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I've been thinking for a while now that this forum has been on a bit of downer, probably been that way for, I dunno, about three years now. I just can't put my finger on the reason why?


Harvest Home tonight, woooo, lets get drunk in a big tent and go on some fairground rides :p can't wait!

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more like 8.5, cheating scum


*looks at date joined*




You're right... *calls h4x on Rez*


Also, not sure if this has been pointed out / noticed before but we both have the same join date! :o (17-09-05) *high-fives Raining*

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Well, I came to the realisation today that I'm not happy. I'm not depressed but I'm not far of.


I can't think of anything that's going well for me at the moment. Sure I'm not dying etc, but money wise its not good, friend wise its not good, gf wise its not good, health wise its not good. I'm not happy with any aspect of my life at all right now.


I really feel crushed.

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Well, I came to the realisation today that I'm not happy. I'm not depressed but I'm not far of.


I can't think of anything that's going well for me at the moment. Sure I'm not dying etc, but money wise its not good, friend wise its not good, gf wise its not good, health wise its not good. I'm not happy with any aspect of my life at all right now.


I really feel crushed.


Dude, you will have me at Reading with you next year, just think man, it's gonna be awesome.


On a more serious side, try to stay positive man, probs sounds stupid and obvious but it's not worth beating yourself up about things. Just one of those stages in life I think :)


(Hope Tap man, Hope Tap, ooooh, we could create an n-europe pitcher!)

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Well, I came to the realisation today that I'm not happy. I'm not depressed but I'm not far of.


I can't think of anything that's going well for me at the moment. Sure I'm not dying etc, but money wise its not good, friend wise its not good, gf wise its not good, health wise its not good. I'm not happy with any aspect of my life at all right now.


I really feel crushed.



*hugs* - i have felt this way! if you ever need to talk pm / email me :) - or facebook chat me for more awkwardness :P

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Thanks guys, I'm not really looking for sympathy posts or anything its just I feel like I need to say it out loud (in a manner of some sorts). No-one I properly know I want to vent it to since it probably involves them which is kind of sad.





trust me - im not one to usually offer sympathy / empathy - infact sometimes i often wonder if i was born wihtout those traits... kinda like Dexter :)... haha...


but vent all the way!.. i love venting... its a great stress relief :P

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trust me - im not one to usually offer sympathy / empathy - infact sometimes i often wonder if i was born wihtout those traits... kinda like Dexter :)... haha...


but vent all the way!.. i love venting... its a great stress relief :P


Hmm, you seem rather happy/energetic tonight Buttons, either you've had a good day or Nando let you have a go on my copy of Pilotwings I sold to him (it possesses my aura!)

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Hmm, you seem rather happy/energetic tonight Buttons, either you've had a good day or Nando let you have a go on my copy of Pilotwings I sold to him (it possesses my aura!)


ive had a good day?... i dunno - i saw greg tonight ^^) wasnt meant to (my dad was gonna give me a lift home from work).. but greg decided to come in and pick me up instead!.. happy days!... i dunno - i fear im quite hyper!

and whats wrong with being happy / energetic!

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ive had a good day?... i dunno - i saw greg tonight ^^) wasnt meant to (my dad was gonna give me a lift home from work).. but greg decided to come in and pick me up instead!.. happy days!... i dunno - i fear im quite hyper!

and whats wrong with being happy / energetic!


Nothing at all, t'is good to see :) Plus, Greg is awesome, and therefore I can see why that would make you very happy :)

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Nothing at all, t'is good to see :) Plus, Greg is awesome, and therefore I can see why that would make you very happy :)


and i havent seen him that often recently because he hasnt had the car because his granny has been in the hospital ( so his dad has been visiting alot!).. and ive been working too many nights!.. so its all good =)


i also got my red-bubble t-shirts in the post which are awesomely good ;D

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I'm shattered, aching and just generally pissed off. This house doesn't feel like a home anymore due to the stupid amount of arguing that goes on by my parents. At a time I need their support too. On the plus side, Reading Festival in like 5 days or something awesome. On the bad side, 9am start tomorrow..

