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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Hahaha. I assume this is a brilliant attempt at showing that while it's okay to hold stupid opinions, maybe sometimes you shouldn't voice them.
  2. Luckily for him, he'll have more time for Nazi salutes now.
  3. I always read the posts, too. Nothing like schadenfreude to make you feel better about yourself.
  4. The way you talk about the story in Ocarina of Time makes the sequence of events sound so absolute - like Zelda gets captured because she just wasn't a good enough fighter, and not because Nintendo wrote the story that way.
  5. I don't really know how football works. I assume the logic is that he's representing them when he's playing football or something.
  6. This is the face I'm imagining you making as you read that article: I'd be mad too if someone killed my pal.
  7. I'd tell you it's a Team Rocket reference, but at this point I'm not sure if that's going to tell you anything.
  8. You're really showing your age there, Dog-amoto.
  9. People have a right to hold any opinions they like, but likewise, employers have a right to expect a certain conduct.
  10. I think they should fry his brain until he loses his memory and make him believe that he's living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where everyone is out to kill him, and after he's spent the entire day fearing for his life, they should tell him about all the horrible things he's done and parade him through the streets so people can throw things at him before frying his brain again so the whole thing can start over the next day.
  11. That can't be a screenshot from the new Mighty Switch Force. That baby isn't nearly sexy enough.
  12. This being the Wii U, a port of the original Fallout is probably more likely.
  13. Games can't even prominently feature a girl/woman on the cover without it negatively affecting sales, so apparently this is a huge deal to quite a few people. It boggles the mind.
  14. I had no idea you were behind The Elder Scrolls and Knights of the Old Republic.
  15. Nobody's saying that Nintendo are twirling their metaphorical mustaches while thinking of ways to oppress women any more than they're saying that TV shows that star nothing but straight white people are being intentionally racist and homophobic.
  16. Fine. It's the best piece of rope with a gold-plated anchor in the world.
  17. I don't think you'd be able to transfer the game from your American account (on your PS3) to your European account (on your Vita), so I think that's out. I suppose remote play might work, though. Otherwise switching to a different account isn't that much trouble, assuming you're fine with not having access to any of your other games while you're playing Chrono Cross. Just make sure to back up any saves you might have.
  18. None? It's just a piece of rope with a gold-plated anchor. Unless you meant to tag Raining. :p
  20. Eating is pretty boring, but it's the perfect thing to do while you're watching television. Then it's like, "I'm doing two things at once! I'm so efficient!"
  21. Honestly, Nightwolf, don't you and Dr4hkon look enough alike as it is without the two of you dressing the same, too? :p
  22. Is the public holiday the day after Saint Patrick's Day because everyone's going to be hungover?
  23. Haha, the MacGuffin Neurological Institute. Also: Star Fox shirt!
  24. It doesn't look like they used a papercraft-esque look for the models so much as they went with low-polygon models for some reason. The in-game models end up looking a lot smoother thanks to the bloom and shading, but it just looks weird in real life.
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