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Guest Stefkov

I am utterly pissed off. The Zen Vision M 60GB has been discontinued.

I only bought it September/October last year. Now I can't even email bloody Creative to ask what do I do with mine.

Pixmania where I got it are shit. The layout of their website gives me the preconception it is a shit website. Plus it being discontinued they probably won't be able to do anything...pissed off.

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Went to the student union with my mate and got a bit wasted. I gave them more than a raven can hunt for in the night. There was far too much eye candy. Damnit, god, stop showing me what I can't have!


Met the most hilarious guy, 36 year old black dude, with a gold tooth, no idea what the fuck he was doing in the student union, but he was going insane. Was most hilarious.


Hey...hey haaaaay. Here I go now. Here I go into new daaaays.

Hey...hey haaaaay. Ain't no pussy, ain't no pussy left for me, I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer.

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Spent my entire evening working on my After Effects animation, which looks kinda bleh so far (and probably won't look much better once it's done). But since most people are simply working with text and I'm using full figures, I don't feel too bad about my effort.


Watched a bit of Sleepless in Seattle while working on this thing. Had never really seen it (or if I did I probably blocked it from my memory)... not really my kind of movie I guess.


Right now it's 2 am and I'm trying to figure out if I should work some more or go to bed (gotta go to work tomorrow, boooh). I'm also making a list of what I should work on in the next two days and I don't seem to be able to fit everything in there. >.<;

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I just got home from Margate, where I went for a small friendly and light/low level aikido competition! I felt a bit nervous when I got there, as we didn't know what to be doing, and no one really explained it to us(our instructors werent entirely sure themselves), and to make things worse me and my mate were the only two white belts there out of like 35 odd people(about 8 of which probably black belts, and not competeting). Despite that, and doing terrible in the first bit(1-10 of randori no kata, for anyone who knows tomiki aikido), doing it with Nintendave, the white belt friend. Two other guys from our club went, both yellow belts(one belt up from white), and they did quite well in the first, nearly taking silver/gold, but not as some woman stepped in to point out things'd been done wrong somewhere, so they got bronze.

Second thing was some 2on1 stuff in threes(the judges graded each 'three' then the scores decided the winners/losers), which was pretty cool to watch, but we probably weren't best at. Nintendave ended up with anothe couple of guys for his three, while I was with our two yellow belts.

Then we went into groups of five, for kata of the basic 11-17 moves, kata of 1-4 of the kneeling stuff, knife avoision/evasion, knife techniques(forgot the proper name, and then toshu. All of which is probably dutch to anyone reading, but I was going knife evasion, and I was apparently quite good but didn't get points cos I used my hands too at times, and if my hands touch the other person I don't get a point for evasion(which I was conviniently told AFTER I'd done it, and we were like the last teams doing it, one of my instructors had told me otherwise though, to an extent). The basic aim is the stabber gets 6 stabs or 30 seconds, whichever reaches first, and the avoider must avoid, then roles swap. So yeah, apparently I had good evasion after I got into it, but it didn't count. Apparently I was quite good on my turn with the knife as well though, but missed an easy point not stabbing the other guy in the back, mainly cos the sight of his back totally confused me and I wasn't sure how fair game it was. But yeah, I lost that, but had fun. Nintendave did our knife techniques/sparring(it has a proper name I can't remember) and he was bloody amazing for a white belt! Hell, he was better than some of the coloured belts there, me and him were both against yellow belts, but yeah, he was brilliant, both on techniques and the stabbing of the other guy. Our two yellow belts had to do the first two things between themselves, and they were pretty damn awesome at that, considering they had to quickly learn a few techniques they didnt know. We were a team of 2 yellows, 2 whites and 1 black belt, against a team of 2 yellows, 2 browns(belt before black) and a black, and we apparently did rather well for it, losing out 3 rounds to 2(dave won his round).


Basically, I didn't win anything, but I had a rather good time. Granted, most of it was sitting watching other people doing the stuff(if you can imagine everyone has to do the things one at a time, it adds up), but it was really interesting and quite fun, and now I'm kind of pumped but sad these things don't happen more often. But yeah, all in all, a bad day for my dissertation work, but I feel I've had a rather fun and worthwhile experience tonight.

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That was my union night good times. Kinda drunk may listen to more oasis yay!

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Seems like some people had a nice drunken night eh?


I didn't, seeing as im up at this silly time for work. Regardless. My housemate asked me to hide his car keys (as he does everytime he goes out) so he doesn't drink drive. So I made him a series of clues (which rhymed of course) to lead him to them. Lets hope he doesn't need them in an emergency or something. Was a fun way to round up the night last night.


