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Yep, had my last exam yesterday so school is over until September (or August depending on how my exams went). ^____^

Now all I have to do is wait for my results next week. *stress*


But man, July is going to be boringgggg. Normally I'd have stuff to do but this year I don't. And even though my friends say we'll go do stuff, I know we won't since we don't live close enough to meet up easily. =(


Yay that is so awesome! I bet that's a big load off your chest, just the results to wait for, i'm sure you'll have aced them all =)

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Went in to school with my newly shaven face! Didn't get as many awkward looks. :p


The actual day was pretty good. First part of the day was constructive and I had was the first lessons since I've been back really!


Second half I had no lessons so ended up talking on a field for a bit then went home.


So didn't really do that much today but it was nice and relaxing. Now it's the weekend! :yay:

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I've had a shite couple days.


I wanted a little break from London so I went up to Cambridge. My annoying spoilt c*nt of a friend decided to invite himself, I couldn't really say no since I was planning to stay with someone we went to school with.


I then proceeded to spend the next couple days with people who's heads are so far stuck up their arse they've forgotten what sunshine is. I found out my c*nting little friend, who lives out of his parent's and his brother's pocket by playing them all off each other, doesn't even have to pay tuition fees because his dad is a resident of Guernsey while I got a phone call from my lovely sister who says that there isn't enough room for me to stay in her house so I'm basically homeless because my mum is moving to Greece for a couple months because of money problems, which my sister mainly caused. Not to mention I don't think I'll ever see the £800 I lent my mum, I'm also pretty sure I'm not going to see the £500 insurance money for my laptop because, along with a broken CD drive and such, it has a massive crack across the screen and I must be in about £8000 worth of debt already.


What's really getting to me is that no one is really giving a shit about the pressure this is putting me under. I don't like moaning about stuff but this is an absolute joke and with my friend going on about daddy paying for his 3 month holiday to Japan next week I just wanted to go on a little rant. Sorry.


I think I might go scream into my pillow for a bit.

That was the "lite" version of my week, it was actually even worse but I'll spare you all.

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ee my hairs a proper blue again, I quite like directions, it does last yonks but I hate it even if it slightly fades (because I'm a perfectionist like that) only had to leave it on for 10minutes too. Yum!


Hooray for directions, I loved it for my pink. Cerise I think it was. It was fantastically awesome when it started fading and gave my hair a kind of sunset look (at least the part that was actually dyed).


Thinking of getting some bleach and dyeing some more.



Maybe get a bit done like the Atomic Experiment on hair crazy.

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Hooray for directions, I loved it for my pink. Cerise I think it was. It was fantastically awesome when it started fading and gave my hair a kind of sunset look (at least the part that was actually dyed).


Thinking of getting some bleach and dyeing some more.



Maybe get a bit done like the Atomic Experiment on hair crazy.


Directions is win! I've tried Special Effects and I don't like it as much, I dunno it isn't as bright or something.. Thats the blue colour I have on my hair atm. Even when its fading its not going any brighter, whereas the directions does, and looks a lot better.

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Eugh. I'm wired.


Slept at a friend's house last night, and was shown the "internet phenomenom" 2 girls 1 cup, against my will. Actually, to be honest, they were going on about this video that I hadn't seen but that I "really didn't want to see". Naturally, I wanted to see, but then when I was shown some of the reaction videos beforehand, turns out I didn't want to see. I had the laptop almost shoved to my vomit-moistened face. A true, foolish case of "how bad can it be?".


Then didn't actually sleep during the night. Stayed up watching Scuzz, and by the time I caught some zzzs it was during the 5am Corrie omnibus on ITV2.


So now I'm home having just made myself a black coffee, which is a pretty extreme resort considering I don't drink coffee.


3 months of having jack-shit to do can be pretty self-destructive. I need a mild week.

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finished school. weird. guess I have to search for a home now...

So much work to do, so little time. So u understand I wont be the boards these days (you can cry)

wish me good luck in finding a good home.


Good luck ^^


Eurgh last night was ok until I had to go and pick sister and then dad up completely ruining my evening and then they were both drunk and annoying in the car.


On the other hand I am finally free of exam and I realised I'm seeing get cape wear cape fly in a few days and then in a few more days I'm going on a road trip hells yeah!

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Haven't posted in here in a while and i'm really bored so though wtf. Plus my life is so damn interesting I thought you guys would want to hear (I know I would, and i'm me, I already know).


My phone decided to work this morning, so I did wake up, but everything has its downside. Since my phone is in chinese I can't figure out how to change the ringtone, so every morning for the last 9 months now I've been woken up by the waltz. I actually fear people calling me these days because of it.


