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Here's a deal: You go as Leia, I'll come as Luke, and we can sip cocktails and moan about how we never get to see Dad/Vader enough at Christmas, and how Mum never being there really messed us up. It could be like a non-canon insight into the social issues presented in Star Wars.


Oh I really want to go on the meet, damn me being broke and lazy.


And then you'd kiss?



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Never had much body hair, and i'm gonna say nay on it too.



I got this fella that keeps making annoying sex references all the time. Like if I say I'm going to go take a shower, he says "I wish I was there", or if i say i did 50 push ups he'd be like " I wish I was under you," About anything really, and he's made it very vocal that he likes me and I have made it quite clear that I don't like him, but he keeps doing it. It's really annoying.


That really is quite funny :P

The same sort of thing happened to me with this guy, he really liked me and also kept saying over the top and out of order things. That wasn't because I was hot though, more because he was weird and desperate. Anyway, I found that telling him straight didn't work, so I full on ignored him and he got the message. It's pretty harsh really and I felt quite bad but sometimes its for the best.

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Here's a deal: You go as Leia, I'll come as Luke, and we can sip cocktails and moan about how we never get to see Dad/Vader enough at Christmas, and how Mum never being there really messed us up. It could be like a non-canon insight into the social issues presented in Star Wars.


Oh I really want to go on the meet, damn me being broke and lazy.

That sounds delightful. Don't worry though, I won't be going to this meet either. Next Summer, it's a non-date. :p

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The Adam Lambert kissing thing has caused a big controversy over in America (God knows why). CBS have made their position pretty damn clear. It's perfectly acceptable for women to share a kiss on tv, but two men? Ew.


They aired a clip showing the "controversial" (Eurgh. I'm so bored of it still being considered taboo. Get over it already people) kiss between Lambert and his keyboard player during a performance and made sure it was completely blurred out. Yet seconds later they showed a totally unedited clip of Madonna kissing both Aguilera and Britney.


I'm yet to understand this double standard. Anyone care to explain?

Edited by Slaggis
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I did a psychological experiment the other day and they asked for my sexuality and one of the options was:


I am predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual


What does that mean?


Does it mean I'll hug a man on the sofa while watching Deseperate housewives* but draw the line at having a penis put up my bum? :p



*I realise this is a highly stereotypical view.


There were many more options that I didn't even realise existed. I went with straight and got the hell out of there I was already being turned on by moving dots!

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