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Jim's (Flink) Last Post


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Ashley is one of the best Admins we have and without him this forum would not be running half as smoothly as it is.


And this thread is no place to be talking about such things, we've lost not just a valued Admin/Member but for many of us a friend. And you try to drag it down like that?

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Seeya Jim. I hope you make it out of this period pretty soon and start to feel your old self again.


Hope to hear from you soon! :)



Ashley is one of the best Admins we have and without him this forum would not be running half as smoothly as it is.


And this thread is no place to be talking about such things, we've lost not just a valued Admin/Member but for many of us a friend. And you try to drag it down like that?


Yeah, just like to echo this point. Nothing would get done board wise without Ashley.. he's probably the only one who can update the board with new things :heh:


Piss off trying to create an arguement. Actually, can an admin just delete the posts he's made.. I hate to see a heartfelt thread ruined.

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I have expressed my feelings in the staff thread that I hope he has seen. Gonna miss ya Jim. Take it easy my friend.


I echo my fellow staff and what they are saying about your comments ZeldaFreak. Not the time or place for your comments and to question Ashley as an Admin is ridiculous.


We have a good team of Admins who work very well together and have done for years. It's a massive shame that we have lost The Flinkington as he did a lot of hard work keeping this place running.


However I created all the boards here after the move, do people forget that? :weep::heh:

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Well we all loved you really. You seemed like the perfect member. Funny but in a good way. Great posts which earned you respect and you never lost your cool with any member.

We never really got to know each other but i think i have a good idea what kind of person you are so good luck with life. Hope this year goes better than last and do come back eventually:)

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Fierce_Link, I only really know you as the admin of N-Europe, so I don't know you personally.


But I have seen the massive contribution you've made to this place, and I can see how highly people value you here.


Your friends are there for you, Flinky, and you'll never be alone. Whatever you need to do to pull through this, I hope you can do. I have a very close friend who is also going through a really rough time, so I can understand the kind of pain that you must be going through.


Good luck, Fierce_Link, and I hope we'll see you around again sometime in the future. And thanks for everything you did for N-Europe. :)

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Can't believe I only just saw this.


Farewell Flink, even though I don't know you personally, I still feel for you man. Hope all goes well and you grace us in the future with your presence once more. You are an N-Europe legend.

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Only noticed this thread now


I won't say anything that wasn't said on this thread before, but it's coming from someone who doesn't frequent that much of the general and news forum so...


I'd like to say here that, I too, will miss Fierce_LiNk, who was someone whom I saw as something close to the spirit of these boards; hence one of the main reasons I like it here, someone I saw as a great forum member more than a admin, and above all a great person who acted like a pacifist and was equally nice to everyone.


So long Fierce_LiNk, I hope you return someday, and good luck with things.

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There isn't much I can say, but I hope this helps. I've always found something in it when all around is turning to crap.




Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.


In the fell clutch of Circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of Chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.


Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.


It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.

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Never spoke to you much flink, never really talk to anybody really here but I always enjoyed reading your posts during my time as a lurker.



Hope things start looking up for you, life is random you may find yourself living it up one day and in a pit the next, I know I've been in my fair share of pits.

Here's to hoping lady lucks swings your way man. Peace out.

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