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True, but God knows what his "mates" are like. Scrotes like that always come back with mates and even though I'm safely locked inside the place at night, my car isn't. Plus he seems to come in when I start my shift and the door is still open. It's not worth the hassle to be honest. Best to just keep him sweet and pray he doesn't kick up a stink. Might twat him one on my last night though for a laugh. "Hey, hows things?" *THWACK!*


With people like that, it's best to just nod and smile, and basically just try to keep them amused. They're the nutters and live-wires. Say one thing, and it'll start them off and you never know what could happen. You never know, he may find somewhere better to go, so you could end up seeing less and less of him. Well, if you're changing jobs, then you'll be seeing less and less of him anyway. Result!

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True, but God knows what his "mates" are like. Scrotes like that always come back with mates and even though I'm safely locked inside the place at night, my car isn't. Plus he seems to come in when I start my shift and the door is still open. It's not worth the hassle to be honest. Best to just keep him sweet and pray he doesn't kick up a stink. Might twat him one on my last night though for a laugh. "Hey, hows things?" *THWACK!*


A bit like this, would you say?:





I'd laugh, though.

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With people like that, it's best to just nod and smile, and basically just try to keep them amused. They're the nutters and live-wires. Say one thing, and it'll start them off and you never know what could happen. You never know, he may find somewhere better to go, so you could end up seeing less and less of him. Well, if you're changing jobs, then you'll be seeing less and less of him anyway. Result!


Yeah. Plus I'm a bit of a pansy, so I wouldn't start anything with him anyway. I had a customer directly having a go at me the other day and I just stayed friendly and called him a cunt as he walked off. The good thing is that I have to press a button to speak to people through the window, whereas I can hear them all the time so he didn't hear me, but I heard him call me an arsehole. It's great. He stormed off saying that he'll never shop there again. He came back a few weeks later. I served him with a smug smile. It was epic.


Edit: Exactly like that Villan. Surprise violence is the best.

Edited by Goafer
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Night shift in a petrol station. To be fair, those 2 people I mentioned are pretty much the only trouble I've had. Most people are friendly enough.


Ah ok cool. Yeh its good most people are good. Its funny you have regular customers at a petrol station. Kind of reminds me of Alan Partridge lol.

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Le sigh.


Turns out my cat has Leukemia :(


We can give him an injection that'll give him a boost for a month or two but after that it's not looking good. Poor old sod.


The vet didn't mention that he would be in pain though, so that's good. At least we can help him a little bit and make him comfortable for a while.


Sorry to hear about your cat Dan Dare. :(

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I don't understand myself sometimes, I woke up feeling fantastic, then half an hour later I then have sleep in my eyes etc. Strange body.


Up early to meet some interweb friends from another forum, met nearly all of them before, sound people, piercing then pub, woot.

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Yeah. Plus I'm a bit of a pansy, so I wouldn't start anything with him anyway. I had a customer directly having a go at me the other day and I just stayed friendly and called him a cunt as he walked off. The good thing is that I have to press a button to speak to people through the window, whereas I can hear them all the time so he didn't hear me, but I heard him call me an arsehole. It's great. He stormed off saying that he'll never shop there again. He came back a few weeks later. I served him with a smug smile. It was epic.


Edit: Exactly like that Villan. Surprise violence is the best.




PS Ask David Brent about Epic Theme Fest. I demand it.

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OMGSQUEALCUTEKAWAII! at Eenuh's kittens!


Man-hug to Dan Dare. Sorry to hear that, buddy. :( The cat we had before survived a tough disease in the nervous system, then had to be put down later because a silly little infection in the gums prevented it from eating. Really felt like fate's idea of dark, ironic humour.


Strange body.

Want me to take a look at it?

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I keep seeing those adverts and wonder if he actually uses it.

He probably owns the company! As annoying as those ads are, I'm very happy with £158. Also, I love being a woman with 5 years no claims bonus.


I'm having a bit of an admin day; sorting out finances, insurance, tax, job applications. Gonna need to get drunk later to make up for it!

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He probably owns the company! As annoying as those ads are, I'm very happy with £158. Also, I love being a woman with 5 years no claims bonus.


I'm having a bit of an admin day; sorting out finances, insurance, tax, job applications. Gonna need to get drunk later to make up for it!

I read that as "sorting out fiancées"! :laughing:

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He probably owns the company! As annoying as those ads are, I'm very happy with £158. Also, I love being a woman with 5 years no claims bonus.


I'm having a bit of an admin day; sorting out finances, insurance, tax, job applications. Gonna need to get drunk later to make up for it!

158 GBP? For the year? FFS.

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