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Great little cartoon there, made me chuckle.


Moving back onto the subject. I believe that any couple be it straight or gay are entitled to adopt a child. Just because they are gay doesn't take away the fact or something that they can bring up a child as their own. People who say they can;t bring up a child are discriminating them in my opinion.

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I used to play with both boys and girls toys.


I loved Beast Wars and Transformers and Barbies and Playmobil and Lego.



And skipping. I used to play skipping with all the girls at primary school. I was really good at backwards cross-overs (which no-one else could do) and the long group skip, where everyone runs in and out at appropriate moments.

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And skipping. I used to play skipping with all the girls at primary school. I was really good at backwards cross-overs (which no-one else could do) and the long group skip, where everyone runs in and out at appropriate moments.


And in this respect, you are more a girl than I will ever be!

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I used to do the skipping thing, though everyone at my primary school did whether they were a girl or a boy.


I don't think I ever had action figures etc when younger and the only time I remember playing with a girls thing was when I discovered one of my sisters ones could swim...so I drowned it. :p

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And skipping. I used to play skipping with all the girls at primary school. I was really good at backwards cross-overs (which no-one else could do) and the long group skip, where everyone runs in and out at appropriate moments.


Skipping was great, if only because you got to see girls knickers when they jumped. Good times. Mixed stuck in the mud was also a good one. Shameful isnt it, but ah well.

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I have a feeling Dannyboy wants to play with dolls and stuff but is annoyed his friends won't like it...

Why won't people accept me for who I am? ToT


Seriously, though, that's a lot of prejudice against furries. My impression was that they simply liked to roleplay with these animal personalities, "fursonas". Why do people always think it has to do with sexual and alternative fetishes?

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I remember I had Barbies for a while, and probably liked them equally to my comic action figure and action men collection. By Primary 1 I had grown out of them naturally. And I still love comic book stuff, and liked action figures for a long while after, maybe until 12-13...now not so much, but that's cause I don't "play".


Love love love Marvel/DC all that shiz.

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Me and my sisters only had two Barbie dolls (one with an ice skating outfit and one with some spray bottle that would turn her hair pink) and then one Little Mermaid Barbie.

We once beheaded one of the Barbies and switched her head with a smaller doll's head. And we cut off her hair and coloured her scalp with felt tip pens. She looked so awesome afterwards. =P


We preferred to play with things like remote controlled cars (with or without the tracks), lego and K'nex (though that was more my kind of thing). And we played hockey on the streets with our three male cousins, wearing our inline skates. Many bruises were had, but it was all great fun. =)

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We used to play a more barbaric version of skipping where you had to run through the rope from one side to the other before you got hit by it. The rope swingers used to just speed it up so you found yourself either jumping for a bit or diving for safety - usually resulting in getting nailed in the face.


I think it got banned in the end - some girl got tripped mid-jump and feel on her face. Think she lost some teeth too.

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Saw my mate in year six catch his feet on the rope and smash his front tooth. The whole of it is pretty much fake now. Looks a little odd but not too bad I guess considering the state it was in.


That sent shivers down my back, and made me feel really...ew. Anything to do with teeth hitting something makes me squirm beyond belief.

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That sent shivers down my back, and my me feel really...ew. Anything to do with teeth hitting something makes me squirm beyond belief.


Then you'll hate this next story...


You know when teachers shout "Don't swing back on your hair you'll hurt yourself" everyone laughs and the child being reprimanded sits it back on all four legs before casually lifting it up again into its state of unrest?


One time in my primary school this kid in the lunch hall was leaning back on the chair but slipped and fell face flat on the table on front and her top teeth went through her bottem lip. It was horrible. :(

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