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What a morning so far. Got woken up early by hearing screaming from my sister. I thought she hurt her leg or something, but turned out she walked into the kitchen to feed her guinea pigs and one was lying dead out in the cage. Then she went into shock and bursted out into tears in the living room, all this 5 minutes before she had to leave for a maths exam.


Then my dad put her in a box outside, then I had to make sure it wasn't in the sunlight, but the box wasn't there so had to look for it. I had a thought she was in the shed, and she was, it was weird walking up to the shed, opening it, and seeing a box lying there. It didn't seem real :(


I never seen this coming so soon.

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YOu'll do great Haggis! :D


Last year I had 20 minutes left to write a question and I did ok. :)


Good Luck Haggis! :yay:


Cheers! :D


Hopefully, these exams have so far gone strangely well so it's nice to think this is my last until the 3rd of june.



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Guest Jordan

Today I brought my laptop to work to do some Vista testing, since we're all running XP still here. Fun eh?

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Then my dad put her in a box outside, then I had to make sure it wasn't in the sunlight, but the box wasn't there so had to look for it. I had a thought she was in the shed, and she was, it was weird walking up to the shed, opening it, and seeing a box lying there. It didn't seem real :(



You put your sister in a box? That's terrible!

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Today I woke, having come to the realisation that my old Chemistry teacher is the spitting image of THIS MAN. Whie labcoat, tiny glasses and all!




Work and revision today, teamed with ye olde meeting of Jordan. Good times!

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Just made an awesome double-decker sandwich. Bread, pesto, roast chicken, mayo, bread, mustard, ham, cheese, bread.


It could do with the crunch of lettuce, and the spice of some jalapenos - but overall I am rather pleased.


I think I'm not feeling stressed enough about the exam tomorrow, so I'll watch an episode of Lost.

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I think I'm not feeling stressed enough about the exam tomorrow, so I'll watch an episode of Lost.


I tend to find listening to The Zuton's 'Pressure Point' a good way of getting stressed. As the lyrics include "PRESSURE! PRESSURE! PRESSURE!" Listen to it loudly my friend.


Today has been good. Woke up and watch How I Met Your Mother and Gossip Girl finales. Then went and picked up a package waiting for me; Grave of the Fireflies :D! Started working and randomly two people came to check my room. They asked what the wire was that goes across my ceiling; said dunno, nobody does. Guessing this used to be a room for a disable person. They asked if my drawers worked which they do and left. Odd.


But im feeling good, optimistic even. Reading through this assignment and just feeling relaxed and good. Although im getting to the bored point in which I had people to talk to (best friend's gone for the summer, another friend is on holiday, everyone else is revising/assignments).


Oh and I nearly booked a holiday to Milan. £270 for a week incl. flights and accom but I can live without a holiday for this year, and need money.

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Since becoming single I've found I have a lot more time to myself and to hang about with my housemates. Unfortunately my housemates seem to have all become prematurely middle-aged since leaving university. The last two nights the highlights have been watching The World at War on UKTV History. Tonight my options for entertainment are either a dinner party with 90% people I don't know or like or I can go to a school jazz recital that my housemate's helping out at. Oh the dilemma. The biggest night out in the past 4 months has been to the pub up the road for curry and a few pints. Honestly I think I might die of boredom.

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Did my English lit exam today, which went very well. I just came straight home since I really can't be bothered with revision lessons. I then proceeded to download literally half of the WiiWare launch games, all of which are awesome.

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Had my last exam today! Was probably the most pointless and BS exam I've ever had to do. Seriously anyone could've done it with no revision at all even if they had never taken a business subject in their life. Complete waste of 2 hours today. So glad I did next to no revision for it. What a pointless class.


I'm free now though!

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Well, my computing went interestingly, still being taught sadly =[ only one lesson left, i swear, if he teaches us anything new tomorrow i'm going to scream...


