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Sexy art college tomorrow. Can't be arsed. I can't bear to show the class my weekend project.


It's a bank holiday for everywhere else as well.


Today was fine. Just finished off said project, chatted to people about my birthday plans, and generally did SHIT ALL.

Sexy art college tomorrow. Can't be arsed. I can't bear to show the class my weekend project.


It's a bank holiday for everywhere else as well.


It's a Bank Holiday? in the UK?


Oh right, I wasn't aware of this, just wanted to make sure that it definitely wasn't a general UK bank holiday because if it was then I wouldn't be working tomorrow, but alas it isn't and I still have work but nvm... anyway for those whom it is a Bank Holiday tomorrow, enjoy eet! :D


I woke up late. Watched the Manchester derby, then played Track n Field for about an hour, then Bomberman for another hour, then Rock band for a few more hours.

For the last few hours I've been sat watching one of my flatmates play Mario Sunshine, then when he got bored of that the new first year girl was in the room and took it upon herself to introduce her personality to us. And as far as people go, she is one person who I will not get along with.

'Like' is now my most hated word. How many times can you use in in a conversation? I don't want to ask her, she'll probably say it a few more times.



As mentioend about the chewing/ear incident earlier. It seems to be my jaw, not my ear which is giving me this bullshit. Even though I've sent off to have my HC2 form [basically free meds since I don't earn much] I was going to wait to visit the dentist, but I don't think I can carry on for much longers.


It's been a great day! :grin:


I moved into my halls at about 10am. Then it took until about 12:00 to get me self unpacked (my parents helped of course) I'm on the 3rd Floor which is great but not when you are bringing loads of boxes up! very tiring work.


After that I went out with my Peer Guide group and we had a tour of Bangor and ended up in a pub to have lunch! (Burger and chips) Then I got back and my mum and dad wanted to take a picture of me in my new halls! :p


After that people went out for a BBQ just outside the halls. I stayed in with 2 other people just chatting. Then trying to sort out this girls Ipod. :D


I had a quick spot to eat and then went out about 8 to a bar and then we were going to go to one of the Night Clubs but the queue was massive so we went to another pub and drank/laughed/played games and listened to some awful Karoke "talent." I didn't even drink and yet still ended up with Glittery Lip Gloss on me. :heh:


Sounds like you're having fun already CB. I'm sortof jealous of people starting afresh in new places at uni. But then I love Edinburgh, and I'm making loads of new friends, like everyone else is, just in the same place. :P


Plus it's only for a year. Then I'm off to Bora Bora.




Sheep. Curtained myself into a dipshit of a brasier, faking sense since '98 from god-knows where, but I blame my mates. Picked a trip to timbuktu for a frightful plight at the local zoo. Harnesses and clarinets avail my every step, but blemishes and clementines are harder to interpret, so I guess I'll try to confess each falsity I beget, each molehill of a mess, each mountain I digest and each new path I digress. To make do with me and you until the time comes when I can confront the part of the ocean that clashes with the sea. The glacier's gratitude, the canyon's regret. The air's platitudes of being unzipped by the clouds, trailing from the sky jet. The beetle's supper, the crow's lent. . Give me the answers! Pay my rent.


Was busy as hell in town during my lesson because of the damn holiday >_< much better than last time though, but i screwed up near the end >_> all in all it was a pretty good lesson compared to last week.


Sheep. Curtained myself into a dipshit of a brasier


Brasier? Black Frasier?


My day has been okay. Went for that interview which I think went okay. Then dangled around the freshers stuff with some friends (in a suit of course, looking perfectly out of place).


This cold is getting worse. Or at least, moving from throat to nose.


Need some help with this task though. Had to take notes from a taped lecture on the brain and type it up and send it in but toward the end he sped up and just looking for someone to fill in the blanks;


Vision works through a distorted upside down image exciting photoceptive retinas which sends the information to the brain _____ and activates 30 ____.

^ fusiform gyrus - amygdala (gateway to limbic system - emotional core and significance of what you see/what it is


Thats roughly what my notes look like. Can anyone let me know what the blanks should be? Or point me in the direction of a fairly easy, but still detailed, explanation of how the brain works in terms of vision.


Crazy person ^^


Nice enough day, got my appointment with the doctors, up early tomorrow to see if they can fix me!


Cleaned up the bathroom which was black and no bugger else was going too, considering I've been away for two weeks, :hmm:.


Otherwise, it's good :hehe:


Went into the Lost Woods today. I intended to come out at the top near the road to the shopping district, but in true Zelda fashion all I managed to do was come out the way I went in. Didn't want to attempted finding the route I wanted to take in fear of being attacked by a wolfos.


A long day. Glad it's almost over as at this moment, I kinda want to curl up in bed and watch some TV. 6 hours of lectures straight is a nightmare and by the end, I just wanted to get out of there instead of waiting for hand outs.


Will be an early start again tomorrow as I have morning lectures so before that I'll head out and pick up Halo ODST so I can have some enjoyment for the tail end of the day. Have to read Everyman at some point tonight or tomorrow so might just get it over with now. Oh and I'm supposed to get my blood test results tomorrow :nono: Wondering how much will have been discovered that's wrong :p

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