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I'm shattered, aching and just generally pissed off. This house doesn't feel like a home anymore due to the stupid amount of arguing that goes on by my parents. At a time I need their support too. On the plus side, Reading Festival in like 5 days or something awesome. On the bad side, 9am start tomorrow..


Aww! Hope things start to get better at home for you :) I know how hard it can be when your home starts to feel like anything but.




Sat here, and just thought "Wow, I'm really freaking happy". Such a lovely feeling. It's so nice to not have a worry playing on my mind for once, however big or small that worry may be.

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Evening went fine until my girlfriend decided that she needed to put on a sad face. Don't know if I said something inappropriate or whether I did something wrong at all...I asked her but she just wouldn't tell me. Consequently the good-bye was odd...we did kiss each other - as usual - but there was also some kind of...well..like i said..odd atmosphere.


Confused -.-


Now I'm not even tired anymore although I need to be up in 4 hours again...

Edited by drahkon
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I'm just about to order from Amazon using a free month's worth of Prime. Anyone used this? Is it really easy to cancel once you've done with it without being charged?

I like using the Prime... Now you've mentioned it I think I've had it longer than the trial so I must be paying for it, it never mentioned this.

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fuck, one of my colleague's dad died...


He tripped on carpet and smashed his head.. massive haemorrhage.. nothing they could do at all. He was fit and healthy too, not a thing wrong with him - complete accident. Brutal.


Shit, that's actually really shocking :( I'm sorry to hear that... makes you think how easily tragedies like this can occur, I feel bad for his family.


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My sleep pattern is officially fucked and I need to change from nights to days by Monday.


Came home from work at 6am as usual, went to bed at 10am (late for me, usually 8ish), slept till 3 when my mum woke me up ("it's getting late!" For you maybe! The cow), stayed awake until 10ish, then slept until 1. Now I'm wide awake. Bumcrackers.


On the upside, went to Happenstances to watch Independence Day with Rifftrax Commentary


"The signal is coming from the moon"

"and the moon is coming from inside the house!"


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Well, I came to the realisation today that I'm not happy. I'm not depressed but I'm not far of.


I can't think of anything that's going well for me at the moment. Sure I'm not dying etc, but money wise its not good, friend wise its not good, gf wise its not good, health wise its not good. I'm not happy with any aspect of my life at all right now.


I really feel crushed.


i sympathise with you man, im not in a good way myself.


i now have to leave for work. sigh.

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fuck, one of my colleague's dad died...


He tripped on carpet and smashed his head.. massive haemorrhage.. nothing they could do at all. He was fit and healthy too, not a thing wrong with him - complete accident. Brutal.


Ah shit thats fucked up. :(


Well, I came to the realisation today that I'm not happy. I'm not depressed but I'm not far of.


I can't think of anything that's going well for me at the moment. Sure I'm not dying etc, but money wise its not good, friend wise its not good, gf wise its not good, health wise its not good. I'm not happy with any aspect of my life at all right now.


I really feel crushed.


Dooooood. *hug* You'll start feeling better, some time soon. No doubt about it.

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I'm shattered, aching and just generally pissed off. This house doesn't feel like a home anymore due to the stupid amount of arguing that goes on by my parents. At a time I need their support too. On the plus side, Reading Festival in like 5 days or something awesome. On the bad side, 9am start tomorrow..


urggh i know the feeling - i'm starting to feel that with my parents. Not only them arguing but us all. I think a 3 bedroom semi is a bit small for 4 adults ._.


Need to get out asap, was actually speaking to someone who was looking for a room share but it didn't work out in the end.


*looks for rental properties*


if only I could afford to buy =(

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Meh, I should be thinking about moving out at some point soon too but it's painful to even contemplate... not because I don't wanna go :heh: but more the financial implications and the amount of stress buying / renting a place brings about. :/


It's something that's gotta be done though at some point but whenever I think about it, it seems like a lot of hassle moving stuff etc... of course it's worth it but just hurts to even think about it right now.

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