Now im off to MY LAST DAY AT GAME!!


(its been 2 and a half years, madness)

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Man I'm tireddddd. Evil storm weather kept waking me up; at some points I thought my window was going to break cause of the amazingly loud rain (if it even was rain). D:


I also had some weird dream which seemed kind of game related, but I forgot what it was.


Now time for work. *yawns*

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Yesterday i had a good day! :D


I took the first 15 minutes of my Pychology class which was fun! :) I really like Psychology!


Then in the evening i went up to London to a concert where my mums friend was playing the violin! which was great.


Today i have work to do! but It's the Weekend so Yay! :grin:

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Holy fucking shit, Ice Skating is sooooo bad. Well not really thats its bad, just that I am incapable of doing it. I tried. I tried for like an hour, I just can't do it. So I just watched which was cool. The temperature was nice and refreshing at least.


They had speed skaters on for 5 minutes and one of them did one of the dramatic stops and sprayed my face with shaved ice! Hee hee!


But yeah, god I cannot ice skate for shit.

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Guest bluey




away i run!!

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Went to the student union with my mate and got a bit wasted. I gave them more than a raven can hunt for in the night. There was far too much eye candy. Damnit, god, stop showing me what I can't have!


Met the most hilarious guy, 36 year old black dude, with a gold tooth, no idea what the fuck he was doing in the student union, but he was going insane. Was most hilarious.


Hey...hey haaaaay. Here I go now. Here I go into new daaaays.

Hey...hey haaaaay. Ain't no pussy, ain't no pussy left for me, I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer.


Woot woot... Had me a trip to the union last night, too! There was a guy beat-boxing on stage which was awesome, and several dozen nice looking girls, and some not-too-bad girls that tried to come onto me, but they had crazy names. Spilt a drink on meself earlier, then another guy knocked a drink out of my hand in the club - both times I'd had just the one sip of the pint :/ Music wasn't really my kind of thing, but to be honest I was pissed enough to not care.


I kept losing my mates -- or they kept running away, I can never tell -- so I left at 2:30, bought a burger and chips somewhere on teh way home... totally can't remember where...


Now off to do it all again tonight, only in 'fancy dress' - Basically I'm just going to wear the most random articles of clothing I can and hope people can tell the difference. This is the most student-y I've been in the 2 years I've been here. Clubbing two nights in a row?! Madness.

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EVERYONE knows / nando /.


He cooks a mean marinaded chicken thing, amongst other stuff.


He is the host with the most when its Champions Tuesday and Liverpool are playing.




He is easy fodder for beating at computer games. :wink:


..yeh.. everyone wishes they knew / nando / but only a select few do..


..my marinaded steak is actually the main course tonight at home, with a little pasta and some form of sauce (yet to be selected :heh:)


I love a good Champions Tuesday (like the most recent one :yay: ..Kuyt and Gerrard, oh yes!) ..I just can't understand why I blatter the sofa when I'm celebrating : peace:


As for the easy fodder.. I'll see you next week, you scum :heh:..

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I am utterly pissed off. The Zen Vision M 60GB has been discontinued.

I only bought it September/October last year. Now I can't even email bloody Creative to ask what do I do with mine.

Pixmania where I got it are shit. The layout of their website gives me the preconception it is a shit website. Plus it being discontinued they probably won't be able to do anything...pissed off.


Just because a product has been discontinued it doesn't mean the manufacturer won't help/replace/fix it.

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Last night was fun, it was my mates aunts birthday and his uncle's band was playing. The pints were cheaper then most places round here aswell, and got a load of drinks bought for me by my mate and his mum XD


EDIT: Oh and they had gummy snakes and flying saucers ^_^

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Last night was a good night, got a little pissed but that is all in the spirit of fun really. Should have eaten some food before going out, regretted it earlier.


Today has been a good day so far, watched Reservoir Dogs round a mates with a few cans. Tonight could be a good night again, this time i shall eat something before going out.

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yikes letty, I don't know how i'd feel if I were jordan, knowing you were in that situation...


Been a nice day. Played some games with some people. Currently preparing for a 'fancy dress' outing; I've 'decided' on being arthur dent and just going in my dressing gown. Should be... er... eithe rreally good or really bad. Awesome!

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yikes letty, I don't know how i'd feel if I were jordan, knowing you were in that situation...


Been a nice day. Played some games with some people. Currently preparing for a 'fancy dress' outing; I've 'decided' on being arthur dent and just going in my dressing gown. Should be... er... eithe rreally good or really bad. Awesome!


Dont worry, hes cool with this kind of thing :p :heart:

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