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But in Molly's question it was sex or the game, not a blowjob or game, nor vibrator or game. :awesome:


I'm just trying to be realistic, ya know? There's all kinds of balance issues, hand eye coordination...It's a complicated thing. I reckon I'm a man of fair compromise :heh:

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Little scenario for you to ponder...


You're sat playing the best computer game ever, absolutely loving it; in the middle of a really important bit. Then your partner comes over with some cheeky seduction methods.


Would you choose the game or sex? There is no pause button.


Gotta see to the ol' lady first - priorities goddamit, priorities.


Also, from the previous article -

Now, let me confess that this is not the first time that I've used a game component to, er, stimulate myself physically. Ever since they invented the whole rumble pack/vibrating technology in controllers, it's been on my mind, and sometimes in my practice (fellow game girls, you know what I'm talking about). The thing is, though, it's often frustrating since the vibrations are not nice and steady, but sporadic. Also I found it's tough to actually play the game and use the controller in nasty ways at the same time. I did discover that Halo was a pretty good game for this (although for not much else), because as the gunner in the Warthog, you have unlimited ammo and you can just park yourself somewhere and rat-tat-tat to your heart's content.


... Ew? As much as that last sentence is the best thing I have ever read, I'm not sure exactly how surprised I should be of this paragraph. Any resident girl gamers wanna shed some light on this one way or the other? :heh:

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See, I was all poised to say sex, but then I thought of an actual scenario. Rock Band 2, Endless Setlist. You've got 975 out of 1000G and you want to complete the game fully by getting every last achievement. One of the achievements in the game requires you to play the Endless Setlist without failing or pausing, else you don't get the 25G achievement for it.


The Endless Setlist is about 7 hours of game playing, and without pausing or failing, that's all in one go. WHAT DO YOU DOOOO T_T

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I didn't answer my own question; it would be the default option of sex for me, but then I doubt that situation would ever arise to be fair!

... Ew? As much as that last sentence is the best thing I have ever read, I'm not sure exactly how surprised I should be of this paragraph. Any resident girl gamers wanna shed some light on this one way or the other? :heh:

Haha, I don't consider myself a gamer, so I'll leave that question to someone else! :heh:

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I can't say it's entered my head to use a controller as a vibrator (I'm speaking 100% truthfully hear), but I can understand what Molly means, there isn't much vibrating in any games for it to be class as such!


Just get yourself to ann summers already Molly, muchos better.

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Couldnt she just attach something to the controller sticking down instead. Then you can play as normal and get the, erm, good vibrations without awkwardly trying to position while playing. Very bizarre.


I can see why some people would like it though. Getting off on killing people in a game or something, i dunno. There are weirder fetishes out there.


As for the sex or games question, the lady always comes first. Choosing the game would only buy you a night in the dog house anyway so its not worth it.

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I can't say it's entered my head to use a controller as a vibrator (I'm speaking 100% truthfully hear), but I can understand what Molly means, there isn't much vibrating in any games for it to be class as such!


Just get yourself to ann summers already Molly, muchos better.


Lol.....I don't know what to say. Think you've misunderstood a bit.

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I can't say it's entered my head to use a controller as a vibrator (I'm speaking 100% truthfully hear), but I can understand what Molly means, there isn't much vibrating in any games for it to be class as such!

What I meant was that I don't 'game' (apart from wii sometimes) so I wouldn't know about the various vibrations! Anyway, moving on lol.

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I can't say it's entered my head to use a controller as a vibrator (I'm speaking 100% truthfully hear), but I can understand what Molly means, there isn't much vibrating in any games for it to be class as such!


PGR3/4 on the 360, face a wall/hold the handbrake, and squeeze the shit out of the gas...

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One of the Top community games on XBLA at the moment is called 'Rumble Massage'


You can choose a setting for vibration, from lowest to highest, and it just makes the controller vibrate until you turn it off!

Its obviously not aimed for actual massages..

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