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Agree with most here, except for Caris' 'comment', Simpsons is no where near as good as it was 5+ years ago. Don't bother watching much anymore and definately not looking forward to the film. The trailer just wasn't funny.


Totally agreed. The film will be shit i'm just guessing but it looks it so far

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I think most people would find it hard to say that the Simpsons is as good now as it was 5-10 years ago.


You know the series just isn't firing anymore when the summary for the 300th episode is: "Chaos fills Springfield after Homer spills coffee on Kent Brockman's lap" - LOL (and not in the good LOL way)

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24 minutes was o.k, nothing special. South Park's attempt was superior.


You Kent Always Say What You Want, however, was quite excellent. Solid plot (from South Park again lol) decent jokes and an overall feeling of an old episode. Best of the Season probably.


My Season Order



Haven't seen all of 14 and 16.

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Homers Enemy

The Springfield Files

The Homer They Fall


are 3 episodes which prove that the simpsons was once a genius show, all 3 of them episodes are wet your pants funny and so clever in there scripting... if u dont remember any of them, then do a google search or buy the boxset just to see them...


but just the fact that the team is capable of making episodes like this, leaves me with hope that the team can forget the recent garbage and make the film go back to the good old times...


I don't rememeber them by name but i'm guesing the first is the frank grimes one(excellent) and the second is the X-files one(Even better)


You are right and great choice of episodes.

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Simpsons movie RUINED!


"Green Day's version of The Simpsons theme, which will come out on July 24, three days before the movie opens on July 27. Green Day also appears in the movie."


Source: http://www.tvsquad.com/2007/05/31/green-day-will-perform-simpsons-theme-for-movie-soundtrack/


Well, not ruined, but I wanted to be dramatic. Still, its rubbish.

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greenday drown in the movie as far as I know? So not so bad after all. :grin::D



But i really do think it looks like it could be great. Old writers back, what looks like a plot full of total randomness. (moon landings, a naked bart, a pig, missles being fired from across america and greenday drowing.)


I think (hope) it will turn out good at least. I can't wait for the movie, one of my most anticipated of the summer. (others are transformers, harry potter, shrek the third).

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  • 7 years later...

Couch Gag from "Clown In The Dumps" | THE SIMPSONS | ANIMATION on FOX


&ap=%%2526fmt%%3D22&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="615" height="360">



Weird but still funny.

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Well, that was a nice bump there.


Sticking on topic, the Family Guy/Simpsons cross over episode. Thoughts? (i say thoughts, it's not aired in the UK yet and won't be for a while, but the trailer was out ages ago).


And i've also heard rumours of a Simpsons/Futurama cross over as well.

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Well, that was a nice bump there.


Sticking on topic, the Family Guy/Simpsons cross over episode. Thoughts? (i say thoughts, it's not aired in the UK yet and won't be for a while, but the trailer was out ages ago).


And i've also heard rumours of a Simpsons/Futurama cross over as well.


I haven't seen the full episode, only a couple of clips and of what I seen I thought it was very funny.


Isn't Futurama dead? I know the same crowd do both, well same creator at least so it would be easier logistically.

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That was crazy reading through the first page, I can't believe The Simpsons Movie was that long ago! Then I remembered how much I was looking forward to it cause it came out just a few days after I'd finished year 11. Crazy.


Anyway, cool intro yeah. And I haven't watched the entire Family Guy/Simpsons episode but I really want to. I saw four clips and three were really good, whilst one reminded me why I don't watch Famiy Guy anymore (scene consisted of Homer and Peter drinking petrol, I can't remember why)

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The crossover episode was decent. First half was good, but the "chicken fight" was mostly boring and way too long (although they did reference one of the best Simpsons moments in it).


Reminded me of why I used to watch each show, while at the same time reminding me of why I no longer watch them.

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  • 7 months later...

Heard the other day they've renewed the Simpsons for series 27 and 28, taking the number of episodes up to over 600.


But they'll be without Harry Shearer.




So that means no Mr Burns, Principal Skinner, Ned Flanders, Jasper, Rev Lovejoy, Dr Hibbert and many more. I've been saying it for years...just let it die!!!

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It might not be as good as it was but its still better than most television these days, so i don't feel it has to stop


That said...effectively a 1/3 of the cast leaves with Shearer...how can they continue? i suspect mega bucks will be offered and he'll be back

cynically i believe thats already happened and this is PR

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Will they really axe the characters or try to sub in a similar voice if they can find it?


Tbh I'm amazed anyone still really cares about the Simpsons, other than catching a bit of it on C4 on occasion I haven't cared for it for years, and I've probably not even seen half of episodes either. It was good in its time but I don't particularly feel it anymore now, just a bit of background noise really.

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I have it on in the background now and then and I still laugh at the classic episodes. The newer stuff is pure garbage though.


For me, Family Guy was better than the newer Simpson stuff and then when that got a bit rubbish American Dad was there to save the day. Roger is hands down one of the funniest and best characters I have seen in any series. I love him. :D

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I've been a fan for more years than I can remember, probably when it first started airing here. I do agree that the latest ones are not as great as the older ones but they still give me a laugh.

I don't see how it can really go on without Harry Shearer as he did so many voices which you can't replace. Maybe they should wrap it all up with one last film.

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