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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Nah, you'll just play Halo 4 all day instead. :p
  2. Nice save, Serebii.
  3. Well, now I just feel more lost.
  4. My favorite local games journalist reviewed this today and gave it 3/5. She kept referring to it as Luigis Manson 2.
  5. Oh my God massive spoilers. I feel so lost in this thread.
  6. I can't believe you spoiled the Doctor Who/Zelda crossover, Retro.
  7. Teach her how to play Taiko: Drum Master.
  8. There's nothing kind about the puzzles.
  10. I hope the announcement of a PAL release for this means we won't have to wait too long after the US release to get it. Now, not to sound greedy or anything, but I'm still waiting for a Soul Hackers announcement, Nintendo. :p
  11. Oh, to see the world through Serebii's eyes.
  12. Maybe that's why Dr4khon was on for about two minutes last night, too. Or maybe he left when he saw Supergrunch and me discuss vaginas.
  13. I was talking about the fact that every single thing in the video (save for the giant mushroom giant egg) already appeared in the original game. Seriously, I'm starting to think you're just trolling at this point.
  14. That new Yoshi's Island game looks so much like a remake it's not even funny. I hope the giant mushroom giant egg isn't an indication of the kind of innovations we can expect from it.
  15. You can't spell Silent Assassin without 'ass', is all I have to say on that subject.
  16. It's kind of weird how they're specifically making this a sequel to A Link to the Past when all the Zelda games are already so similar. I guess they want to cash in on people's nostalgia as usual. :p I hope this is the same size and has the same amount of exploration as the old 2D games. As much as I liked the DS games, I really missed having a proper overworld. Edit: Oh, it has the same overworld as A Link to the Past? I guess this started out as a remake, then.
  17. Hitman: Absolution has some okay-ish levels that are nowhere near as good as the majority of levels in Blood Money.
  18. Disappointing month (for me). I absolutely (teehee) hated Hitman: Absolution, and I already played Catherine nearly two years ago. Nothing else really appeals to me. *Goes back to Guacamelee*
  19. Well, if you didn't buy him a Vita, there's the issue.
  20. I've never heard of this before. Maybe you were drooling?
  21. The European demo is out tomorrow, so just download that? The only thing that matters is the account you're using, so if you're on a US account, you can download and play the US demo.
  22. Thanks for the warning - I'll make sure to avoid it from now on.

  23. Come on, ReZ. If anyone's coaster crazy, it's you. Deluxe.
  24. I was expecting a port of some iOS game that was all about coasters somehow. Like, "your friends are drinking beer and you have a brand new coffee table! Put down coasters before it's too late in this exciting port of the 2011 iOS classic!" The actual game looks mildly more interesting, but building roller coasters without an amusement park seems kind of... empty?
  25. Explain why you don't just see this as a bland Portal copy.
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