Oh, i played halo$ at wills today, and there was this one bit where we 4 (teams of 2) into each other, i hopped off the gun turret and hit their car with my hammer, which made it blow up and kill us all :P


"whaaaaaaaat! who did that!?!"

"yeh, which idi- it was you wasn't it dom?"

"yup :D"



Oh and the internets not working, only 3 sites work in the entire internets, BBC, this and Animewoot, cept the videos don't work on there as they are hosted by Veoh. Bugger >.<

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Sheesh, nearly 9000 posts in this thread. And we said this wouldn't become the new and abused improved MPOTD :indeed:


Today has been revision. Revision and reading and reading and revision. Y'know what I really hate? When I'm writing up my sheet of quotations and Microsoft Word has the audacity to try and correct Oscar Wilde's grammar with its little green zigzags. Bastards. This time tomorrow, for better or for worse, it'll all be over 'til next year :D

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Pfff, boring day.


Instead of classes, our teachers organised a "Typography day" and had lectures and workshops with graphic designers. I wouldn't have gone if we weren't sort of "forced" to go. Also cost €15, merf. I only went to two of the lectures and they were awfully boring. My entire afternoon wasted. =/


Anyway, back to work. Selfportrait today, hooray. >.>;

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Sheesh, nearly 9000 posts in this thread. And we said this wouldn't become the new and abused improved MPOTD :indeed:


It's not really been abused though, everyone is talking about how their day has been just about. It hasn't killed the rest of General Discussion either.

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Today has been revision. Revision and reading and reading and revision. Y'know what I really hate? When I'm writing up my sheet of quotations and Microsoft Word has the audacity to try and correct Oscar Wilde's grammar with its little green zigzags. Bastards. This time tomorrow, for better or for worse, it'll all be over 'til next year :D


SO yeah - gimme your gorram quotes. I've resigned myself to doing really badly, and am trying to focus on the formal style of realism, and the representation of "in here" vs "out there", in that hopefully I'll spurt enough crap that it'll be clear my knowledge of the characters/plot/whatever is next-to-zero. They don't want story-telling anyway...


So long as I get more than 40 marks I really don't care. I just totally don't want to come back and do a resit in the middle of summer.

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Oh, i played halo$ at wills today, and there was this one bit where we 4 (teams of 2) into each other, i hopped off the gun turret and hit their car with my hammer, which made it blow up and kill us all :P


"whaaaaaaaat! who did that!?!"

"yeh, which idi- it was you wasn't it dom?"

"yup :D"



Haha, you forgot to mention the fun that was had with low arches, Warthogs, and grav-lifts...


Last ever physics lesson today! My class takes turns to bring in chocolate for "chocolate Tuesday", and as today was a special occasion, someone brought in a chocolate fondue. :D

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When I'm writing up my sheet of quotations and Microsoft Word has the audacity to try and correct Oscar Wilde's grammar with its little green zigzags. Bastards.

The Microsoft Word grammar checker is so strange, I still fail to understand the bizarre rule it uses to decide whether something should be "which" or "that". Today, it's pretty much acceptable to use them interchangeably, but if you're going to use a rule then it should be that "which" introduces a non-restrictive relative clause whereas "that" introduces a restrictive relative clause...

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I'm finding it difficult to decide which is more depressing, writing an essay or revising for an exam. Think I might drive to Don Valley stadium today, to figure out the way, so I don't have to get up so early for a 15 minute walk to a 15 minute wait for a 15 minute tram journey.

How big was MPOTD posts Shorty?



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You put your sister in a box? That's terrible!


That's how I read it too.


Anyhow, off to the Doctors this afternoon to see if they can work out why my leg is making strange noises.


Haha, just re-read it there and it did sound like it. Not like I had much time to perfect it.


Had a funeral for her an hour ago. Got a nice box/casket, lay down some tin foil and hay, then put her in it, tied the box up and burried her. When we were moving her from the shoe box to the casket thingy, well, needless to say, my sister broke down again and started crying and shouting her name. Then she said goodbye in the garden and she got burried.


Now back to studying for me ¬_¬

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