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Guest bluey


..i hope i liek DUCKS.

so this is where i'll be staying in tokyo... kamishakujii.


i bet you a thousand yen it doesnt look like that when i get there ^__^

i got the info email today... 2 weeks before i leave... telling me that i'll be living and working in tokyo, but right now all of the apartments are full, so i'll be placed in a guest house until they can move me to an ECC apartment.... that could take up to a month... :hmm:

that's ok - but for me, it means a bit more time till i can get settled properly. but still! exciting news! i know i'll be living in tokyo, and my training will be in the shinjuku area - which i know pretty well, which is encouraging for me.


it's funny.. i'm absolutely terrified, but really really looking forward to this. it's like living a rollercoaster. not living ON a rollercoaster - living the experience, but magnified by 6000!



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Guest Stefkov

Love how in the related section is "mixed wrestling Hungarian pairs".

Sounds pretty awesome Bluey. The more you talk about it the more jealous I get.


My coursework is now for Monday. Hurrah.

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Crikey. Got up 'early' (10am :P), went to post office and picked up a surprise parcel (a jumper!!!... that I left at home over xmas ¬_¬) ... then went and sat on the 'smoking deck' at uni for about an hour. I changed my jumper half-way through and people who walked past several times had very confused looks...


Then had a 2-hour presentation thing about choices for my third year. Blimey there's a lot of stuff to think about... Got a little info on masters choices, too. I thought this year was hard-going but next year is a tonne more work... but it looks way more interesting so it should be good.


Now I've got the rest of the day and the rest of the weekend to get this essay started/finished... And there are three Veronica Mars episodes nearly downloaded so... well priorities and all that - essay will have to be postponed by 3 and a half hours at some point...


Bumped into this lecturer guy on the way out of uni, whom is going out with a girl my age, who is a friend of a friend. Had a good chat, seems a solid bloke. Already been clubbing with him and now we've got a coffee date ;)


Felt weirdly grown up on the walk home - basically knowing that the next two years of my life are slotting into place. All I need to worry about now (besides the essay, of course) is basically what haircut should I get? and what should I do with my beard-thing?... Waaah! I dunno.

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Guest Jordan


Short and spikey in green.

Beard. Keep, GROW IT LONGER.


Then again, i have as much style as a plank of wood. So don't listen :p

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Walked the three kilometers from work to home, checked the mail box and found a note saying there is a package waiting for me at the post office. The only thing I could image did not fit in the mail box was the Xbox 360, although I was surprised I got it this early. So I walked the same three kilometers to the post office only to find out that it wasn't the 360, but the Wii rbg cable packaged in the worlds biggest box. So fun, walking nine kilometers only to get a tiny tiny cable I won't be using yet. Could have picked it up after work tomorrow instead.

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Todays been ok i suppose. I got my first set of As level results back from the tests in January and managed a high C in Maths, Biology, ICT and Business and an awsome grade if E in general studies.


They don't really look amazing, but many people i know ended up with 5 U's.

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Walked the three kilometers from work to home, checked the mail box and found a note saying there is a package waiting for me at the post office. The only thing I could image did not fit in the mail box was the Xbox 360, although I was surprised I got it this early. So I walked the same three kilometers to the post office only to find out that it wasn't the 360, but the Wii rbg cable packaged in the worlds biggest box. So fun, walking nine kilometers only to get a tiny tiny cable I won't be using yet. Could have picked it up after work tomorrow instead.


Well that puts an end to the "Every cloud has a silver lining" rumour.


Anyway my days had a great moment. I joined the Halo3forum.co.uk, and they had an option to donate. (So I did)


Turns out that ;


A) I was the first person to ever donate as its a new feature and not even announced yet.




B) Donators names are green. WHHHOOO!!!

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Not bad. Had some awesome fun at lunch playing Mash/generally messing around in the common room. Stole some AWESOME! plastic glasses from one of my teachers (they were in a huge pack of them for all the younger years, to do with eating healthy) and have been wearing them all day. :)


Went round year 7 tutors with 2 other mates selling raffle tickets, and one of the tutors ended up singing a song for us. Year 7's rock.


Geography results tomorrow! Argh!

