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I think it's [noparse]like this[/noparse]




EDIT: lol, yeah I had it right but the code didn't work. Noparse? Anyway, it's 'strike', not just 's' :)


I fixed your bad code. :heh: Weird that it doesn't show me as an editor. Guess I'm a magical editor. That is no surprise to me.

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Commiserations Raining on the test. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll nail it next time. :D


Tired doesn't come closed to explaining how I feel at the moment. Absolutely shattered. Went into Edinburgh for a bit. Headed for Cex as I have a crap load of stuff to trade in and wanted cash as I'm not wanting to buy more games at the moment. Get there, after hauling the stuff on a 3 mile walk to the train station and then another kilometer or so, and get told they have no cash so can't do the trade in. Twice in two weeks they've said that. Guy was alright about it though, unlike the woman who served me last time, and said to come back on saturday as they should have cash by then. Can't really be bother carting all the stuff back to Edinburgh but I doubt I'll get a price match on the cash trade in anywhere else so that's Saturday taken care of.


So that was disappointing and sore because the stuff weighed a ton and my hands and shoulders are now killing me. To make up for it though, I managed to find a CD I have been wanting for a long time. :yay: So excited when I found it. Listening to it now and so glad I bought it 'cause it's really good. And then I just got back on a train and came home. So yeh, tired and sore again which is the usual condition I'm in most days. Batman Arkham Asylum is out tomorrow so I might appease myself by getting that or just wait until saturday.

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I wish I had read this before I did my test haha.


4 serious faults =(


I cried my eyes out as he explained why I'd failed. And for about an hour after that. What a wuss.


Basically.. When I had been doing reversing into a space I had been driving straight into starting point. Not have much experience in driving out of the space then reversing back in (which I had to do in the test) so I drove out completely fucked up, and ended up trying to straighten myself (which is the first serious) got the parking okay.


then everything went downhill. Did an emergency stop and skidded >_< apparently that wasn't a problem but i took my hands off the wheel before i stopped (+1 serious again)


then later on he wanted me to turn right (and in my opinion he told me too early) i saw the right markings on the road nearly pass me by and thought "ah shit!!" and braked hard. but it was the next fucking right he wanted me to go >_________________< so that was my third.


Then I clipped the kerb when i eventually got into that right turn. +1


Fail fail fail fail. literally.


But he did say I was a good driver apart from those silly mistakes and panicing. And I answered the bloody questions word perfectly too. BAH!!!


Don't worry about it. You will get it one day, you just didn't get it today. Feedback sounds good too, it was just silly mistakes which happens to everyone, truly it does.


If you worry I will beat you. So hard.

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Today I made a new friend! :grin:


I called him Gary the no trash Dinosaur! It was a little dinosaur toy in which you could open its jaw that I found on the floor of the Cinema.


It was excellent at picking up at stray bits of popcorn! :D unfortunately our friendship was short lived as the person who had dropped it came back!


I also had to drag the G-Force reel in its box down from the projection room today to give to someone who'd come to pick it up.


A good day which will only get better because I'mma have a glorified sausage roll for dinner. :yay:

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Not to worry Raining; as everyone's said, you sound like a super driver just having a bad day. Next time, take some jelly babies with you, apparently all examiners love them.


Now we have to baby proof all of the house so that he doesn't accidentally kill himself, or worse, break something of mine.

Odders, you make me laugh! :D That's great about him crawling. You may have already told us, but does he talk yet?

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About the right turning, I believe you are allowed to ask them to confirm what they meant, so if you aren't sure which 'right' you're supposed to take then you can ask, 'this right or the next' and they won't mark you down for it.


You can either ask them to confirm or just go down one of them. If what they say can me misunderstood and you take the next right turning (or whatever) then you won't fail for it (as long as you do it safely/correctly). The panicking/braking thing is what makes you fail.


There's a roundabout in Worksop (where I took my test) with 4 major exits and one minor exit that people usually forget about. And my instructor said that often when they ask people to take the third exit they'll usually forget about the small one and go for the fourth. So the examiner will say, "This is the third exit" (or something to that effect) when they are on it and people will panic and swerve the car off of the roundabout, subsequently failing. Whereas if they just continued onto the other exit then they wouldn't fail.

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New cat in the house. Although only for tonight. Mother went to pick up a little burman kitten for a friend and it's so cute it's sickening. Those blue eyes... They're so friendly but underneath all that niceness, he's a vicious little thing :p. Has a foot fetish and wouldn't stop attacking mine. Shame he'll be going to his proper home tomorrow but then there are already 6 cats in the house. ::shrug: Oh and parents are going away for the weekend as a result of said cat and because there's another cat show. :yay: Better go shopping tomorrow morning though. No food.

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If you've got Mafia Wars on Facebook, can you add my dad.


A) It'd be hilarious to have people add him and him not know why.


B) He needs more people in his mafia.






Consider that an offer i cannot refuse.


Just got back in from a quick pint out, much needed to be fair. I just found Road Wars on Sky3, which i shall be watching before Interceptor and Father Ted. Then Bed really.

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Did some rad electrician shit at work today. Totally wired in 24 network sockets, including running the cable across the whole building in the roof space. As an added bonus, everything actually worked. Apparently, it would have cost £4000 to hire a pro electrician to do it.

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Work today was the usual, repetitive. Cycled home, I'm loving my new bike. Also, an hour cycling a day is not bad exercise although it makes me amazingly hungry.


My friend just left the weirdest post on my facebook wall,


"i wish you could like people, I'd like you, how did you fall off of my radar?"


I'm hoping she's very drunk.

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HAAAANNNNNNAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Its because I wasn't online to wish you gl yesterday!!!

Tbh its not such a big deal though, as long as you don't lose heart and try again asap!! ^^


I punched Nethy in the eye today. Thats all really.



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You may have already told us, but does he talk yet?


Not really - babbling is starting to sound more like actual English sounds, but nothing intelligible yet. My daughter's speech really kicked in at about 18 months so I'm expecting a similar timeframe for the boy, or a bit slower as boys can be slower to develop.


HWYD? Today was okay. Came in from work - shedding my clothes and feeling the hunger that Daft speaks of (I cycle for about 40mins a day, to and from work) and started raiding the cupboards immediately. The cupboard raiding has continued all evening.


Last thing tonight: MK Wii online night with work colleagues. My boss's 10 year old son played. He was better than all of us. For shame.

Edited by Mr_Odwin
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HWYD? Today was okay. Came in from work - shedding my clothes and feeling the hunger that Daft speaks of (I cycle for about 40mins a day, to and from work) and started raiding the cupboards immediately. The cupboard raiding has continued all evening.


It's crazy! I'd brought lunch to work from home but I'd scoffed that down by 11. When lunch came round at 1 I went down to the canteen and piled on the food. After cycling home I gorged. I'm full now...I think. :heh:

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Just been on TV tonight, made my day awesome :D



From Newsnight page -


At Marden, however, they point out that communications is an expanding sector, and that the decision-making nous required to edit a film, for instance, is a useful transferable skill.

The 16-year-olds we met, including the ones at the local skateboard park, had only good reports of their schooldays.



Would this be what you're referring to?

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