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I went to see Where the Wild Things Are today.




I'm just filling out an application form out now, which has questions like, "Why do you want to work for us?"




But once done I can start doing some work!




And one day I will maybe grow up!



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And one day I will maybe grow up!








Jim is playing Dead Space at the moment, what a creepy game. I'm glad I don't have to play it myself. =P


Just did some work for monies and think I might do some work for school toooooo. Haven't done enough. =(


In good news though, I found a coat yesterday, whooo! Cost me a fortune but yeah... I needed one so it's all justified. >.>;

Plus I got paid for work I did over a month ago (evil work forgot I worked that day) and since it was a holiday I got paid extra for it whooo! ^_____^

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Guest Captain Falcon
I've never really done anything for NYE, always stayed in with family and had a nice meal heh. And when I was with my ex his birthday was on the 31st so we would just celebrate that. =P


Tonight I'll be home alone with Jim and we're gonna try and make a big meal: small oven snacks, vegetable lasagne, apple pie with ice cream and then some crisps with cream cheese for during a film. Oh and two types of cider, mmm. (This all cost me a small fortune by the way, the meal better turn out good!) X3


That sounds like a pretty good way to spend NYE to me - it seems His Royal Flinkiness is in for a wonderful evening.

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So what has Old King Coolness been up to of late I hear you ask? :santa:


Well it has been a very busy two weeks since I've been back from Canada (where the Moose live) I keep calling Wales Canada btw incase people were getting confused. :)


I'm unsure why. THE HOME OF THE BRAVE!


*manly pose*


The biggest and best thing that has happened since I've returned (from whence I came) is going to see MILEY CYRUS :yay: Firstly that was a great achievement that I managed to travel to London by myself and not end up stranded in the middle of nowhere and secondly the actual concert itself was a great SPECTACLE! :grin: I very much enjoyed it even though my facial expression suggested otherwise.


On a very serious note my sisters fiancée is very ill in hospital (his heart stopped for 3 minutes) and so the rest of the time has really been spent looking after my wonderful nephew which is a lot of FUN! but very tiring and helping my sister and parents out.



I've also slotted that in between working for Uni and working at the Cinema to get monies. :DI'm about to watch Madagascar with him in a minute!


I've just watched Madagascar. ^___^


I am having Chinese later. yum yum. I also have seen my Best friends twice since I've been back which was great! I should be seeing him again tomorrow.


Just found out I don't need to work in the Cinema next week which is good as I've not spent much time with my mum.


My plans for this evening are quiet. :) just how I like to ring in the New Year!

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Just spent 10 mins waiting or a taxi company to pick up da fooooone! cba walking to t'other side o'town so cabinet. Got me a BOX of cider (liek, 3 litres in a box with a tap!) and some GAYmers (fortehlols).


Feel ill so my plan is to get a sofa, be seated and drink my merry face off for the night.


Temptation to stay in, watch dexter and drink alone is fairly strong, but i Will Power Through.

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Ooooh, hopefully we can make that a thing. Whats the abbreviation...IWPT. I like it.


I find it genuinely hilarious that (for the record I havn't bought up the iPhone yet) but all the iPhone lovers are coming in (well one...and Wesley...but I don't know if Wes is serious) anyway saying "iPhone is better lol"


Not even a serious argument considering the iPhone is 2 years old. But I Will Power Through.

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Moon landing?




I don't think I've ever thrusted anything in someone's face.


Go on, someone make a joke and make themselves feel smart.


An iPhone is what it is.


I've only ever suggested it to people who want a phone that has lots of apps.

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Why must people who own an iPhone constantly be on it and thrusting it in your face with some level of pride that only should be seen with epic achievements such as moon landings and cures for diseases?


Why must the only answer iPhone users have to "What's so great about it?" be "Er...it's an iPhone".

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And I don't really have any. Never been a big NYE person. Went to my uni town earlier to see someone and help him prepare for his NYE gathering and was invited to stay but with work tomorrow and that couldn't be bothered. Plus, he's one of those people that are fine for a few hours but more than that it grows tiring.


Hope your sister's fiancé gets better Coolness :)

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