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Things you take for granted


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I was having a chat with my mate the other day, we're both approaching 30 and we were talking about how much technology and life has changed in the last 10-15 years or so.


One example is, when I was at school and you wanted to ring your friends, you had to use their home phone. This was especially scary when you asked a girl for her phone number and you dreaded ringing just in case her overprotective dad answered!!


Mobile phones were not popular (they were still a yuppie thing) the internet did not exist, so no MSN etc. You had to go to the library for your research for your schoolwork, whereas nowadays, you can mostly use the web and if you were stuck on a game, you were buggered, unless your mate had already done it. I remember there was a section in a games magazine I used to buy and it was people listing the games they've finished so you could write to them asking for help, which I think I used once - snail mail of course!!


Yes, I'm probably sounding like somebody's parents ("we didn't have that in my day") which is pathetic cos I'm not that old, but my question is what things could you not do without in your life and what would you do if they were taken away from you?

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The internet has woven its way into my life in a massive way over the last 10 years. On a daily basis I will use it for finding events / transport times / news / music etc, etc.

Saying that I lived without it once.


I survive incredibly well without a mobile, My XDA Exec developed a problem a good few months ago and with it being the most advanced thing on the UK mobile market flat refused to use my upgrade (It would have been a downgrade otherwise if you see the logic), Since September last year I have had ppl whining at me to get a phone cos they couldnt get in touch with me so caved in last month and just bought one to put me on.

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Yes, I'm probably sounding like somebody's parents ("we didn't have that in my day") which is pathetic cos I'm not that old

Don't worry...I sound like that and I'm 18 (19 in a month):heh:


Kids take everything for granted and they're usually complete spoiled brats and ignorant "Berks", it seems to get especially bad if the kid was born in the middle '90s onwards tbh.



I actually feel like I take my girlfriend for granted when I'm with her sometimes:( In that I don't really give her enough of my attention n stuff.

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I think we all take some technology for granted. We look at movies of the 'future' and think the world will never end up like that. But if we showed people from 30 years ago our flatscreen monitors, iPhones and xbox 360s, lets face it, they'd be blown away. The mobile phone is an amazing achievement in itself, 450 years ago you'd be burned at the stake for having a small square that could talk with someone on the other side of the world.


The thing we all take for granted the most is our lives. We all assume we'll be alive in 10 years, 1 year, a week. When really you could die in a horrible accident later today.

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The thing we all take for granted the most is our lives. We all assume we'll be alive in 10 years, 1 year, a week. When really you could die in a horrible accident later today.


Agreed 100%.


Another thing I take for granted is my parents and all that they have done for me. All the hard work, paying for my (expensive) education, all the important advice they have given me. Sometimes I don't appreciate what they actually do for me but deep down, I am eternally grateful for everything....so that I could have a good life, a better life than what they had when growing up.

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My friends and family definately.


I get in little fights with my mum for example all the time but I know i'd be completely lost without. Tbh i'd probably miss the school bus if she didn't force me out the house quick enough lol.


I don't appreciate my friends enough, and I don't know what I'm going to do when we all go off to Uni. Argh i'm gonna miss em all so much.

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My health.


I can eat, smoke and drink things without ever taking into consideration how it will effect me in times to come.


I reflect on this because I was throwing up some awful substance this morning and I think I'm gonna check with the doctor to find out what the hell it was.

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My memory stick, what would I do without it. Slap in slap out, data carried around with me everywhere, without the fear of seeing the floppy disk in drive A is corrupted and needs formatting, with your only copy of your work that is due in tomorrow on it. Also being able to have firefox and c cleaner on the go makes life easy. Also my Mp3 player. At the time I said I didn't want one because I would have to listen to the same music over and over, and couldn't listen to something else if I got bored. (largest size at the time was about a gig) then the ipod came still stuck with my cd player hot swapping cd's. Eventually I gave in and got a mp3 player. And it was one of my best decision ever.

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It brings me the latest news,reviews and videos.

If there is anything i need to know i just use the Internet to get my answer. With wireless Internet it makes it even easier. As i only have a Wii upstairs if i want to find out something quick in the morning i just boot up my Wii and the Internet is right there. :D

If there was no Internet i woudldn't be posting on this forum...

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The life itself, like Shorty said. Every now and then there are these moments when I wonder how an earth can I move my feet or fingers without really even thinking about it or how can my brain handle millions of bits of information and search them in fraction of a second when needed.


Health is also kinda linked to this. It´s hard to appreciate how lucky you are when all is well, but after you get some disease like cancer you´d give almost anything away to get cured.


Of course there are tons and tons of other things (family, all the technology, nature etc..) too but those two popped into my mind when I read the title.

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I don't think that similie works in reverse. Does the grand canyon have an emotional range?


Wasn't that the point, i.e no emotional range? Like the qoute from harry potter, "Ron, you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon".


Or have I got the wrong end of the stick?

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yeh and as the grand canyon is huge i have a very large emmotional range?


i mean i can go from hyper to very quiet and kinda grumpy in the space of a second


it scames me


Maybe you're Bipolar. I know quite a few people that have it that range from extremely light to extremely serious.


Sounds more likely you're just a woman though, my girl does the same :heh:

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Ill probably agree with most of the above, plus: this country.


Loads says its shit. Some aspects of it are. But look at England/Britain and think - "would I rather be here or Romania/Russia/Malawi/Burkino Faso (etc)?"


I'll quote you for truth, I love living in England, there may be some bad points but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

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Aaah, the days before internet. I remember being amazed when I first got an email account. The dawn of cd's as well, I remember bugging my parents for ages to get a cd player, I mean unlike tapes you could actually skip tracks!


I think the thing everyone takes for granted the most though are people. People are incredible and are capable of creating some of the greatest moments in life through something as simple as a conversation. That's something technology, no matter how advanced, can replace.

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