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Didn't want to go to school today but I managed to drag myself out of bed and bike to school. Almost got there late, but I saw an Eurasian Jay and either a Middle or Greater Spotted Woodpecker, which made it all worth it.


3D class was okay, just had to work on something. Then three hours till my next class was going to happen. One friend never showed up and the other one left during lunch. So was just me and another friend. Who also left after the second class. Leaving me alone during Psychology (which is normally on Friday but got put on Thursday this week). Only 13 people showed up for that class, was quite sad to see. But strangely enough, for once it wasn't as boring as it normally is. =O


Anyway, I still feel sick and tired and want to sleep but can't cause of school work. And I still need to send a rejection email to that one guy... >.>;

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Guest bluey

....i might be a bit paranoid... but the british airways website wont let me pay for extra baggage online... the page is broken... but i think they've dont that on purpose to i have to pay on the day and wont get the 20% online discount!!!!! :angry:BASTARDS!!! </run, fat boy, run>


i finally worked out how to measure my suitcases (the BA site has "maximum bg size: H+W+L = 158cm") ...i stood over my suitcase, tape-measure in hand looking confused for a few minutes before i realized HOW to take that kind of measurement... :hmm:

i'm about to go weigh myself in Kg to get some idea of how heavy my bags are allowed to be ^___^ haha! can't really pack properly yet...


question though!! am i right to think that putting my clothes in those vacuum-seal bags will make them weigh a bit more?? i mean, all i'm doing is taking away air, but for some reason i feel like they'll weigh more...?

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Went to sheffield hallam today for my interview.


Started at 2 wasn't seen til 4, though I wasn't too bothered as they did it fairly so the furthest living persona way got seen first and she is now sort of my friend so that's quite cool ^.^


I think the woman interviewing me was impressed even if I did have a lack of portfolio, she said something like ''you seem very passion about games and designing'' So hopefully that's good ^.^


Quite happy it's off my shoulders until I get the reply in a week. Good day overall!

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question though!! am i right to think that putting my clothes in those vacuum-seal bags will make them weigh a bit more?? i mean, all i'm doing is taking away air, but for some reason i feel like they'll weigh more...?

they'll weigh the same, it's just because you're vacuum packing them, you'll be able to carry far more, hence the heavierness :P

Went to sheffield hallam today for my interview.


Started at 2 wasn't seen til 4, though I wasn't too bothered as they did it fairly so the furthest living persona way got seen first and she is now sort of my friend so that's quite cool ^.^


I think the woman interviewing me was impressed even if I did have a lack of portfolio, she said something like ''you seem very passion about games and designing'' So hopefully that's good ^.^


Quite happy it's off my shoulders until I get the reply in a week. Good day overall!

Woo, go hallam. So I guess you didn't have the guts to let the forum know in advance? I could've dragged shorty along and shown you the way to the pub.

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well actually, you'll only have two years of my company, should you dare to experience it. Next year's my 3rd year, and I'll be here for another year on that if I do my masters.

Just go on to do a PhD... :wink:


Anyway, my day was busy but alright. Got up at 8am, went to a lecture on linearisation, followed by one on rates of reaction by a brilliant lecturer, followed by one on caching (squirrel stylee) and brood paristism (cuckoo stylee) in birds. Bought a sandwich after that for lunch, ate lunch, read over some notes on analysis of variance. Had a semi-exam open book thingy at 2pm involving using computers to analyse statistics, it wasn't too bad. Went home briefly, then off again to a supervision on biology of cells, which involved going through an extremely evil paper on yeast genetics which neither I nor my supervision partner had been able to do. That finished, I had supper in our canteen thing and was going to go to a musical we're doing, but I arrived too late and it had already sold out and had begun a few minutes ago. So I went back to my room and here I lurk... I have an essay to do this evening, either on kin recognition or associative learning... methinks kin recognition is the way to go.

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well actually, you'll only have two years of my company, should you dare to experience it. Next year's my 3rd year, and I'll be here for another year on that if I do my masters.


Ah they were pushing about masters today, I would love to be funded by sony for a masters like somebody else is.


If I'm good enough that is. :indeed:

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