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Supergrunch; we are brethren. Fucking hate essays.


Jimbob; I thought you hated this Lindzaiie! She spells her name funny.


As for mee? I don't know what to say. I'm a bit gobsmacked, really. Girl I worked with has been sending me naughty things *is not sure what to do*

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I'd say be careful mate, unless you've done something like this before and you know what you're getting yourself into. I met a lass in a pub who gave me a massage before we left and I could have blatantly got a shag out of it but I was just getting lots of warning signs.


But this sounds a bit better. Also she might be trying to bait you... fucking women.

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Well I worked with her for over a year and I did get to know her pretty well. At the time we were both in relationships. I still have faith in women yet. Yeah I'll be careful; it's a couple of months 'til I'm down south again so I'm not exactly going to commit myself to memory* anything.



*sorry. Bad reference there.

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Jimbob; I thought you hated this Lindzaiie! She spells her name funny.


There was a time that i hated her, which i think was about a week or so ago. Then we patched things up, had a really great night Thursday until someone showed up, namely a drug crazed lunatic called Ricky who she likes i think, but i hate as he once pulled a knife on me and attempted to stab me with her pulling me back because i was going to wallop him. Now i hate her again, and this time it is her own fault.

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Well Villa won so I'm delighted.


Quoted for truth.


A lot of you would think people like me, whose mood for the day would depend on the result of their football team's match, are sad.


To you, I say this: Blurgh! And Blurgh! Again. :awesome:

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Well I worked with her for over a year and I did get to know her pretty well. At the time we were both in relationships. I still have faith in women yet. Yeah I'll be careful; it's a couple of months 'til I'm down south again so I'm not exactly going to commit myself to memory* anything.



*sorry. Bad reference there.


She's a woman, mate. She'll only rip your heart out with a dull or blunt object.


As you can see, my faith in women has been restored.







NOT! [/borat]


Had a shitty day. My situation with my housemate is just getting worse and worse and it seriously gets me down. I feel moody all the time, or upset, and she uses this as an excuse as to why we can't be together. She's not going to be here for today, but she's been txting me saying that she never said we were going to be together, and that I'm asking for something she can't give.


I compared her to my ex yesterday and said that I had loved both of them, gave them everything I had, and they both threw it back at me, which makes me feel worthless. She didn't like me saying that, and got in a mood/upset.


I think I'm a magnet for heartache.


I played a little Guitar Hero earlier and that cheered me up a little. A little.

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She's a woman, mate. She'll only rip your heart out with a dull or blunt object.


Or ya know bare handed. Whatevers convenient really :heh: I kid of course... Yes.


Sorry to hear your having a hard time of it lately. Us women always want whats bad for us and the caring lot never manage to capture our interest. Go figure :wtf:

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Females have always confused the best of us. You take them out to a film and a drink afterwards, pay for everything but they do not assume it to be a date. It is difficult to even make out with one of them and when you do they never call.


Alas. My room in halls is yet to be christened.

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Bah, I've been home alone all day as my parents are at a big family get-together (entire Spee family, with lots of people I don't know). I decided not to go so I could work for school. They said they'd be home at 7 but it's now already 9 and apparently they won't be here till at least 9:30.


Thing is I still haven't eaten since there's nothing in the house. >.<;

*wants food* =(



Also I'm depressed cause of school, again. I wish it was overrrrrr. ='(

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I played poker the other day aswell from like 9pm till 3am >.>


I have to say its a complete game of luck! I dont even play at all and have to be constantly reminded of the priority of the winning hands but yet I cleaned up!


Caus poker = probability + luck =/= skill XD


Sure is, apprently I'm extremely good reading people, considering both jay and abdi I had only met once before briefly.


It was nice though, being my mates mates they didn't shun me or anything and gladly included me and taught me how to play poker, it was a nice change.


Work today was gruelling utterly horrible, they have me put boards onto the ceiling that dangle down like sale signs because I'm the tallest in the building, after about 10 as they all have to be near lights that have been on all day I felt abit sick because I'd not eaten.


Getting my shift changed for saturday too hopefully hand my notice in for this week so i'm unemployed by next week.


That word has never sounded so good; unemployed :yay:

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I think I'm a magnet for heartache.