I was lucky enough to catch the teddybear in the lift. The teddybear is a 3 month old chow-chow breed of dog. It also happens to be one of the laziest, stubborn dogs i've ever met, which led to a rather funny moment this morning. The lift for some reason stopped at our floor even though it was going up. However the dog didnt know this. He walks in and sits down, and the owner has to try and drag this thing out because it wont move. However the thing proves to heavy for her and she has to get in and ride with it. Gave me a laugh anyway.


I can't get my tea right at the moment.


My master is kicking my ass extra hard at the moment. Partly because I only have a month left before I leave, but also due to the fact he found out about my most recent girlfriend and considers her a distraction.


I quickly limped home and then off to the school to teach a little english. I love it when they ask me if i'm going to watch the olympics. Actually correction, the bit I love is their look of disappointment when I tell them no, I find it mind numbingly boring to the point where i'm mildly interested by the prospect of watching big brother.


Got home, been working my way through FFXII. Annoying ass game. I got to wait for a f*cking bar to fill before I can hit the b*stard. JUST SWING THE FREAKING SWORD. Such a contrast to Ninja Gaiden. For some reason i'm also starting to miss turn based battles. At least I cold enjoy a relaxing cup of tea whilst playing Skies.


Gf will probably pop round later. Until then....nothing.

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Guest bluey


...*gasp!* i just took my wet washing outside to the drier (its raaaining~ and dark!) and when i put my bag down to open the machine door i heard this SUPER LOUD croaking noise!!! super loud ANGRY croaking noise... i'd put my bag down right on top of this GIANT crow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


...he's pretty pissed off.

i should think all my neighbours are too 'cause i screamed SO loudly.

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I am NEVER having a group of friends over again. It's so hard arranging it and maiing sure everyone can come. I still don't know if one is coming yet due to her geting wasted last night because it was her last day of Year 13.


It's so stressfull, they better appreciate it when they all come round. It took me weeks to persaude my parents.

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...*gasp!* i just took my wet washing outside to the drier (its raaaining~ and dark!) and when i put my bag down to open the machine door i heard this SUPER LOUD croaking noise!!! super loud ANGRY croaking noise... i'd put my bag down right on top of this GIANT crow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


...he's pretty pissed off.

i should think all my neighbours are too 'cause i screamed SO loudly.


deep crow?

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I am fucking pissed off right now. Nothing like trying to force friends to kiss one another for producing awkwardness.


Lock them together in a water filled box for 5 minutes. They'll have to kiss to share air and survive. Extreme situations call for extreme solutions and they'll thank you for it afterwoulds.


deep crow?


That's exactly what I was thinking. What are the odds that crow would be there at that exact time?


Today I've narrowed down post-graduate courses. I've concluded Cardiff definately has a course I would love to do and other choices include Bristol, Leeds and Royal Holloway. I basically want to get into environmental geoscience, but the Cardiff course catches my eye as they also throw in a lovely dose of palaeontology and palaeobiology on top of the environmental stuff. Now to send emails and see if places are still available.

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Merf, my mood keeps going up and down constantly. Mostly down. I cried myself asleep again last night. Sometimes I think I'm depressed without fully realizing it...



And one of our cats has been missing for a couple of days. Since she's not the type to go on adventures, we think something happened to her. =(




*will just take a nap now, hopefully feel better soon...*

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Guest Stefkov

I've been awake 28 hours. Last night at 6 went to a friends house, we started drinking. Tipsy at 8 having straight vodkas. Party host was in his bed at 8.... he was off his head. We enjoyed the rest of the night without him. Drank a lot more. Got really drunk. Walked to Tesco twice.

This morning at about 6 I went out the house and sat in the park across from this guys house. Went back to the house at 8. No-one's gonna be awake, so I get in the back garden and somehow wait until me mate wakes up and lets me in, with me telling him what he missed out on and what he did.

Now I'm here, still awak since 10 yesterday morning.

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Merf, my mood keeps going up and down constantly. Mostly down. I cried myself asleep again last night. Sometimes I think I'm depressed without fully realizing it...



And one of our cats has been missing for a couple of days. Since she's not the type to go on adventures, we think something happened to her. =(




*will just take a nap now, hopefully feel better soon...*


Yeah, I know what you mean. I broke down sobbing violently in a pub cubicle toilet a couple nights ago, it was pretty surreal. Happens when I remember just how depressed I am.


Hope you find your cat and feel better soon.

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Wow. Everybody just totally ignored Daft there...


Sorry to hear you're low, I am sure things will improve. Just step back for a moment and assess what you can do logically, make short term achievable goals and you'll get there.

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