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A mate of mine found out today that his chemistry coursework was never marked by his teacher, thus failing him in his AS-level.



This has also put his life on hold for another yeah, as he wants/wanted to do Molecular Biology or Biochemistry at Uni, but couldn't continue Chemistry into A2 for obvious reasons.


WTH! his coursework wasnt marked.

How did that happen Fish? :wtf:

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Today I was walking down some stairs at school, when I came across a chavette. It happened to be the one who is constantly taking the piss out of me from afar, and yelling mean things about how I dress etc.

I took great pleasure in 'accidently' stepping on the backs of her ankles several times.


I know I lead a sad life :(

Sounds awesome. :wink:


Also, yeah, how did this chemistry coursework thing happen?

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Also, yeah, how did this chemistry coursework thing happen?


Well, he was reading his report last night, and discovered that one of his chemistry teachers was "disappointed to see he had not handed in his coursework".


This, as you may imagine, is a little surprising, if only because the coursework was only marked (by other teachers) once it was all handed in.


He failed Chemistry at AS, and, on looking back at his results, there was no mark for the coursework on it.


It's now too late to start A2 chemistry, so he's going to have to finish this year, and go to a crammer next year, and then go to University.

Basically, they've cut a year out of his life. Nice. :blank:

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Worst birthday present ever? I think so.


Especially since Crysis, Mario Galaxy and Assassin's Creed are out on that day.

Yes, but now she'll be able to show up all those bastard Yankee white bread 50 Cent wanabes by serving them while playing Halo.

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I've just had a funny few hours, haha.


I was in the living room watching The Hits with some of my housemates, and then at the bottom of the screen, two plastic barbie doll type things appeared every few seconds or so practicing positions out of the karma sutra. That was hilarious, had us all in stitches. Then the topic of conversation went on to sex, and now we're planning to actually get a copy of the karma sutra and to practice some of the positions ourselves but with our clothes on. Haha.


Then, in the kitchen, me and my friend Cerys were pratting about, and I tried to immitate the pottery making love scene out of Ghost when she was making a cuppa tea. That got a few laughs, it didn't turn out like we expected. I started laughing and managed to fart a few times, which made us giggle some more.


I've only just stopped laughing about five minutes ago.

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We're planning to actually get a copy of the karma sutra and to practice some of the positions ourselves but with our clothes on. Haha.
Take my advice and invest in a Twister set instead. You'll never look back.


Anyway, I felt oddly tired today, and I desperately need to take a stroll to the recycling dump. All these Guardian news papers all over the place are starting to resemble David Camerons worst nightmare. What can I say, I adore Charlie Brooker.

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Well today was about as normal as usual.


Went to uni for 11, went to class till 4 went to library till about 6. Got home set up Wii and 360. Played Wii Sports with my flat mates. Had fun.


Went to play PES on 360 =



conzer16 = very sad now...


Edited to say I am severely stuck on both Phantom Hourglass and MP3...

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Last night was fun. Filled with those great random moments which included viscous lesbians punching me. Oh and I got milkshake all over my phone and it kept charging itself even though there was no charger in there. It seems okay now, just beeps at me sometimes.


And now im up way too early. Lay in bed with my housemate and watched some Arrested Development and may go make lunch. Definatly need to wash my hair as its full of stuff. Not nice.

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My 8800GT went out of stock 48 hours before the damn thing shipped, it said there was one when i ordered it...


So i had to ring ebuyer, tell them to cancel my order, then go on ebay and end my sale of my GTS. Ah well, i guess i got my £200 back though..

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Well my IT lesson has been interesting.

Girl sat next to me wrote "it's crap" on my work, so myteacher drew a pair of tits :|

I remember messing around with a guy when I was about 8, and he was writing "classy" in his book and I was writing "crap". (I was 8 :heh:)


Anyway then he told the teacher that I'd written "crap" on his work and I got in loads of trouble, they acted like I had burnt all his notes... what a cock.


But yeah, I have many a biology question to do today... I'm trying to delay doing them, but I'll have to eventually.

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Guest Stefkov

I love it when your mum tries to tell you when your lesson is. I'm in the bloody lesson, I know it's at 5 past not 25 past.

Today I have had beans on toast, that's pretty much the only eventful thing I've done.

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