my alarm for 10, but then kept falling back asleep and waking up until about 11:30, when I jumped (or stumbled) out of bed and had a shower. And now I'm here! =D


Cool, thanks very much. I'll keep that in mind. :smile:

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My friend got his results at midnight today so im thinking mine might be up midnight tomorrow (well, Friday 12am whatever). Everyone else that don't have an uberslow uni; happen to know when (ie what time) you got yours?


I got mine about 2 weeks ago now I think. Checked in the morning and they weren't up, got a text from a friend a few hours later and they were.


Think its just random and changes from department to department.

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