Ah Flink I'm sorry. I was wondering about this when you first started semi-dating her because my friend has just had a fairly similar situation happen to him. She is a woman who doesn't understand boundaries, let alone appreciate that other people have them. She will take what affection you give her because it is convenient and give practically nothing in return. She isn't committed to you but gets to enjoy the perks.


I'm sorry that you had to have a friend who is like that mate. All I can suggest is that in the future, don't make the success of relationship so important you. I know it sounds heartless but people who are meant to be together will be, because they naturally fall together. If it's not working then let it go... there'll be another around the corner, you're a solid guy.

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Females have always confused the best of us. You take them out to a film and a drink afterwards, pay for everything but they do not assume it to be a date. It is difficult to even make out with one of them and when you do they never call.


Alas. My room in halls is yet to be christened.


Women don't make sense to us for one reason. They don't make sense to themselves. They always go for the pricks. Why? Ask them. But they won't know. They do things without realising.


I'm not being sexist many of my female friends have admitted it to me.

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Women don't make sense to us for one reason. They don't make sense to themselves. They always go for the pricks. Why? Ask them. But they won't know. They do things without realising.


I'm not being sexist many of my female friends have admitted it to me.


Men are just as bad these days, there's alot of decent men I know who have fallen for horrible women, my ex is an example after me he went for a girl who was at first very nice and now has robbed him of nearly all his money and now has his child.

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Ah Flink I'm sorry. I was wondering about this when you first started semi-dating her because my friend has just had a fairly similar situation happen to him. She is a woman who doesn't understand boundaries, let alone appreciate that other people have them. She will take what affection you give her because it is convenient and give practically nothing in return. She isn't committed to you but gets to enjoy the perks.


I'm sorry that you had to have a friend who is like that mate. All I can suggest is that in the future, don't make the success of relationship so important you. I know it sounds heartless but people who are meant to be together will be, because they naturally fall together. If it's not working then let it go... there'll be another around the corner, you're a solid guy.


Cheers, man. :)


Aye, I dunno. Maybe it's a test, to see how I bounce back. If I was a footballer, I would definitely be the centre-back, constantly on the defence and only blocking away the bad. I want to be a striker, who gets the glory. It would make a nice change.

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I went into town today to play Mario Kart Wii. I was annihilated by a kid dressed like Naruto. :D


I also met the world's 2nd best Guitar Hero III Wii player. He was playing the game in GAME on Expert, Through the Fire and Flames. He was amazing.

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Pretty meh day, spend most of it tryng to find something to do tonight, suffice to say I found nothing to do.

Only good part is that I can finally go tomorrow to get my Xbox360 fixed.


I went into town today to play Mario Kart Wii. I was annihilated by a kid dressed like Naruto. :D


I also met the world's 2nd best Guitar Hero III Wii player. He was playing the game in GAME on Expert, Through the Fire and Flames. He was amazing.


Speaking of GH3, a TV-Show here about video games is holding a GH3 competition. The person who sends in a picture or video with the higest score wins 100.000 ISK (637 pounds)


I am so going to try it.

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<depressed mode>


Finished my dinner at 11. Was a crappy dinner too cause of course all decent places were closed when my parents finally showed up. I'm never going to listen to them again when they say they'll be back at a certain hour.



Still fucking depressed and having awful mood drops where I just start crying. I'm so tired of this and everything. Makes me wish I could just go to sleep and not have to worry about waking up anymore. Bah.

I'm too much of a chicken to do anything stupid though, plus I don't want to hurt my family. But life just sucks and I wish I didn't have to go through it at the moment.


</depressed mode>


Back to work for me...

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Cheers, man. :)


Aye, I dunno. Maybe it's a test, to see how I bounce back. If I was a footballer, I would definitely be the centre-back, constantly on the defence and only blocking away the bad. I want to be a striker, who gets the glory. It would make a nice change.


How odd, a mate made very similar analogy regarding me the other day. According to them, I'd be a left back (which, ironically, is more or less where I play when I do...) - I stop bad shit from going down, and often play a key role in setting up others for glory, yet get little credit for either.


However, someone else once likened me to Mr. Wolf in Pulp Fiction... I didn't complain. :smile:

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Managed to sleep in a bit. If I do say so myself (and if that doens't pass, if my housemate does say so herself) I look sexual. Done a fair bit of neccessary uni stuff and me and my housemate are just about to watch Dexter 1.06, been on a marathon all afternoon.

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