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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. I only have three retail games installed, but I have a fair amount of PSN and PSP games as well, and I'm sure PS+ will cause my memory card to fill up eventually. That's a long way off, though. I don't really mind deleting games on my PS3, but for some reason I want as much of my gaming library available at all times on handhelds. I guess it's the whole pick-up-and-play thing.
  2. "We finally figured out a way to make paintball cool again." Nope! Terrible finale.
  3. He got a 16 GB one. I'm actually really pleased that I got a 32 GB memory card in retrospect, but paying £80 for it at the time was not a pleasant experience.
  4. It's all I ask.
  5. Judging by the amount of people discussing this game now that it's out, I expect you'd be pretty lonely in the other thread, to be fair. I think the best solution would probably be to just have one official thread for both games. Either give this one a name change or start a new one with a better opening post.
  6. The possibility of ending up in that situation was exactly why I ordered everything from the same website when I got my Vita, even though it meant I had to get a 32 GB memory card. Of course, it just meant everything got delayed instead. "Delivery before Christmas guaranteed" my butt.
  7. Daft's horribly anticlimactic ending to his story is my bad stuff of the day.
  8. We really need a separate thread for Break Record (for the four people who are interested in it). I thought you'd bumped up the thread because the patch was out. :p Though I'm actually kind of glad it's not out yet, as I'm just about to start Ni No Kuni.
  9. Nah, Ellmeister just looks like a duck.
  10. Why would you put banana peels in front of your bed? That's an accident waiting to happen.
  11. When you're as good at your job as Daft is, you're allowed to be a bit of a diva. Was really hoping to find out what his boss had to say today, though. :p
  12. I don't know why anyone felt bad for Barney when Future Ted has already confirmed that the wedding is definitely happening soon.
  13. You'd "cow" her "bunga dude"? Keep working on your dirty talk, Retro.
  14. Because Supergrunch sucks. But then, so does Supergruch. Really, the whole Supergru- family is awful.
  15. Supergruch ignored me last night, so he can drop dead for all I care.
  16. Ugh, fine. I guess I'll play Ni No Kuni. Really glad I haven't bought it yet. I'm also really pleased we're getting the ICO/Shadow of the Colossus collection next month. I've never played ICO and I've been meaning to replay Shadow of the Colossus for ages. This makes up for this month. I bought Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One for £35 at launch, never played it, and a year later they gave it away for free. And I held off on buying The Unfinished Swan for months, only to end up buying it a week before it was 50% off. Everything should stay the same price forever. It's the only fair way.
  17. Or just don't give Platty your phone number.
  18. What team does your baby monkey support?
  19. Okay, I can't be the only one who thinks that sounds like a porno.
  20. Maybe the entire final season will be the wedding! Every episode could be twenty minutes of the wedding day. Ugh, I really wish this was the final season.
  21. I can't even remember the story, so maybe it was amazing and I just have amnesia.
  22. Virtue's Last Reward.
  23. You shouldn't play InFamous for the story, anyway. The story is boring. Play it for the amazing gameplay!
  24. That's because you're an idiot, Bob. And possibly also because it's not a real word.
  25. It is 'Benjamins'. That's what makes it so funny. Well, I thought it was funny, anyway.
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