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Mario Kart Wii

Zechs Merquise

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I'm gonna cheese you off even more dude it's now been despatched! : peace:


Yay , they have come through. Just been dispatched.


Will probably be here Friday , as I imagine it'll come by Royal Mail van and that usually adds an extra day around here for some reason. I may get lucky though.


Anyways , will be seeing all you lot on the racetrack soon. :)

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I just got the game (For the dutch: the mediamarkt has heaps for only 44 euros), played a cup and some online matches, and it rocks!


I only used the wheel controller so far, but i already like it alot. You do get paired with people using normal controllers, but so far they aren't doing that much better, and the people who use the wheel get a little wheel by their name, so with a win you can say: And i even used the wheel!!!...to the tv screen =p.


Items are quite powerful though, so i'm not seeing anything truly competetive coming out of this.


I also like how you can easily throw items backwards or forwards, by just pressing up or down.


My friend code: 0731-4857-2792


Let me know if you add me =D

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I've received a text from GAME this evening (16.44 to be exact) saying it will be available tomorrow.


How strange! I'm thinking something went wrong with their texting service!


I'm glad I'm not alone in receiving a text message about this!

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So Luma is playable, it's not just a Rosalina tag-along? Ah well, King Boo is my favourite MK-ist so I don't mind.


So when you play online you both know what each other is playing with?

he does nothing but follow you around your bike/kart.



Video of all the courses.


WiiNintendo's Review.


Mario Kart to me was perfected the very first time on the SNES. It has gone through 6 or so iterations and since the SNES version (which held its own for many years) I’d have to say that the N64 and the DS versions of the game nailed it. This is what makes Mario Kart Wii so good. It felt like the DS version on steroids, from the thumping nostalgic soundtrack, near perfect level design, to the online flawlessness.


The Mii integration was pretty smooth on Nintendo’s part. It was funny as hell to see my Hitler Mii try and run me over in a car and my Mitch Hedberg Mii on a poster in the Coconut Mall. From toll booth operators to a stadium of chanting Mii’s they sprinkled the Mii’s perfectly throughout the levels. This attention to detail is another example of how the “eye candy” in their level design is supreme. There are so many goodies all over the place (more than half I didn’t even notice the first time around).


I thought the graphics were good (not great), I was hoping to see a Mario Galaxy polish to the characters. You’ll see the polygon count come through on a few things, you’ll see hard edges where wall meets ground, and you’ll see low textures on certain materials, but the atmospheric feeling you get leaves those high detailed complaints behind. I first noticed how rich and detailed the game was during Wario’s Gold Mine level, just looking into the distance and beneath you made you feel deeply engaged. The pipes in particular were really nice. It’s also great to see that they didn’t skimp on the draw distance. You can clearly see background elements far off into the distant and when they’re not clear the blur effect works great. Don’t get me wrong about the graphics they’re great, I’m just holding them up to Mario Galaxy. It’s also worth pointing out that it runs in full 16×9 and a steady 60fps (as far as my eye can tell).


Regarding the gameplay, I mentioned before that for the experienced/returning user, the Nunchuk/Wiimote will be the setup. I liked the wheel and it worked great, I just think it will take me a lot more practice to compete online with it or in the 150cc Lightning Cup. It’s also nice that you’re score/time/records will indicate when you use the wheel (sort of like SSBB). You also have an option to use the GC controller. It took me a few races to find the kart I wanted. I experimented with some motorcycles, but found their handling was too tight for me, I keep going into a drift too early and hitting a wall. I then went with what I think is the equivalent to the Yoshi egg kart in the DS version, which was Yoshi’s nostalgia 1 kart. I think it’s great for beginners and advanced users. I thought I may want a kart with a higher speed, but if your in the front you get bombarded by items (blue shells, red shells, lightning bolts, etc…) and I found that having a kart with good acceleration was more useful for me.


I’m sure you’ve heard that they removed “snaking” from the game this time around. “Snaking” was in the DS version and allowed you to drift back and forth while moving your finger quickly on the D-Pad left and right. Even though it’s gone, there were a few places where I managed to do mini snaking. I’m sure with more practice I’ll be able to control my drifts/boosts better and I’m positive some kid online will already have this perfected when you race him and you’ll wonder why his/her kart hops around erratically while moving twice as fast as you. During my night of playing I found some short cuts (some known, some not). You’ll see a perfectly timed jump during the Rainbow Road where I clear a gap. It was on accident, but I’m sure more shortcuts will be found and taken advantage of. Like any MK game, once you get more familiar with the course the more you’ll be able to find shortcuts and now when to start drifting.

The game is setup much like the DS version as far as getting a grade A-F or a star for supreme driving. Getting Gold cups will open unlockables like new karts, characters, and levels. Keep in mind that you don’t have immediate access to the Star Cup, Special Cup, Leaf Cup, and Lightning Cup (as seen in the video). I believe just placing in one of the other cups unlocks them.


I’m going to leave my impressions/review of the other parts of the game: Nintendo WFC, Battle Mode for later. I want to play a little more first to see how it holds up. Real quick though, the Battle Levels are really fun, I played 3 of them and was extremely impressed with the level designs on them. They also have 8 or so old school levels.


I know I missed a bunch, I’ll probably add to this as I think of things, but feel free to ask questions. I really think Nintendo nailed this version of Mario Kart. They took what worked and ran with it. Only complaints were that at times it felt that your kart could be quicker, even at 150cc it seemed sort of slow paced. The other would be the rendering of the characters, I think a little more detail would have really made this game unbeatable. I’m going out on a limb now and saying this is the best Mario Kart to date. Buy this game.

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My copy was sent today. I'm a bit excited for it.



I never knew you were getting it Stef, good stuff! I have to go pick my copy up on friday morning from my local woolworths ( didnt preorder it in time from Game ) so I should be joining you guys for some online, shell throwing action come the weekend.

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Getting my two copies from my independat retailer today ^^ (one for me and one for my brother) they are only getting 10 in (they ordered 60) but I'm still getting mine it seems as my name was on the list before they ran out of places to allocate.

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